Mr Masterson's 6th Class 2021/22
4th Class - 2019/20
June 15th - 30th: click here for a message and activity ideas.
Learning at Home page here
[email protected]
June 15th - 30th
Good news!! For the next two weeks our school is asking you to engage with some fun activities (see link above). This will give you all a well deserved break from book and written work! You have done so well in adapting to our new reality and learning at home. If any of you would like to continue with more structured work, please get in touch and I will facilitate this. Well done to everyone who got involved in health and wellbeing week. I hope you enjoy the content over the next two weeks and I will be in touch at a later date!
Stay safe and take care,
Ms Goodwin
Good news!! For the next two weeks our school is asking you to engage with some fun activities (see link above). This will give you all a well deserved break from book and written work! You have done so well in adapting to our new reality and learning at home. If any of you would like to continue with more structured work, please get in touch and I will facilitate this. Well done to everyone who got involved in health and wellbeing week. I hope you enjoy the content over the next two weeks and I will be in touch at a later date!
Stay safe and take care,
Ms Goodwin
Some fantastic work being sent on to me this week. Take a look below to see what everyone has gotten up to! Follow the link underneath to see Sean's project on the Vikings! Well done to all those who are working hard at home. Keep it up!

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Please see this week's work content below. It is lovely to see so many of you engaging with the content and trying your best. Make sure to take the bank holiday off and enjoy the sunshine!
This week, we will practice explanation writing. If we ask a question and need to find an explanation for something we look it up in a dictionary, an encyclopedia, factual books or the Internet. Follow this link to read up on sample explanations at
Here are some tips in how to structure your explanation writing:
Please see this week's work content below. It is lovely to see so many of you engaging with the content and trying your best. Make sure to take the bank holiday off and enjoy the sunshine!
This week, we will practice explanation writing. If we ask a question and need to find an explanation for something we look it up in a dictionary, an encyclopedia, factual books or the Internet. Follow this link to read up on sample explanations at
Here are some tips in how to structure your explanation writing:

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Consider the following scientific questions:
-Who invented electricity?
-Why does pepper make you sneeze?
-Why do cats purr?
-Why do many products in shops have barcodes?
-What is the fastest land animal?
-Why do astronauts float in space?
-Why does chopping an onion make you cry?
-Why is the ocean blue?
-Why does it rain?
-What is the largest flower in the world?
Choose one of these questions (or one of your own) and write an explanation for it.
Remember, explanations are factual and should not contain your own opinion or thoughts!
Continue with the next unit of spellbound. Practice commonly misspelled word by completing a selection of the following worksheets, orally or in written form.
-Who invented electricity?
-Why does pepper make you sneeze?
-Why do cats purr?
-Why do many products in shops have barcodes?
-What is the fastest land animal?
-Why do astronauts float in space?
-Why does chopping an onion make you cry?
-Why is the ocean blue?
-Why does it rain?
-What is the largest flower in the world?
Choose one of these questions (or one of your own) and write an explanation for it.
Remember, explanations are factual and should not contain your own opinion or thoughts!
Continue with the next unit of spellbound. Practice commonly misspelled word by completing a selection of the following worksheets, orally or in written form.

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Continue to read your chosen book and complete your log. Read a selection of explanations in preparation for your writing task at the link in the writing section. Scan through the explanation for important information and summarise it by writing the three most important points of the text.
This week, we will study irregular verbs in the past tense (what you did YESTERDAY). Have an adult read through the list of verbs below and see if you know the past tense of each. You can write them or call them out orally. If there are any verbs you don’t know, make a note of them and try to remember them next time!
Continue to read your chosen book and complete your log. Read a selection of explanations in preparation for your writing task at the link in the writing section. Scan through the explanation for important information and summarise it by writing the three most important points of the text.
This week, we will study irregular verbs in the past tense (what you did YESTERDAY). Have an adult read through the list of verbs below and see if you know the past tense of each. You can write them or call them out orally. If there are any verbs you don’t know, make a note of them and try to remember them next time!

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Let’s transfer the skills we have learned in English to Irish and focus on the past tense (Aimsir Caite – what you did YESTERDAY). Study the rules at the back of your notebook and take a look at the list of 11 irregular verbs that don’t follow the rules. Try to complete this worksheet without looking at your notebook. Check to see how you get on!
Let’s transfer the skills we have learned in English to Irish and focus on the past tense (Aimsir Caite – what you did YESTERDAY). Study the rules at the back of your notebook and take a look at the list of 11 irregular verbs that don’t follow the rules. Try to complete this worksheet without looking at your notebook. Check to see how you get on!
This week we will study money as it will give us a chance to use all our knowledge of decimals! Here are the most important things to know:
-100c is the same as €1
-When writing money in decimal form, the number before the point tells you how many euros you have, after the point tells you how many cent e.g. 1.38 (1 euro, 38 cent)
-When adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing money, make sure to line up the decimal points and numbers like we learned last week.
Monday: Bank holiday – take a rest!
Tuesday: Page 66
Wednesday: Page 67
Thursday: Page 68
Friday: Page 69
Just complete a selection for practice, no need to do every sum on each page.
After doing some research about the Vikings last week, take a look at the following links to learn a little more.
This week we will study money as it will give us a chance to use all our knowledge of decimals! Here are the most important things to know:
-100c is the same as €1
-When writing money in decimal form, the number before the point tells you how many euros you have, after the point tells you how many cent e.g. 1.38 (1 euro, 38 cent)
-When adding/subtracting/multiplying/dividing money, make sure to line up the decimal points and numbers like we learned last week.
Monday: Bank holiday – take a rest!
Tuesday: Page 66
Wednesday: Page 67
Thursday: Page 68
Friday: Page 69
Just complete a selection for practice, no need to do every sum on each page.
After doing some research about the Vikings last week, take a look at the following links to learn a little more.

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Now see if you can answer the following questions:
-How did the Vikings get their food? Why?
-How did the Vikings keep their food fresh?
-What did the Vikings drink?
-What did the Vikings use to eat and drink?
-What were Vikings houses made of?
-Describe what Vikings wore.
-What jobs did the Vikings have?
Have some fun and try out some more home experiments! Click on the link below
-How did the Vikings get their food? Why?
-How did the Vikings keep their food fresh?
-What did the Vikings drink?
-What did the Vikings use to eat and drink?
-What were Vikings houses made of?
-Describe what Vikings wore.
-What jobs did the Vikings have?
Have some fun and try out some more home experiments! Click on the link below

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Get outside and try some of these exercises in your back garden!

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Hello again! I have been sent lots of fantastic work which I will upload in the coming days. Keep it up! Take a look below for content for this week. If you have any questions or need further support please don't hesitate to contact me.
Continue to record your diary entries as a form of recount writing. Remember for each day to include information on who/what/where/when in relation to your day. We are going to continue to practice recount writing this week by writing an account about the Vikings. Use the internet and/or books to research the Viking people and write an account. The following questions will help you:
-Who were the Vikings?
-Where were they from?
-When did they come to Ireland?
-Why did they come to Ireland?
-How did they travel to Ireland?
-Where did they settle in Ireland?
Make up three more questions and include the answers in your account.
Continue with the next unit of Spellbound and commonly misspelled words. Practice using three specific spelling tips in Exercise your English P. 51. This can be completed orally or in writing. If you don't have your book, click on the link below to see the page.
Hello again! I have been sent lots of fantastic work which I will upload in the coming days. Keep it up! Take a look below for content for this week. If you have any questions or need further support please don't hesitate to contact me.
Continue to record your diary entries as a form of recount writing. Remember for each day to include information on who/what/where/when in relation to your day. We are going to continue to practice recount writing this week by writing an account about the Vikings. Use the internet and/or books to research the Viking people and write an account. The following questions will help you:
-Who were the Vikings?
-Where were they from?
-When did they come to Ireland?
-Why did they come to Ireland?
-How did they travel to Ireland?
-Where did they settle in Ireland?
Make up three more questions and include the answers in your account.
Continue with the next unit of Spellbound and commonly misspelled words. Practice using three specific spelling tips in Exercise your English P. 51. This can be completed orally or in writing. If you don't have your book, click on the link below to see the page.

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Continue with your reading and complete your log. Here are three activities you can do in response to the book you are reading:
-Write three questions you would like to ask the author/main character of the book.
-Retell an event in the story from another characters' point of view.
-Write a letter to the author and tell why you like/do not like the book so far.
This week we will study plurals. Plural is when there is more than one of something. Click on the file below, ask someone to call out each word and see if you can spell the plural form without looking. Ask an adult to call out more words that they can think of and try to spell the plural form of each one. Here are some tips to help you:
-If the word ends in s/x/sh/ch, add 'es'
-If the word ends in f, change the f to 'ves'
-If the word ends in y, changes the y to 'ies'
REMEMBER: Not all words follow the rules!!
Continue with your reading and complete your log. Here are three activities you can do in response to the book you are reading:
-Write three questions you would like to ask the author/main character of the book.
-Retell an event in the story from another characters' point of view.
-Write a letter to the author and tell why you like/do not like the book so far.
This week we will study plurals. Plural is when there is more than one of something. Click on the file below, ask someone to call out each word and see if you can spell the plural form without looking. Ask an adult to call out more words that they can think of and try to spell the plural form of each one. Here are some tips to help you:
-If the word ends in s/x/sh/ch, add 'es'
-If the word ends in f, change the f to 'ves'
-If the word ends in y, changes the y to 'ies'
REMEMBER: Not all words follow the rules!!

