Contact Us
Chairperson: Hannah Kelly
Email: [email protected]
We endeavour to respond as quickly as possible to any queries or suggestions we receive.
Chairperson: Hannah Kelly
Email: [email protected]
We endeavour to respond as quickly as possible to any queries or suggestions we receive.
Our Parents' Association Constitution is linked here
We are very lucky to have such a hardworking and very active Parents' Association Committee in our school!
The Clonburris Parents' Association Committee was first set up in June 2007. We are a hands-on group of volunteers whose aim is to encourage parents to meet and get to know each other in order to enhance the sense of community within our school.
The Clonburris Parents' Association Committee was first set up in June 2007. We are a hands-on group of volunteers whose aim is to encourage parents to meet and get to know each other in order to enhance the sense of community within our school.
What is the aim of the Parents' Association?
The aim of the Parents Association is to provide a forum for the parents/guardians of children attending Clonburris National School to work together, in partnership with the Principal, Board of Management and the whole school community, to help provide the best possible education for
children attending the school, in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act, 1998.
What is the role of the Parents' Association?
The Parents' Association works with the principal, staff and the board of management to build effective partnership between home and school. The Parents Association Committee (PAC) meet during school term with our principal and our HSCL teacher to discuss any issues that may arise, including upcoming school events, parent courses, projects and fundraising. We also have an input on school policies and other issues that happen in the school that affect our children. We also contribute to the school newsletter.
From a parent’s point of view, it’s great to be up-to-date with the happenings in the school and a great chance to meet other parents. It also gives us a better view of the important work that is done by all who work in the school. Although we discuss serious issues we have a lot of fun too. The meetings really help to improve the teacher-pupil-parent relationship.
The Parents' Association Committee helps with organising fundraising events for the school such as the Bake Sale and Book Fair. We also volunteer their support when required at the sale of school uniforms on behalf of the school during the school year.
The Parents' Association Committee support the school with various school events and activities as requested by the Principal.
The Parents' Association Committee supports the role of the school’s HSCL teacher in promoting Parent Classes and encouraging parent/grandparent/guardian participation.
What does the Parents' Association not do?
- The Parents' Association Committee is not a forum for complaint against either an individual teacher, parent or student. The Complaints Procedure is the mechanism for this.
- We don't discuss another individual's behaviour or any medical information
- For any individual concerns brought to the attention of the Parents’ Association Committee, we must advise that the person raise these directly with the parent(s)/guardian(s) concerned, teacher or, where necessary, the Principal. It is not in our remit to deal with individual concerns.
- Confidentiality is key should any such issues arise. Breach of confidentiality may lead to dismissal from the Parents’ Association Committee.
- We are not responsible for decision making on management issues in the school
- We are not responsible for professional issues re. teaching and learning
As a parent / guardian, you are an automatic member of our Parent Association. Parental input is welcome at all times and we are always on the look out for new ideas and areas to explore.
We encourage parents to get involved with the committee in any way they can. Not all parents/guardians will be in a position to become involved in the Parents Association Committee but instead, may wish to be involved in fundraising or a school event.
If you have any skill/ trade or local business and would like it included in our school directory, i.e. sports coach, dance teacher, electrician, plumber, carpentry, painter and decorator, engineer etc. please let us know!
The Parents’ Association Committee would love to hear of ideas or suggestions that you may have for ventures that will help the whole school community, i.e. pupils, parents and staff.
Clonburris N.S. Website Parents' Association Committee Page:
Check our page on the school website for our regular updates
Clonburris Parents – Facebook Page:
The ‘Clonburris Parents’ page was set up by the parents for the parents/guardians of children attending Clonburris National School. It has proven to be a very useful resource and efficient way of communicating reminders, clarifying simple queries and arrange uniforms/books/costumes swaps etc.