Ms. O'Brien's 3rd Class
Reminder to grown ups: please ensure you check Aladdin regularly or have push notifications turned on for this app to get regular messages from school to be kept up to date.
Thank you.
2nd Class 2020/21
We are working on...
CHRISTMAS & ADVENT: through SESE, religion and arts.
MATHS - 3D shapes
GAEILGE - An Nollaig: Click here for the dán Oíche Nollag.
PE - DANCING: We are joining in with others in the Jerusalema dance challenge. Click here to see others doing their Jerusalema challenge.
We also learned the Blinding Lights and Savage Love dances.
MATHS - 3D shapes
GAEILGE - An Nollaig: Click here for the dán Oíche Nollag.
PE - DANCING: We are joining in with others in the Jerusalema dance challenge. Click here to see others doing their Jerusalema challenge.
We also learned the Blinding Lights and Savage Love dances.
We're having great fun getting ready for Christmas in Second Class. We learned all about the history of The Late Late Toy Show, reviewed our favourite toys in our own Toy Show and had hot chocolate and candy to prepare for the Toy Show on 27th November. We cant wait to start opening our homemade Advent calendar to officially begin the count down to Christmas.
We all know how to be great friends in this class but we are working extra hard to show everyone how to be a good friend and why friends are so important at the moment.
Also, to celebrate our friends and Thanksgiving, we have added them together to make FRIENDSGIVING and are doing a Kindness challenge.
Click here to join us in this challenge.
Also, to celebrate our friends and Thanksgiving, we have added them together to make FRIENDSGIVING and are doing a Kindness challenge.
Click here to join us in this challenge.
Friendship Recipe
how to make a good friend...
how to make a good friend...
Gaeilge Maths
Addition with renaming.
Award Winners
Happy Halloween
We are always creative so keep clicking through our slideshows to see any new art we have added... Have you seen our sock pumpkins? Or Lunar paintings?
We love to get Active
We love to explore
1st Class 2020/21
June 15th - 30th: click here for a message and activity ideas.
Clonburris Health and Wellbeing Week
Take a break from your work this week and join us in our activities! Click on the link above to look at the activities for each day!!
Creative Clonburris - click here for details
(Ms. C. Carolan's English group here)
Learning at Home page here
Dear Parents, Boys & Girls,
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Due to the recent forced closure of schools at this time, there are a few things the boys and girls can do at home, with guidance, to progress with their learning. I will update this at the beginning of each week to keep children on some sort of progression track. However, please do not feel under any pressure to complete all work/subjects every day. It's a very difficult/strange time for everyone at the moment so just do what is best for your children, your family and your situation. To help aid children's understanding of what is happening at the moment, click here to watch Simon Harris answer children's questions.
If you, the parents wish, you can submit any completed work to my email for feedback and/or comment. You can also liaise with me about the children through this facility if you need to. My email address is
[email protected]
Click on the below images to enlarge and get some recommendations for keeping your children busy at home....
I hope you are all keeping safe and well. Due to the recent forced closure of schools at this time, there are a few things the boys and girls can do at home, with guidance, to progress with their learning. I will update this at the beginning of each week to keep children on some sort of progression track. However, please do not feel under any pressure to complete all work/subjects every day. It's a very difficult/strange time for everyone at the moment so just do what is best for your children, your family and your situation. To help aid children's understanding of what is happening at the moment, click here to watch Simon Harris answer children's questions.
If you, the parents wish, you can submit any completed work to my email for feedback and/or comment. You can also liaise with me about the children through this facility if you need to. My email address is
[email protected]
Click on the below images to enlarge and get some recommendations for keeping your children busy at home....
***Tune into RTÉ 2 daily at 11am for live LESSONS aimed at children from 1st-6th class. After the lesson, children will be directed to fun content and projects on www.rte.ie/learn and the RTÉ player***
RTÉ Home School Extra kicks off at 4.15pm where kids all over the country can get involved and reconnect by uploading, posting and sharing video messages and content, just make sure you check with an adult before this.