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This week, as we are practicing recount writing in English, we will also do some recount writing in Irish in the form of 'Mo Nuacht'. Click on the link below for some guidelines and suggested phrases and try to write your news with the help of your hardback also.
This week, as we are practicing recount writing in English, we will also do some recount writing in Irish in the form of 'Mo Nuacht'. Click on the link below for some guidelines and suggested phrases and try to write your news with the help of your hardback also.
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
I hope you all got on well studying Decimals last week. We will continue with Decimals this week and learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Some important points to remember are:
-When adding/subtracting, keep the decimal points and numbers underneath each other, you can add a zero to make them line up e.g. 4.7 is the same as 4.70
-You can turn a whole number into a decimal by adding .0 e.g. 6 is the same as 6.0
-When multiplying, count how many numbers are after the decimal point in the question and you should have the same in your answer e.g. 4.59 x 3 (there are 2 numbers after the point in this question so there should be 2 numbers after the point in our answer); 4.3 x 6 (here there should just be one number after the point in our answer)
-When dividing, line the decimal point up so that it is underneath the point in the question
Monday: Adding decimals - Page 109/110
Tuesday: Subtracting decimals - Page 110/111
Wednesday: Multiplying decimals - Page 111
Thursday: Dividing decimals - Page 112
Friday: Check up - Page 113
This week is 'Creative Clonburris' week (see link above). Your task is to complete a creative project of your choice as part of your extra work. Feel free to get as creative as you like and make sure to send on some pictures/videos of your work. Here are some suggestions of creative projects you might like to try or come up with some of your own!
-Design a planet! Think of interesting ways you could create it (e.g. paper mache and balloon). Plan it using this template
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
I hope you all got on well studying Decimals last week. We will continue with Decimals this week and learn how to add, subtract, multiply and divide. Some important points to remember are:
-When adding/subtracting, keep the decimal points and numbers underneath each other, you can add a zero to make them line up e.g. 4.7 is the same as 4.70
-You can turn a whole number into a decimal by adding .0 e.g. 6 is the same as 6.0
-When multiplying, count how many numbers are after the decimal point in the question and you should have the same in your answer e.g. 4.59 x 3 (there are 2 numbers after the point in this question so there should be 2 numbers after the point in our answer); 4.3 x 6 (here there should just be one number after the point in our answer)
-When dividing, line the decimal point up so that it is underneath the point in the question
Monday: Adding decimals - Page 109/110
Tuesday: Subtracting decimals - Page 110/111
Wednesday: Multiplying decimals - Page 111
Thursday: Dividing decimals - Page 112
Friday: Check up - Page 113
This week is 'Creative Clonburris' week (see link above). Your task is to complete a creative project of your choice as part of your extra work. Feel free to get as creative as you like and make sure to send on some pictures/videos of your work. Here are some suggestions of creative projects you might like to try or come up with some of your own!
-Design a planet! Think of interesting ways you could create it (e.g. paper mache and balloon). Plan it using this template

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-Make up a creative dance to your favourite song. Get the whole family involved!!
-If you are learning an instrument, create a piece of music of your own. Give it a name! You don't even need to have instruments...get creative and see what items you have around the house that can make noise!
-Take an old item and renovate it to make it new again!!
-Design a costume/outfit using fabric and material.
-Experiment with baking or cooking by inventing your own recipe!
-Create a collage using cutouts from old magazines/newspapers
-Create portraits of your family or draw still images of things around your house e.g. fruit bowl
-Use materials at home to build something (e.g. tall free standing tower, bridge, robot etc)
-Make photo frames for your photos using cardboard, pasta and paint!
-Tie dye a white t-shirt!
-Plan an exercise class and complete it in the garden with all your family!
-Do some home experiments! Follow this link to see how you can make your own butter and lots more!
Here are some more ideas to get the creative juices flowing!! Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
-If you are learning an instrument, create a piece of music of your own. Give it a name! You don't even need to have instruments...get creative and see what items you have around the house that can make noise!
-Take an old item and renovate it to make it new again!!
-Design a costume/outfit using fabric and material.
-Experiment with baking or cooking by inventing your own recipe!
-Create a collage using cutouts from old magazines/newspapers
-Create portraits of your family or draw still images of things around your house e.g. fruit bowl
-Use materials at home to build something (e.g. tall free standing tower, bridge, robot etc)
-Make photo frames for your photos using cardboard, pasta and paint!
-Tie dye a white t-shirt!
-Plan an exercise class and complete it in the garden with all your family!
-Do some home experiments! Follow this link to see how you can make your own butter and lots more!
Here are some more ideas to get the creative juices flowing!! Good luck and I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Hi everybody! I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well. Please see the work content for this week outlined below. Lots more people got in touch last week, thank you for that and again if you haven't touched base with me please do so when you can. I was delighted to see the excellent work being done - keep it up!!
Hi everybody! I hope you are all staying safe and keeping well. Please see the work content for this week outlined below. Lots more people got in touch last week, thank you for that and again if you haven't touched base with me please do so when you can. I was delighted to see the excellent work being done - keep it up!!
Well done to Alex, Abigail, Zak and Sarah for working so hard during the week. Mae and Erin sent me great work too, please view it at the link below.

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I hope you all enjoyed narrative writing last week! This week, we will look at procedural writing - this means writing the instructions/process of doing something. Take a look at the link below for more information on this writing type.
I hope you all enjoyed narrative writing last week! This week, we will look at procedural writing - this means writing the instructions/process of doing something. Take a look at the link below for more information on this writing type.

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Your task - Now that you are at home, it is the perfect time to put procedural writing into practice. Start activities like baking, cooking, gardening, planting seeds, DIY, make and do etc. and record instructions on how to do it using the guidelines outlined in the link above. Remember to have headings and direct language - keep your sentences clear and concise! Look at examples of recipes in your cookbooks and see do they follow the same guidelines. Maybe you could start your own tried and tested recipe book!
Here are three more tasks you can do in response to the book you are reading. Remember to log the pages/books in our reading log and you can send me a picture when it is complete!
*Record any new words you have seen in your book and look up the definition in your dictionary. Try to use these words in a sentence of your own
*Write what you think of the main character
*Draw a map of the journey the main character took in the story (i.e. all the places he/she went in sequence)
Continue with the next unit in your spellbound. Test yourself regularly on the commonly misspelled words list. Get an adult to record any words you are spelling incorrectly in our writing and use this list as extra spellings for the week.
This week we will look at the skill of Categorisation. This means deciding what category to place various groups of words to link them together e.g. cabbage, radish, asparagus - what category would these belong to? - Vegetables. Now try to put each set of works in the link below into a category and see how you get on! Ask an adult to think of more complicated words (three) and see if you can guess the category e.g. femur, tibia, fibula (bones)
Here are three more tasks you can do in response to the book you are reading. Remember to log the pages/books in our reading log and you can send me a picture when it is complete!
*Record any new words you have seen in your book and look up the definition in your dictionary. Try to use these words in a sentence of your own
*Write what you think of the main character
*Draw a map of the journey the main character took in the story (i.e. all the places he/she went in sequence)
Continue with the next unit in your spellbound. Test yourself regularly on the commonly misspelled words list. Get an adult to record any words you are spelling incorrectly in our writing and use this list as extra spellings for the week.
This week we will look at the skill of Categorisation. This means deciding what category to place various groups of words to link them together e.g. cabbage, radish, asparagus - what category would these belong to? - Vegetables. Now try to put each set of works in the link below into a category and see how you get on! Ask an adult to think of more complicated words (three) and see if you can guess the category e.g. femur, tibia, fibula (bones)

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This week, to link with our procedural writing, we will transfer our skills to Gaeilge. Try to write instructions for simple everyday tasks in Irish e.g. making a cup of tea, making a fruit salad, playing a playground game. You will be writing short, bullet point sentences and you will use the 'Modh Ordaitheach' when giving instructions. This means that you use the root of the verb (see list at the back of your notebook) i.e. the verb without any changes made to it like h/d' etc
e.g. Cuir an plúr isteach sa babhla (Put the flour into the bowl)
Measc an ubh agus an siúcra le chéile (Mix the egg and sugar together)
*No changes were made to the verbs 'Cuir' and 'Measc'*
Here are four verbs you might need for this task:
*Measc (Mix)
*Cuir (Put)
*Gearr (Cut)
*Doirt (Pour)
Having done some work on fractions, this week we will move onto Decimals. Explain the following to the children:
- Any number before the decimal point is a FULL NUMBER i.e. numbers we use everyday with hundreds, tens and units e.g. 27....can also be written as 27.0; 472 can also be written as 472.00 - the number doesn't change its value (still 4 hundreds, 7 tens, 2 units)
-Any number that comes after the decimal point is SMALLER THAN 1 (like a fraction)
- .5 (straight after the point shows how many tenths - so 5 tenths)
.05 (two places shows hundredths - so 5 hundredths)
.005 (three places shows thousandths - so 5 thousandths)
This will be explained further in the textbook pages and resources below. If your child is having any particular difficulty with the content, please let me know and I will help as best I can.
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
Follow the link below for a tutorial explaining decimals:
Monday: Page 61
Tuesday: Page 62
Wednesday: Page 63
Thursday: Page 64
Friday: Check up - Page 65
This week, to link with our procedural writing, we will transfer our skills to Gaeilge. Try to write instructions for simple everyday tasks in Irish e.g. making a cup of tea, making a fruit salad, playing a playground game. You will be writing short, bullet point sentences and you will use the 'Modh Ordaitheach' when giving instructions. This means that you use the root of the verb (see list at the back of your notebook) i.e. the verb without any changes made to it like h/d' etc
e.g. Cuir an plúr isteach sa babhla (Put the flour into the bowl)
Measc an ubh agus an siúcra le chéile (Mix the egg and sugar together)
*No changes were made to the verbs 'Cuir' and 'Measc'*
Here are four verbs you might need for this task:
*Measc (Mix)
*Cuir (Put)
*Gearr (Cut)
*Doirt (Pour)
Having done some work on fractions, this week we will move onto Decimals. Explain the following to the children:
- Any number before the decimal point is a FULL NUMBER i.e. numbers we use everyday with hundreds, tens and units e.g. 27....can also be written as 27.0; 472 can also be written as 472.00 - the number doesn't change its value (still 4 hundreds, 7 tens, 2 units)
-Any number that comes after the decimal point is SMALLER THAN 1 (like a fraction)
- .5 (straight after the point shows how many tenths - so 5 tenths)
.05 (two places shows hundredths - so 5 hundredths)
.005 (three places shows thousandths - so 5 thousandths)
This will be explained further in the textbook pages and resources below. If your child is having any particular difficulty with the content, please let me know and I will help as best I can.
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
Follow the link below for a tutorial explaining decimals:
Monday: Page 61
Tuesday: Page 62
Wednesday: Page 63
Thursday: Page 64
Friday: Check up - Page 65

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This week, we will practice map reading skills. Follow the link below and engage with some map activities from the website.
Take this time to have some fun and practice a selection of Science experiments at home. Download the file below to get started!
This week, we will practice map reading skills. Follow the link below and engage with some map activities from the website.
Take this time to have some fun and practice a selection of Science experiments at home. Download the file below to get started! | |
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With all the beautiful sunshine and nature around us lets take this chance to look at the lifecycle of various animals. I had the chance to see some of your projects on the animal of your choice last week and I was very impressed! After watching these videos, maybe you could create a quiz for your family and friends to complete!
Hello again! I hope you all had a great week and are enjoying working at home. It was lovely to hear how you were getting on and to know that you are OK. Could I ask anyone who hasn't touched base with me to drop me an email at the address above and update me on how you and your family are doing. I would be grateful if all parents could pass this message on to those you know! Below is a sample of some of the fantastic work done to date and the work content for the coming week. Good luck!
Hello again! I hope you all had a great week and are enjoying working at home. It was lovely to hear how you were getting on and to know that you are OK. Could I ask anyone who hasn't touched base with me to drop me an email at the address above and update me on how you and your family are doing. I would be grateful if all parents could pass this message on to those you know! Below is a sample of some of the fantastic work done to date and the work content for the coming week. Good luck!
Well done Alex and Erin for doing excellent work during the week! Joshua, Izabella and Sarah completed interesting projects and essays. Take a look below!

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I hope you sent and received some letters last week! Keep up your daily diary entries to record your experiences at this time. This week, we will focus on Narrative writing. This means creating a story about anything you like! Before doing this, you will need to plan your story using the following headings:
*CHARACTERS (Who will be in your story?) - What are their names? What do they look like?
*SETTING (Where and when will your story take place?)
*PLOT (What will happen in your story?) - Beginning, middle, end - a good story usually has a problem that needs to be resolved!
Remember...LANGUAGE is a very important part of your story. Show it, don't tell it! Below are some tips to help you before you start your story!
I hope you sent and received some letters last week! Keep up your daily diary entries to record your experiences at this time. This week, we will focus on Narrative writing. This means creating a story about anything you like! Before doing this, you will need to plan your story using the following headings:
*CHARACTERS (Who will be in your story?) - What are their names? What do they look like?
*SETTING (Where and when will your story take place?)
*PLOT (What will happen in your story?) - Beginning, middle, end - a good story usually has a problem that needs to be resolved!
Remember...LANGUAGE is a very important part of your story. Show it, don't tell it! Below are some tips to help you before you start your story!

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Keep up the reading at home! Remember to fill in the pages on your reading log. Here are three more activities you could do in response to your book:
*Draw a picture of a character in your book and write down all the words the author used to describe them
*Make a timeline of the important events in the story so far
*Find three examples where the author uses interesting words. Write them down and explain why you like them
Continue with the next unit in your spellbound. Test yourself regularly on the commonly misspelled words list. Get an adult to record any words you are spelling incorrectly in our writing and use this list as extra spellings for the week.
This week we will look at contractions. This is when two words are put together to make one word. An apostrophe is used to replace any letters that are missing. Complete the worksheet below (just write the answers into your copy). Ask an adult to correct your spelling and try again until you can spell them all correctly. Brainstorm other contractions that are not on the list!
Keep up the reading at home! Remember to fill in the pages on your reading log. Here are three more activities you could do in response to your book:
*Draw a picture of a character in your book and write down all the words the author used to describe them
*Make a timeline of the important events in the story so far
*Find three examples where the author uses interesting words. Write them down and explain why you like them
Continue with the next unit in your spellbound. Test yourself regularly on the commonly misspelled words list. Get an adult to record any words you are spelling incorrectly in our writing and use this list as extra spellings for the week.
This week we will look at contractions. This is when two words are put together to make one word. An apostrophe is used to replace any letters that are missing. Complete the worksheet below (just write the answers into your copy). Ask an adult to correct your spelling and try again until you can spell them all correctly. Brainstorm other contractions that are not on the list!
As we are practicing narrative writing, this week's challenge is to write a short story in Irish. Use the tips on sentence structure and vocabulary in your hardback notebook. Don't stress!! It doesn't have to be perfect and there will be mistakes. The important thing is that you try! Continue to learn the content in your notebook and ask an adult to test you orally.
We will practice problem solving this week. The four steps we follow in our problem solving copies in school are:
1. Read it carefully
2.Highlight the important words
3. Draw a picture of it
4. Decide the steps and procedure (e.g. 2 steps - 1st add, then multiply)
RUCSAC is also a useful method to use - Read, Understand, Choose the method, Solve, Answer, Check
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
Monday: Page 162 A and B (no need to do them all, pick a selection)
Tuesday: Page 163 A and B (just write the answer to each)
Wednesday: Page 164 (Pick 5-7 problems from this page to work on)
Thursday: Page 165 A
Friday: Page 165 B or C
If you enjoy problem solving and want a further challenge please follow the link below and pick a problem to work on!
As we are practicing narrative writing, this week's challenge is to write a short story in Irish. Use the tips on sentence structure and vocabulary in your hardback notebook. Don't stress!! It doesn't have to be perfect and there will be mistakes. The important thing is that you try! Continue to learn the content in your notebook and ask an adult to test you orally.
We will practice problem solving this week. The four steps we follow in our problem solving copies in school are:
1. Read it carefully
2.Highlight the important words
3. Draw a picture of it
4. Decide the steps and procedure (e.g. 2 steps - 1st add, then multiply)
RUCSAC is also a useful method to use - Read, Understand, Choose the method, Solve, Answer, Check
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
Monday: Page 162 A and B (no need to do them all, pick a selection)
Tuesday: Page 163 A and B (just write the answer to each)
Wednesday: Page 164 (Pick 5-7 problems from this page to work on)
Thursday: Page 165 A
Friday: Page 165 B or C
If you enjoy problem solving and want a further challenge please follow the link below and pick a problem to work on!
Now that you're experts on Europe, you might be ready for a quiz? Press ctrl and click this following link
Now that you're experts on Europe, you might be ready for a quiz? Press ctrl and click this following link
Here are some other activities to test your knowledge of Europe. Use the map to help you and just write the answers! Good luck!