Twinkl also has a home learning section that is very good. Pick your class and topic and they have worksheets and things ready to go.
Below are a number of things that could be completed daily to keep them in some sort of routine whilst indoors at this current time. The children should have their Spellbound and Master Your Maths books at home with them. They could stick to their routine of doing one section of these per day over the week. For example, Monday – Thursday:
- Tables, MYM Q1-12 and one section of Spellbound. As I now have access to the phonics book, children can now continue working on a sound each week, as we were doing for homework pre closure. The children could draw four pictures of words to do with the sound of the week as well as write four sentences based on these words. Encourage children to make interesting sentences, by adding adjectives to their nouns and adverbs etc. They can do this in their red homework copies.
- Read, read and read some more - spend at least 10 minutes reading every day.
- Some topics from topics below eg Water, The Pond, The Garden, Easter, Gaeilge, project work etc.
- Children could work on a MYM test for those weeks (at back of book) on Fridays along with some free writing in their red copies. For example, the most interesting thing I did this week was… I will post a tables test on the website that can be changed each week depending on what tables the children are working on.
- We had also been working on the topic of money in maths so practical activities involving money such as making shopping lists, estimating how much money you will need for these things, sorting coins/notes needed for the shop, working out how much change you are owed would be useful for the children. Another idea could be to set up a shop at home e.g clothes shop, food shop, toy shop etc.
Week of 3rd June
- To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Week 32 of Spellbound. As we are coming to the end of the school year the work in Spellbound is now revision and MYM weekly work has finished. Look over MYM to see if there is any work you have missed and make sure to have at least tried all of the tests at the back of the book. Now that the children can collect/have collected Planet Maths from school there are mental maths pages in this similar to MYM to work on.
- Tables: Skip counting in five - 5 as far as 100. Click here for 100 square to help with this. The children in my maths class love to play 100 square games so I will link some here if they want to play them. Also the website SPLAT is also great for playing with 100 squares.
- 100 square riddles
- 100 square patterns
- Missing numbers
Sound of the week - or
Action - Put hands on head as if donkey’s ears pointing down, and say or.
Revise the /or/ sound and <or> spelling.
The or spelling is usually used at the end of words.
With the children, make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written.
Spelling List - fork, storm, horse, forty, morning, torch.
Revise tricky words - because, want, saw, put, could, should, would, right, two and four.
Revise plurals. Remind the children that a plural is more than one of something.
E.g. The cats ran quickly. The boys ate their sweets.
If a word ends in /sh/, /ch/, /s/, or /x/, the plural is made by adding es.
- Fox - foxes
- Church- churches
- Bush - bushes
Wish, dish, crash, brush, church, crunch, catch, ditch, dress, kiss, pass, class, box, fox, six and fix.
Grianghraif Shamhraidh - Summer photographs
This week the children can look at this powerpoint that contains summer related vocabulary.
Activity 1 - Each day pick 3/4 words. Write the word and draw a picture to describe them.
Activity 2 - Draw a big summer picture. Try use all the words from the powerpoint. Add the labels into your summer picture.
Maths mosaics are a great way to promote maths in a fun way. Please click here to complete the mosaics. (Addition/Subtraction)
Sun Safety
As we have been very lucky with the weather lately, this is an ideal time to remember the importance of being safe in the sun. I have left many links below for you to browse through and learn from to remind ourselves of how important it is to respect the sun and protect ourselves as best as we can while we enjoy it. Sammy Seagull is a great help to us in reminding us about being safe in the sun. Have a look at his song and see if you can learn it.