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Animal Projects!
Choose an interesting animal to research! Here are some suggestions but feel free to pick your own! These four animals can be found in China, a country we have studied already.
Giant Panda
Siberian Tiger
Snow Leopard
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
You can make a project or a fact file on the animal you choose! Here is a template to give you an idea of how to lay it out!
Fact File Checklist
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
Preview YouTube video The incredible history of China's terracotta warriors - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
The incredible history of China's terracotta warriors - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
Preview YouTube video How Its Made Silk
How Its Made Silk
Preview YouTube video Paper Weaving Loom
Paper Weaving Loom
Preview YouTube video Optical Illusion Weaving
Optical Illusion Weaving
Preview YouTube video Giant Pandas 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Giant Pandas 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video Siberia's Stripes of Death | Nat Geo Wild
Siberia's Stripes of Death | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video Snow Leopards 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Snow Leopards 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video A Baby Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey | Hidden Kingdoms of China
A Baby Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey | Hidden Kingdoms of China
Choose an interesting animal to research! Here are some suggestions but feel free to pick your own! These four animals can be found in China, a country we have studied already.
Giant Panda
Siberian Tiger
Snow Leopard
Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey
You can make a project or a fact file on the animal you choose! Here is a template to give you an idea of how to lay it out!
Fact File Checklist
- Name: What we know them as and their scientific name
- Classification: is it a mammal/reptile/insect/etc
- Description: what they look like, exciting features, etc
- Habitat: where they live
- Diet: Are they a herbivore/carnivore/omnivore food or prey they eat, unusual eating habits if any
- Interesting/favourite facts: what is a group called? How much do they weigh?
- Picture of animal: you can draw this!
- Name: Lion (Panthera Leo) The Lion belongs to the “Panthera group” which includes big cats such as tigers, leopards and jaguars. They all have the ability to roar. “Leo” is the Latin word for Lion. There are two species of Lion, the African lion (lives in Africa) and the Asiatic lion (lives in Asia).
- Classification: Lions are mammals. This means their babies are born alive and the mother feeds its young milk. Baby lions are called cubs. A lioness will have 2-3 cubs at a time.
- Description: Lions have strong, compact bodies and powerful forelegs, teeth and jaws for pulling down and killing prey. Their coats are yellow-gold, and adult males have shaggy manes that range in colour from blonde to reddish-brown to black. A group of Lions is called a Pride. They are most active at night.
- Habitat: Lions live in a variety of habitats but prefer grassland, savanna, dense scrub, and open woodland. They used to be found across much of Europe, Asia, and Africa, but now they are found mainly in parts of Africa south of the Sahara
- Diet: Lions are carnivores. This means they eat meat. Their prey includes antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, young elephants, rhinos, hippos, wild hogs, crocodiles and giraffes. But they also sometimes eat smaller prey like mice, birds, hares, lizards, and tortoises. They are not above stealing kills from other carnivores, like hyenas, wild dogs, cheetahs, and leopards, or scavenging spoiled meat.
- Interesting Facts: Lions sleep for 16-20 hours each day! A lion’s roar is very loud. It can be heard up to 8 kilometres away! The lion is the second largest cat in the world. Male lions spend their time guarding their territory and minding the cubs. Female lions (lionesses) hunt down prey for the pride. They work as a team to bring down big prey. After a successful hunt, all the lions in the pride share the meal. But there is a pecking order, with the adult males taking first claim, followed by the lionesses, and finally, the cubs.
Attachments area
Preview YouTube video What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
What makes the Great Wall of China so extraordinary - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
Preview YouTube video The incredible history of China's terracotta warriors - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
The incredible history of China's terracotta warriors - Megan Campisi and Pen-Pen Chen
Preview YouTube video How Its Made Silk
How Its Made Silk
Preview YouTube video Paper Weaving Loom
Paper Weaving Loom
Preview YouTube video Optical Illusion Weaving
Optical Illusion Weaving
Preview YouTube video Giant Pandas 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Giant Pandas 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video Siberia's Stripes of Death | Nat Geo Wild
Siberia's Stripes of Death | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video Snow Leopards 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Snow Leopards 101 | Nat Geo Wild
Preview YouTube video A Baby Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey | Hidden Kingdoms of China
A Baby Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey | Hidden Kingdoms of China
Below is an outline of this weeks work. If you have any questions or need further resources please do not hesitate to contact me on the email address above.
Continue with your diary entries. I enjoyed reading a sample that was sent to me last week. It is a good way to record your feelings and experiences at this time and it will be something to reflect on in the future when this is all over!
This week, we are focusing on letter writing, formal and informal. Please download the resource pack below and complete the activities during the week. It might be a nice idea to write a letter to your friend for practice and post it to them. If you get one in the post, make sure to respond and you can become penpals!!
Continue with your diary entries. I enjoyed reading a sample that was sent to me last week. It is a good way to record your feelings and experiences at this time and it will be something to reflect on in the future when this is all over!
This week, we are focusing on letter writing, formal and informal. Please download the resource pack below and complete the activities during the week. It might be a nice idea to write a letter to your friend for practice and post it to them. If you get one in the post, make sure to respond and you can become penpals!!

7590_letter_writing_book.pdf | |
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File Type: |
Continue with the next unit of spellbound and list of commonly misspelled words posted previously. If you have run out of words to learn and want to challenge yourself further, click on the link below!
This week we are learning about ANTONYMS. These are words that have the opposite meaning e.g. up, down. In your copy, ask an adult to write a list of 30 words (e.g. leave, honest,, wrong) and see if you can write each antonym. If you find this easy, ask for more challenging words! (e.g. liberal, humid, desolate). Parents, please a see list of suggestions below. Complete the worksheet below.
Continue with the next unit of spellbound and list of commonly misspelled words posted previously. If you have run out of words to learn and want to challenge yourself further, click on the link below!
This week we are learning about ANTONYMS. These are words that have the opposite meaning e.g. up, down. In your copy, ask an adult to write a list of 30 words (e.g. leave, honest,, wrong) and see if you can write each antonym. If you find this easy, ask for more challenging words! (e.g. liberal, humid, desolate). Parents, please a see list of suggestions below. Complete the worksheet below.

antonyms.rtf | |
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File Type: | rtf |

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Keep up the reading at home. Continue to fill in your reading log. Here are three activities you can do in response to the book you are reading:
- Write a letter as a character in the book to another character in the book
-Make a list of 5 titles that you think would make a better name for your book
-Draw a poster advertising your book
Continue to learn all the content in your hardback notebook. Learn the vocabulary from last week in relation to 'Eadaí'. Complete the work below. Use your notebook to help you write 3 sentences a day.
Keep up the reading at home. Continue to fill in your reading log. Here are three activities you can do in response to the book you are reading:
- Write a letter as a character in the book to another character in the book
-Make a list of 5 titles that you think would make a better name for your book
-Draw a poster advertising your book
Continue to learn all the content in your hardback notebook. Learn the vocabulary from last week in relation to 'Eadaí'. Complete the work below. Use your notebook to help you write 3 sentences a day.

eadaí_foclóir.pdf | |
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roi-gl-012-trath-na-gceist-eadai-clothes-quiz-powerpoint-irish-gaeilge_ver_2.ppt | |
File Size: | 5894 kb |
File Type: | ppt |

roi-gl-53763-clothes-true-or-false-gaeilge-powerpoint_ver_1.pptx | |
File Size: | 3805 kb |
File Type: | pptx |

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I hope everyone is feeling confident about fractions! Complete this test to check how much you have learned. Ask an adult to use the answer sheet to correct it. Whatever you get wrong, now is your chance to revise that section of fractions. If you need any extra support with this, please contact me.
I hope everyone is feeling confident about fractions! Complete this test to check how much you have learned. Ask an adult to use the answer sheet to correct it. Whatever you get wrong, now is your chance to revise that section of fractions. If you need any extra support with this, please contact me.

test_and_answers.rtf | |
File Size: | 1 kb |
File Type: | rtf |
We will take this week to revise all the procedures of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children can never get too much practice in this! Complete the daily work outlined below. There is no explicit teaching involved here, just watch your child's work closely and see where they may be having difficulty. Revise content as appropriate.
Revision of fractions and test!
Addition - complete the worksheet below
Revision of fractions and test!
Addition - complete the worksheet below

addition.pdf | |
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Subtraction and Addition - complete worksheet below
Subtraction and Addition - complete worksheet below

addition___subtraction.pdf | |
File Size: | 64 kb |
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Long multiplication - complete worksheet below
Long multiplication - complete worksheet below

multiplication.pdf | |
File Size: | 79 kb |
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Division - complete worksheet below
Division - complete worksheet below

division.pdf | |
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We are still studying continents and countries so this week we will focus on Europe. Please find the map below. Use the internet to find the capital of each country and mark them in on the map or record them in your copy. Try to memorise 4 countries and it's capital per day and test yourself on Friday! Fill in the blank map of Europe without looking at the end of the week also. Use the resources and fact file templates below to do some research and at the end of the week record as many facts as you can from memory in your fact book.
We are still studying continents and countries so this week we will focus on Europe. Please find the map below. Use the internet to find the capital of each country and mark them in on the map or record them in your copy. Try to memorise 4 countries and it's capital per day and test yourself on Friday! Fill in the blank map of Europe without looking at the end of the week also. Use the resources and fact file templates below to do some research and at the end of the week record as many facts as you can from memory in your fact book.

europe_countries.pdf | |
File Size: | 240 kb |
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germany.pdf | |
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france.pdf | |
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t2-g-270-europe-landmarks-reading-comprehension-activity_ver_1.pdf | |
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blank_map.jpg | |
File Size: | 77 kb |
File Type: | jpg |
Hello again! Hope you all had a productive week and are keeping in good spirits. Please see an outline of this weeks work content below. I have had the pleasure of seeing some work samples and getting an insight into all you have been learning at home. If you have a favourite piece of work and would like to display it on the website please send it to the email address above and I will post it on our page next week!
This week is ACTIVE SCHOOLS WEEK. To support this, please follow the link above for some active home activities. Try to include two physical activities in your daily timetable or set yourself a daily active challenge like 100 jumps on your skipping rope or 50 star jumps! Make sure to get a snap of this for our webpage and send them on! Good luck!
Continue with your diary entries to record the events and feelings you are experiencing at this time!
Complete a cloze procedure exercise each day.
Hello again! Hope you all had a productive week and are keeping in good spirits. Please see an outline of this weeks work content below. I have had the pleasure of seeing some work samples and getting an insight into all you have been learning at home. If you have a favourite piece of work and would like to display it on the website please send it to the email address above and I will post it on our page next week!
This week is ACTIVE SCHOOLS WEEK. To support this, please follow the link above for some active home activities. Try to include two physical activities in your daily timetable or set yourself a daily active challenge like 100 jumps on your skipping rope or 50 star jumps! Make sure to get a snap of this for our webpage and send them on! Good luck!
Continue with your diary entries to record the events and feelings you are experiencing at this time!
Complete a cloze procedure exercise each day.

summer_cloze.doc | |
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File Type: | doc |

sharkcloze.doc | |
File Size: | 135 kb |
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irregularpasttenseverbscloze2.doc | |
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solarsystem_cloze.doc | |
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File Type: | doc |

watercycle_cloze.doc | |
File Size: | 126 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Continue to work on the next unit in spellbound and the commonly misspelled word list posted last week. If you are finding any spellings particularly difficult, complete some of the spelling cards below for more practice!
Continue to work on the next unit in spellbound and the commonly misspelled word list posted last week. If you are finding any spellings particularly difficult, complete some of the spelling cards below for more practice!

spelling_activities.pdf | |
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This week we are focusing on SYNONYMS. These are words that have a similar meaning e.g. abandon and leave. Complete the worksheet below. In your copy, brainstorm as many synonyms as you can for said, went and looked!
This week we are focusing on SYNONYMS. These are words that have a similar meaning e.g. abandon and leave. Complete the worksheet below. In your copy, brainstorm as many synonyms as you can for said, went and looked!

worksheet_1.pdf | |
File Size: | 278 kb |
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Keep up the reading at home! Keep a log of the books/pages you have read on the template below and I will see it when we get back to school! Try to read every night before bed.
Keep up the reading at home! Keep a log of the books/pages you have read on the template below and I will see it when we get back to school! Try to read every night before bed.

reading_log.pdf | |
File Size: | 75 kb |
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Please take this time to learn all the content in your Irish notebook. Learn the vocabulary and ceisteanna at the end of each section and ask an adult to test you orally at the end of each day. Use the grammar section at the back of your notebook to write some Irish sentences. Practise your reading from Abair liom which can be accessed on Please see content below that the children can write neatly into the front section of their notebook under the topic Eadaí
Please take this time to learn all the content in your Irish notebook. Learn the vocabulary and ceisteanna at the end of each section and ask an adult to test you orally at the end of each day. Use the grammar section at the back of your notebook to write some Irish sentences. Practise your reading from Abair liom which can be accessed on Please see content below that the children can write neatly into the front section of their notebook under the topic Eadaí

vocabulary_-_eadaí.pdf | |
File Size: | 1101 kb |
File Type: |
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
We are continuing with fractions this week. Please see daily content below.
Monday: Revise all concepts learned last week in lessons 1-5. Please check for understanding and teach any concepts that your child is unsure of again.
CONCEPT: Finding a whole number - To find a whole number, you must divide by the TOP (to get one piece) and multiply by the bottom (to get the whole amount).
ACTIVITIES: Use practical resources e.g. If 3/4 is 18 what is the whole number? - show this by setting out 4 plates (to represent each quarter), get 18 pegs and divide them equally among 3 of the plates (because 3/4 is 18) each plate will get 6 pegs - you have now divided by the top (18 divided by 3 is 6); now guess the amount that should go on the last plate (ans:6) because it must be the same as the others. Count up all the pegs and the whole number is 24! - you have now multiplied by the bottom (6x4=24) Repeat this process with various sums
CONCEPT: Revise concept of Tuesday and repeat the activities
ACTIVITIES: Complete written work on page 93 of Planet maths book.
All new concepts of fractions have now been taught. Take these two days to revise all that has been done and try to complete written activities from planet maths (there are two chapters on fractions). Complete the check up on page 94 and 41.
If you fancy a challenge, see the fractions word problems below. (This is optional!)
Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
We are continuing with fractions this week. Please see daily content below.
Monday: Revise all concepts learned last week in lessons 1-5. Please check for understanding and teach any concepts that your child is unsure of again.
CONCEPT: Finding a whole number - To find a whole number, you must divide by the TOP (to get one piece) and multiply by the bottom (to get the whole amount).
ACTIVITIES: Use practical resources e.g. If 3/4 is 18 what is the whole number? - show this by setting out 4 plates (to represent each quarter), get 18 pegs and divide them equally among 3 of the plates (because 3/4 is 18) each plate will get 6 pegs - you have now divided by the top (18 divided by 3 is 6); now guess the amount that should go on the last plate (ans:6) because it must be the same as the others. Count up all the pegs and the whole number is 24! - you have now multiplied by the bottom (6x4=24) Repeat this process with various sums
CONCEPT: Revise concept of Tuesday and repeat the activities
ACTIVITIES: Complete written work on page 93 of Planet maths book.
All new concepts of fractions have now been taught. Take these two days to revise all that has been done and try to complete written activities from planet maths (there are two chapters on fractions). Complete the check up on page 94 and 41.
If you fancy a challenge, see the fractions word problems below. (This is optional!)

problems.pdf | |
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This week, take a look at the globe and try to name the continents and countries of the world. Use the resources attached and quiz yourself on Friday.
This week, take a look at the globe and try to name the continents and countries of the world. Use the resources attached and quiz yourself on Friday.

the_world.pdf | |
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au-g-47-continents-of-the-world-powerpoint_ver_5.ppt | |
File Size: | 8162 kb |
File Type: | ppt |

europe.pdf | |
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worksheet.pdf | |
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Research a European country of your choice and complete a fact file on it using the template below. Write five questions based on the information you have displayed. Send it on and I will post it on the webpage - it will be a nice way to learn from each other!!

research.pdf | |
File Size: | 156 kb |
File Type: |
If you have any issues or need further work or support, please contact me on the email above and I will do my best to help! Don't stress to get all the content covered, go at your child's pace and make sure to include lots of physical activity and brain breaks throughout the day!
Stay positive and safe!
Ms Goodwin
Stay positive and safe!
Ms Goodwin
Welcome back everyone! I hope you all had a great Easter and are staying safe! Below is an outline of the content and activities you can be working on this week. Please feel free to contact me at the email address provided if you have any questions or would like feedback on your work.
Click these links to learn about Anne Frank!
I would like you all to keep a diary during these extraordinary times! Write about what you do during the day and your thoughts and feelings. Aim to write at least one diary entry each day. Click this link to learn how to write a diary entry! There are some examples of diary entries which you will find really helpful! Click this link for some helpful hints when writing diary entries!
You could even take a leaf out of Anne’s book and name your diary! She named her diary “Kitty”. How amazing will it be to have a diary to look back on when these strange times are over!
Write diary entries for people that we have learned about like Martin Luther King, Micheal Collins and Malala Yousafzai!
If you have your spellbound at home continue to work on one unit per week and ask an adult to test you in the space provided at the back of the book. Please see list of commonly misspelled words that I would like you to be working on also.
Click these links to learn about Anne Frank!
I would like you all to keep a diary during these extraordinary times! Write about what you do during the day and your thoughts and feelings. Aim to write at least one diary entry each day. Click this link to learn how to write a diary entry! There are some examples of diary entries which you will find really helpful! Click this link for some helpful hints when writing diary entries!
You could even take a leaf out of Anne’s book and name your diary! She named her diary “Kitty”. How amazing will it be to have a diary to look back on when these strange times are over!
Write diary entries for people that we have learned about like Martin Luther King, Micheal Collins and Malala Yousafzai!
If you have your spellbound at home continue to work on one unit per week and ask an adult to test you in the space provided at the back of the book. Please see list of commonly misspelled words that I would like you to be working on also.

mispelled_words.pdf | |
File Size: | 169 kb |
File Type: |
Keep up the reading at home! If you have your class novel you can continue to read on your own. below are some comprehension activities you can be working on.
Keep up the reading at home! If you have your class novel you can continue to read on your own. below are some comprehension activities you can be working on.

comprehension.pdf | |
File Size: | 9453 kb |
File Type: |
MATHS:Login to the Folens Online website. This should have free access for parents. Use the search bar at the top of the page to find the Planet Maths book.
We are working on fractions for the next few weeks. Please find daily activities and resources below as well as an outline of the concepts the children should grasp each day. Please check that the children understand the concept at the end of each lesson
Lesson 1:
CONCEPT: The bigger the number on the bottom (denominator) the smaller the fraction
ACTIVITIES: Make a fraction wall (see template) and fill in each section/make your own wall by cutting strips of paper into equal halves, thirds etc Compare the fractions - how many quarters in one half? Which is bigger, two quarters or 5 eighths etc. Compare ONE half/third/quarter/fifth...which is the biggest/smallest? See worksheets below
We are working on fractions for the next few weeks. Please find daily activities and resources below as well as an outline of the concepts the children should grasp each day. Please check that the children understand the concept at the end of each lesson
Lesson 1:
CONCEPT: The bigger the number on the bottom (denominator) the smaller the fraction
ACTIVITIES: Make a fraction wall (see template) and fill in each section/make your own wall by cutting strips of paper into equal halves, thirds etc Compare the fractions - how many quarters in one half? Which is bigger, two quarters or 5 eighths etc. Compare ONE half/third/quarter/fifth...which is the biggest/smallest? See worksheets below

fraction_wall.pdf | |
File Size: | 763 kb |
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comparing_fractions.pdf | |
File Size: | 115 kb |
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Lesson 2:
CONCEPT: The number on top (numerator) tells you how many pieces, the number on bottom (denominator) is the total amount, an improper fraction is when you have more than the total number of pieces
ACTIVITIES: Discuss how many halves/thirds/quarters... to make a full one? If I have 4 thirds do I have a full one? How many left over? etc Click on the files below and complete, use the words numerator, denominator and improper fraction
CONCEPT: The number on top (numerator) tells you how many pieces, the number on bottom (denominator) is the total amount, an improper fraction is when you have more than the total number of pieces
ACTIVITIES: Discuss how many halves/thirds/quarters... to make a full one? If I have 4 thirds do I have a full one? How many left over? etc Click on the files below and complete, use the words numerator, denominator and improper fraction

powerpoint.key | |
File Size: | 3826 kb |
File Type: | key |

improper_fractions.pdf | |
File Size: | 105 kb |
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Lesson 3:
CONCEPT: Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal. To make fractions equal, you must do the same thing to the top(numerator) and bottom (denominator)
ACTIVITIES: 4/10 is equal to 8/?...I multiplied the top x2 (4x2=8) so I must do the same to the bottom (10x2=20) so 4/10 is the same as 8/20...see resources below for more examples
CONCEPT: Equivalent fractions are fractions that are equal. To make fractions equal, you must do the same thing to the top(numerator) and bottom (denominator)
ACTIVITIES: 4/10 is equal to 8/?...I multiplied the top x2 (4x2=8) so I must do the same to the bottom (10x2=20) so 4/10 is the same as 8/20...see resources below for more examples

equiv-pp.key | |
File Size: | 1964 kb |
File Type: | key |

middle_ability_mixed.pdf | |
File Size: | 172 kb |
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Lesson 4/5:
CONCEPT: To get a fraction of a whole number, divide by the bottom, multiply by the top
ACTIVITIES: use concrete materials e.g. 4/5 of 20...get 20 pasta pieces, split them into 5 equal groups, how many in 4 of the groups? answer: 16 Repeat this process with various materials. See page 90-93 of maths book for more examples, see powerpoint below
CONCEPT: To get a fraction of a whole number, divide by the bottom, multiply by the top
ACTIVITIES: use concrete materials e.g. 4/5 of 20...get 20 pasta pieces, split them into 5 equal groups, how many in 4 of the groups? answer: 16 Repeat this process with various materials. See page 90-93 of maths book for more examples, see powerpoint below

t-he-695-introduction-to-fractions-of-amounts-powerpoint-english_ver_2.ppt | |
File Size: | 6000 kb |
File Type: | ppt |
This week we will be learning about the famous ship called the Titanic!
Right click this link to watch an animation about the Titanic and how it sank. If the link doesn’t work you can look the clip up on Youtube. It is called Sinking of the Titanic 1912.
Right click this link to access the Twinkl website. You will have to create an account but Twinkl should be free for parents. Use the code IRLTWINKLHELPS
Twinkl has some nice power points which tell the story of the Titanic. Right click this link to read about the timeline of the Titanic.
Right click this link to read about the ship itself!
Click this link to read about the Titanic and answer the questions at the end. There is no need to print it out. You can write the answers on a sheet of paper or in a copy. If the link doesn’t load. Login to the Twinkl website and search KS2 Titanic Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity. There are several versions, make sure to download the higher ability version.
Right click this link to access the Titanic newspaper activity. Here is what the resource should look like.
In this activity you are challenged to create your own newspaper article about the Titanic disaster. The first page shows you how to brainstorm your ideas for the article just like a real journalist! The second page shows you examples for real newspaper reports from 1912! The third page has examples of pictures you could draw to replicate the photographs you imagine might have been taken if you were there when the disaster took place. No need to print them out! The last three pages are examples of different types of newspaper front page formats. Pick the one you like best and use a ruler and pencil to draw out your newspaper front page. Now you can get busy brainstorming and writing your article. Don’t forget to think of a catchy headline that will make your readers want to read your article!
Engineering Challenge #1 Think you can design a better boat than the engineers of the Titanic? Right click this link to make an origami boat that can float in water!
Engineering challenge #2 Try to make a boat using a piece of tinfoil! Once you make sure that it can float. See if it can carry some heavy cargo such as grapes or Lego bricks! Weigh your items to see how heavy they are and how much weight your boat can carry before it sinks!
Here are some drawing activities from Youtube. Art for Kids Hub has step by step videos for you to try out if you enjoy drawing! Right click think link My advice would be to sketch your drawing lightly in pencil and when you are happy with it at the end outline with marker (or press harder with your pencil) and colour in!
Here are some other drawing challenges you might like to try!
Draw the Titanic
Draw a cartoon iceberg
Turn the word TITANIC into a picture!
Looking forward to seeing all your work! Don't panic to get it all done, just do your best and stay safe!!
Ms Goodwin
This week we will be learning about the famous ship called the Titanic!
Right click this link to watch an animation about the Titanic and how it sank. If the link doesn’t work you can look the clip up on Youtube. It is called Sinking of the Titanic 1912.
Right click this link to access the Twinkl website. You will have to create an account but Twinkl should be free for parents. Use the code IRLTWINKLHELPS
Twinkl has some nice power points which tell the story of the Titanic. Right click this link to read about the timeline of the Titanic.
Right click this link to read about the ship itself!
Click this link to read about the Titanic and answer the questions at the end. There is no need to print it out. You can write the answers on a sheet of paper or in a copy. If the link doesn’t load. Login to the Twinkl website and search KS2 Titanic Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity. There are several versions, make sure to download the higher ability version.
Right click this link to access the Titanic newspaper activity. Here is what the resource should look like.
In this activity you are challenged to create your own newspaper article about the Titanic disaster. The first page shows you how to brainstorm your ideas for the article just like a real journalist! The second page shows you examples for real newspaper reports from 1912! The third page has examples of pictures you could draw to replicate the photographs you imagine might have been taken if you were there when the disaster took place. No need to print them out! The last three pages are examples of different types of newspaper front page formats. Pick the one you like best and use a ruler and pencil to draw out your newspaper front page. Now you can get busy brainstorming and writing your article. Don’t forget to think of a catchy headline that will make your readers want to read your article!
Engineering Challenge #1 Think you can design a better boat than the engineers of the Titanic? Right click this link to make an origami boat that can float in water!
Engineering challenge #2 Try to make a boat using a piece of tinfoil! Once you make sure that it can float. See if it can carry some heavy cargo such as grapes or Lego bricks! Weigh your items to see how heavy they are and how much weight your boat can carry before it sinks!
Here are some drawing activities from Youtube. Art for Kids Hub has step by step videos for you to try out if you enjoy drawing! Right click think link My advice would be to sketch your drawing lightly in pencil and when you are happy with it at the end outline with marker (or press harder with your pencil) and colour in!
Here are some other drawing challenges you might like to try!
Draw the Titanic
Draw a cartoon iceberg
Turn the word TITANIC into a picture!
Looking forward to seeing all your work! Don't panic to get it all done, just do your best and stay safe!!
Ms Goodwin
Dear Parents,
I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe! I have attached a few lessons that I was planning on doing this week. The maths assessment test is NOT an indicator of what the children should know, it's just a guide as to what you can be touching on. I would take two questions a day and focus on them, making up lots of similar type problems for the children to practice. I have set up an email address - [email protected] - feel free to contact me directly for advice or support on how best to address your child's specific needs. Keep an eye on this page for further updates.
Best of luck!
Ms Goodwin
I hope you are all keeping well and staying safe! I have attached a few lessons that I was planning on doing this week. The maths assessment test is NOT an indicator of what the children should know, it's just a guide as to what you can be touching on. I would take two questions a day and focus on them, making up lots of similar type problems for the children to practice. I have set up an email address - [email protected] - feel free to contact me directly for advice or support on how best to address your child's specific needs. Keep an eye on this page for further updates.
Best of luck!
Ms Goodwin
Dear Parents,
Below are a few guidelines and suggestions as to how best support your children's learning over the coming weeks. Edco, folens, twinkl and cj Fallon have all made their online websites available to parents so please avail of these to gain access to the books and resources they offer. Click on the Learning at Home link above for access details.
*FRACTIONS: paper folding to split into thirds, quarters etc, online PowerPoints on twinkl, worksheets on folens website. Equivalent fractions game Compare and order fractions worksheet
*TABLES: most beneficial thing the kids can do is learn their tables over and over again! is a great website to practice tables
* is a great website for quick activities and problem solving for children
*practice the basics (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)-samples of these sums to be found in the maths book available on folens website
*Ask your child what they find difficult in maths (reading the time is always a big one!) and take this time to go through it with them in detail. The maths book will give you a good idea of what is expected of them in 4th class
*See sample activities below
Below are a few guidelines and suggestions as to how best support your children's learning over the coming weeks. Edco, folens, twinkl and cj Fallon have all made their online websites available to parents so please avail of these to gain access to the books and resources they offer. Click on the Learning at Home link above for access details.
*FRACTIONS: paper folding to split into thirds, quarters etc, online PowerPoints on twinkl, worksheets on folens website. Equivalent fractions game Compare and order fractions worksheet
*TABLES: most beneficial thing the kids can do is learn their tables over and over again! is a great website to practice tables
* is a great website for quick activities and problem solving for children
*practice the basics (addition, subtraction, division, multiplication)-samples of these sums to be found in the maths book available on folens website
*Ask your child what they find difficult in maths (reading the time is always a big one!) and take this time to go through it with them in detail. The maths book will give you a good idea of what is expected of them in 4th class
*See sample activities below
*This is an ideal time to go through all the notes in the children's hard back notebook and quiz them on vocabulary and grammar.
*Irish book available on folens website to practice reading and writing.
*Download the duolingo ap and choose Irish, other websites to support Irish learning are, cúla caint and watching TG4 or listening to radio na gaeltachta
*This is an ideal time to go through all the notes in the children's hard back notebook and quiz them on vocabulary and grammar.
*Irish book available on folens website to practice reading and writing.
*Download the duolingo ap and choose Irish, other websites to support Irish learning are, cúla caint and watching TG4 or listening to radio na gaeltachta
Project: An Inspirational Person
We were studying Inspirational People before the school closed so you could do a project on an Inspirational Person of your choice. Include the following:
If you can't print the template you could copy the headings onto a sheet or your copy.
*See suggested writing activities below
*See commonly misspelled word lists below, learn and put into sentences
*Practice letter formation and handwriting
*Play games like scrabble, 5 second rule, charades, headbands etc
*Cloze procedure exercises are very beneficial and you can find lots for children online - some Twinkl examples here
(Ms. Morley's English group here)
Easter 2019
Grandparents' Day 2019 |
Going for Gold Certificates, January 2019 |
Active Breaks and 'Clonburris 12 Days of Fitmas'
Junior Achievement
Hallowe'en Parade and Art
My SelfieOur Sacred Space |
September Art WorkFriendship Week Posters |
Ms Cleary's 2nd Class 2017/18
Click on the left to download the copy list for Ms. Ryan's 3rd class
Pancakes & Procedural Writing!

To celebrate Pancake/ Shrove Tuesday, the girls and boys learned about procedural writing. They created a step by step receipe on how to make the perfect pancake! After all their hard work, they deserved a little taster...
Grandparent's Day
Thank you to all the lovely Grandparents who visited us on Grandparent's Day! We loved showing you our classroom and all the work we've been doing this year! We hope to see you all again soon!
Jim Gavin & Sam came to visit...
Elfie Selfies...
Christmas at Clonburris
Well done to all the 2nd class boys and girls who gave amazing performances for our 2017 Christmas Concert, 'Under the Sea.' A big thank you to everyone at home who helped out with the boys and girls amazing costumes! They were 'shrimply the best...!'
Homemade Lava Lamps

The boys and girls worked in pairs to make homemade lava lamps. They used simple ingredients for this experiment and we also reused our water bottles as part of our effort to reduce plastic waste in the school. The children recorded their work and the results were bubbles of fun!
Space Week

We had lots of fun learning about Space and the planets in our Solar System. We made lovely space art by creating a marbling effect on the planets and the children loved it! Well done to Tori and Alex who won prizes for their amazing homemade space inventions!
Autumn Trees

Our second class were busy making Autumn trees for Art! We used lovely rich, Autumnal colours to print the leaves and we created this effect by pressing bunched cotton buds onto paper! The children have brought our current season into our classroom with their amazing work! Well done all :)
Last week, our class worked really hard creating a mosaic wall in our school garden. We used pieces of tiles to create the mosaic and we even painted some of the wall. We had great fun and the wall looks amazing. We hope you like it as much as we do!
Easter Bonnet Parade, WOW and our art.
Happy Mother's Day
Last week we were very busy making Mother's Day cards. We hope you liked the cards we made. We had a lot of fun making them.
Seachtain na Gaeilge
We had a very busy two weeks in school.
Seachtain na Gaeilge took place. We also had a ceolchoirm! Chualamar amhráin agus ceol. Bhí an-spóirt againn.
The Garda Band also visited the school. We went down to the hall to listen to them play. They were amazing. We had a great time singing along and dancing.
Today was World Book Day. We really enjoyed dressing up as characters from our favourite books.
On Friday, February 3rd we celebrated Grandparents' Day. We had lots of fun and enjoyed all the visitors to our class. We hope you enjoyed the day as much as we did!

Happy New Year from
Ms. Tormey's 1st Class.
Ms. Tormey's 1st Class.
Senior Infants 2015/16
We've been watching the caterpillars in our classroom very carefully over the last few weeks. They grew very big and then they built cocoons for themselves. After a while they emerged as lovely butterflies. We were very excited today when we released them into the school garden. A big thank you to Sarah for bringing them in for us!
We had fun in the sun making shadow shapes. We then traced around our shadows with chalk. Here are some photos:
We had great fun in the RSA village today! Look at our photos:
We love to dance!
Congrats to our "Pupils of the Week", Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine and "Group of the Week"!
We had some visitors to our school all the way from America! We showed them some of our maths games:
Sponsored Walk
We went on our sponsored walk last Monday. Please return your sponsor card and money in the coming days if you haven't done so already. Thank you!
Our School Tour
We had a fantastic day on our school tour yesterday. We went to Imaginosity. We travelled there by bus. There was so much to see and do there. Have a look at some of the photos:
Well done!
Congratulations to our "Pupils of the Week", "Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine" and "Group of the Week"- keep up the super work!
The Rainbow Fish
We read a book called "The Rainbow Fish" in school this week. It's a lovely story about Rainbow Fish who learned to be kind to his friends. We are kind to each other in our class too!
Well done to our "Pupils of the Week", "Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine" and "Group of the Week"- keep up the great work!
Having fun at Aistear:
Well done to our "Pupils of the Week", our "Group of the Week" and our "Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine". Keep up the super work!
Road Safety
We've been learning about Road Safety. We learned a song called "The Safe Cross Code".
Sounds Walk
We went for a walk around our school to listen to all the sounds around us.
We had fun testing in our classroom to see which objects are magnetic and which ones are not!
Congratulations to our "Pupils of the Week" and "Gaeilgeoirí na Seachtaine" for the last few weeks. Keep up the great work!
Easter bonnet parade
Look at the fantastic bonnets we made for the Easter parade!
Engineers Week:
We made string telephones during Engineers Week. We tested them and found out that the sound travels down the string!
We helped each other when we did some mind maps!
Seachtain na Gaeilge
We really enjoyed performing on stage at our Seachtain na Gaeilge concert. It was great watching all the other classes perform too. We also practised some Irish dancing in P.E. and with Sinéad as well!
Maths trail
We had fun doing a maths trail in our school. We worked with a partner to find the answers.
World Book Day
We celebrated World Book Day on 3rd March. We dressed up as characters from books and we wrote about our favourite books too. An author called Aideen McBride came to our class to tell us some stories as well. It was a brilliant day!
Walking through the Jungle
We read a great book called "Walking through the Jungle. We went for a walk through the jungle too! Then we made some of the animals that we met using play dough.
We love P.E. every Wednesday. We always have lots of fun!
We went for a walk around school today to look for signs of Spring. Here's what we found:

We read a lovely story this week called "Handa's Hen". It's about a girl called Handa who goes on a journey with her friend Akeyo, to find her lost hen. It is set in Africa. We really enjoyed it!
Happy Grandparents Day!
Thank you to all the Grandparents who came in to visit us in school today. We were delighted you could be there. We remember all those who could not be with us today.
Congratulations to our winners this week!
Well done!
Well done!
We had lots of fun dancing with Sinéad during music class!

We read a lovely story this week called "The Emperor's Egg". It's all about penguins who live in Antarctica. It tells us about how the parents care for their little chick before and after it hatches.
We are learning how to measure. Today we measured how long our desks are, using links.
Having fun during Aistear:
Congratulations on 100% attendance in Term 1!!!!
Welcome back to school!
We're happy to be back at school and look forward to lots of exciting things to come in 2016! We had fun today with our friends at Golden Time. Here are some photos:
Well done to our Pupils of the Week, Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine and Group of the Week! Keep up the super work! We're proud of you!
Well done!
Congrats to these superstars in our class who won medals and trophies for dancing and karate!
Winter Walk
Winter is here! The weather is cold and we're wearing our warm clothes every day. We went for a walk to look out for signs that Winter has come to Clonburris!
Maths Fun
We made lovely houses using shapes and our imagination!
PE fun today
During PE today we stretched our bodies as tall as trees and then curled up into little balls like hedgehogs!
The children learnt a fun rhyme about bananas! I'm sure they would love to teach it to you.
My Family Art
Fun with playdough
We have been practicing making numbers with playdough. Next we will move onto number 6.
Junior Infants 2014/2015
We Love Music!
A big congratulations to our students of the week and our gaelgeoirí na seachtaine from the past month. Keep up the great work!
Our School Tour to Newbridge Farm
We had a very exciting school tour to Newbridge farm! We saw lots of animals including chickens, chicks, goats, pigs, and a peacock! We had a lovely lunch followed by a trip to the enormous playground. It was a lovely day! A big thank you to all the parents and grandparents who helped on our big day out!
Sports Day
We had so much fun on out Sports Day, despite the cold and the small bit of rain! We took part in the egg and spoon race, the beanbag race, the sprint, and the sack race! We also took part in a musical hoop game! We were very tired after our big day, but we really enjoyed ourselves!
Our Potion Class!
The children were learning all about capacity using special potions. They enjoyed mixing the potions and learning about how something can be full, half full, empty, nearly empty and full to the brim. We made a terrible mess but had lots of fun!
Our School Walk
On Tuesday the 28th of April we took part in our school's sponsored walk. Our class had a great time walking around the nearby estates and they especially loved the cherry blossom trees which were in full bloom! We even painted the cherry blossom trees the next day and hung our pictures just outside the classroom for everyone to see. We were very lucky with the weather, it was very sunny and we just missed the rain! A big thank you to everyone who has or is currently raising money for our sponsored walk, we really appreciate it.
Ceolchoirm Seachtain na Gaeilge
Visit our archive to see lots more photos!
We had a fun day today at our Seachtain na Gaeilge concert in the hall. We all dressed up in green, white and orange colours. We sang our songs up on the stage and we were fantastic! We really enjoyed watching all the other classes too!
World Book Day
We dressed up as characters from our favourite books today, for World Book Day. We had a parade in the hall and then an author came to tell us some stories. It was a great day!
Have a look at some of the photos:
Have a look at some of the photos:
We had great fun today working together to make robots!
Engineers Week:
We've been very busy in school this week, working as engineers! We designed our own bridges using potatoes! We discussed how we could make our bridges strong and steady. Have a look at the photos.
Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine - keep up the great effort!
Spring is here!
It's Springtime! We went for a walk around our school to look for all the signs of Spring. We saw lots of flowers starting to grow - snowdrops, primroses and daffodils. The buds are also growing on the trees. We saw some birds flying around too - they were probably busy building their nests. The garden is full of colour and there are lots of insects and other creatures around. Some of them are living in the bug hotel! Mr. Scarecrow is busy protecting the seeds and plants in the garden too! Here are some photos from our walk.
Food Dudes!
We've been tasting lots of different fruits and vegetables in school this week, as part of the "Food Dudes" Programme. Some of the ones we tasted were apples, bananas, oranges, raisins, peppers, cucumber and carrots. They help us to keep growing and to be healthy and strong!
Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine - keep up the great effort!
Happy Grandparents Day!
A big thank you to all the Grandparents (and parents) who came to visit our school today. The children loved having you here and showing you lots of their lovely work! We were thinking of other Grandparents who could not be with us on the day.
Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine. Keep up the great work everyone!
Science Experiment
We did an experiment to test which materials are waterproof and which ones are not!

Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine. Keep up the great effort everyone!
Science - Materials
We have been working as scientists this week. We had a "material hunt" in our classroom and have been learning about different materials such as wood, plastic, glass and metal.
Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine. Keep up the great effort everyone!
Welcome back!
We had a great time on our Christmas holidays but we're glad to be back in school , having fun and seeing our friends again!
Thank you!
Thank you very much to the Parents and Grandparents who came in to help with our "Incy Wincy Spider" activity on Wednesday. The children really enjoyed having you there and they all did their own lovely version of the nursery rhyme. If you haven't yet returned the Clover booklet could you please return it to Ms. Murray. Thank you!
Christmas Concert
All the boys and girls were fantastic in their show on Wednesday night! Well done to everyone- we're proud of you!!
Well done!
Congratulations to this weeks "Pupils of the Week" and to our Blue Group who were the "Group of the Week" - well done to you all!
Helpers required!
We are still looking for Parents to help supervise classes on the other concert nights. If you are available to help on the Tuesday or Thursday night please let us know. Thank you!
Well done to our winners this week - our Pupils of the Week and Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine!
Group of the Week - congratulations to the Green Group for their great effort this week!

Exciting News!!!!

We are so excited! Last night fairies moved in to our school garden! We visited the garden today to see their houses. They all have special jobs to do in the garden. Johnny helps to keep the garden clean and tidy. Lady looks after all the insects and Lona helps us if we're worried about anything. We love our new fairy friends!
Click here to try out a special Fairy Cake recipe.
Click here to try out a special Fairy Cake recipe.
Well done to our Pupils of the Week and Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine! You've been trying your best - keep up the great work!
Well done to the Yellow Group - our Group of the Week!
Reminder for Parents about the Parent Teacher meetings next week. Your child has received a note with a day and time for your meeting.
We visited the Circus at P.E. today! We juggled with the clowns, marched like elephants and even walked the tightrope!

A big thank you to the boys and girls who brought in shoeboxes for the Shoebox Appeal. The children will be delighted when they receive them!

Congratulations to our winning group - the Red Group, for their super work and behaviour this week! Keep up the great work!

Well done to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine! Keep up the good work!
We dressed up and had a Hallowe'en parade in school today. We also painted some scary spiders!
Congratulations to our Pupils of the Week and our Gaelgeoir na Seachtaine! They really tried their best this week. Keep it up and well done!
Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Reminder: Please return your shoebox for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal by 7th November!
Further details here.
Further details here.
We've been busy this week - looking after sick people, putting out fires and even building houses! Look at some of the photos of us:

We are scientists!
We did an experiment today to test how to make raisins dance! It was lots of fun!
We did an experiment today to test how to make raisins dance! It was lots of fun!
We listened to the story of "The Gruffalo". We were able to sequence the pictures ourselves after listening to it. We helped each other!
We love Golden Time! We're having fun with our friends and we are learning to share and take turns. Here are some photos:
We went on a nature walk around our school. Look at all the lovely Autumn colours:
Our First Week in School:
We are getting to know all our new friends in class. Here we are having fun, playing with different activities in school.
We are getting to know all our new friends in class. Here we are having fun, playing with different activities in school.