Sun Safety Powerpoint
Sun Awareness Powerpoint
Sun Awareness UV rays
Sun Awareness for parents
Sammy Seagull's Summer Safety Song
Sammy Seagull's Summer Safety Song Words
Sammy Seagull's activity sheet
Pack safe for sun activity sheet
Sun safety activity sheet
Sun safety poster challenge
Week of 25th May
- To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Week 31 of Spellbound. As we are coming to the end of the school year the work in Spellbound is now revision and MYM weekly work has finished. Look over MYM to see if there is any work you have missed and make sure to have at least tried all of the tests at the back of the book. Now that the children can collect/have collected Planet Maths from school there are mental maths pages in this similar to MYM to work on.
- Tables: Skip counting in five - 5 as far as 100. Click here for 100 square to help with this. The children in my maths class love to play 100 square games so I will link some here if they want to play them. Also the website SPLAT is also great for playing with 100 squares.
- 100 square riddles
- 100 square patterns
- Missing numbers
Sound of the week - oy
Remind the children that the main way of writing the /oy/ sound are ‘oi’ and ‘oy’. We focused on writing the sound with ‘oi’ last week. E.g. coin - boy. The oy sounds the same, but has a different spelling.
The oy spelling is usually used at the end of words.
With the children, make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written.
Spelling List 2 - jet, dig, help, boy, you, enjoy, annoy, two, four and destroy.
Revise tricky words - other, were, because, want, saw, could, should, would and right.
Revise adverbs.
This week we will concentrate on revising na mothúcháin - feelings. Click here to see a range of feelings as Gaeilge. Take 3 feelings a day, make a sentence and draw a picture to accompany it.
For example - Tá áthas orm - I am happy.
Click here for a draw the feelings activity
This week the children will revise patterns in maths. You can make your own patterns with things in house, for example spoon fork spoon fork etc or click here for an activity sheet to practise.
Creative Clonburris
As we were being very creative, scientific and engineering last week lets continue on with this this week with some science experiments. Below find a range of fun, easy science experiments that involve ingredients you might have in your household cupboards.
- rain-cloud-in-a-jar-science-experiment
- skittle-colour-mixing-science-experiment
- grow-a-rainbow-experiment
- dissolving experiment
- fireworks-in-a-glass-experiment
- lava-lamp-experiment
- fun-with-density
Why not take advantage of our promised heat wave this week and have some fun outdoors. Try some of our scavenger hunts and tell us how you got on... Pssssttt don't forget our Sun Safety rules - slip, slap, slop - slip on a t-shirt, slap on a sunhat, slop on some suncream.
- nature walk scavenger hunt
- five senses scavenger hunt
Week of 18th May
- To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Weeks 30 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 31 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: Skip counting in two - backwards: 100 down as far as 2. Click here for 100 square to help with this. The children in my maths class love to play 100 square games so I will link some here if they want to play them. Also the website SPLAT is also great for playing with 100 squares.
- 100 square riddles
- 100 square patterns
Sound of the week - oi.
Action - cup hands around mouth and shout as if to another boat, oi!, ship ahoy!
Remind the children that the main way of writing the /oi/ sound are ‘oi’ and ‘oy’.
With the children, make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the pictures of oil cans (see below) like we do in class.
Spellings List 1 - bug, had, film, oil, coin, noisy, toilet, would, right and boiling.
Revise tricky words - more, before, other, were, because, want, saw, put, could and should.
Look over the list of verbs you came up with last week and/or the pictures you have drawn to match the verbs. Make up some sentences together using verbs. Explain that just like we use adjectives to describe a noun, we use adverbs to describe a verb. This can be done as an oral activity.
E.g. ‘They swim quickly’, ‘She eats loudly’, ‘He reads quietly’.
This week we will concentrate on caitheamh aimsire - hobbies. Click on the Caitheamh Aimsire Powerpoint link to see a rane of hobbies as Gaeilge. Take 3 slides a day, make a sentence and draw a picture to accompany it.
For example - Ag tarraingt - drawing.
Is maith liom a bheith ag tarraingt - I like to draw.
- Is maith liom a bheith ________ - I like to _______.
- Ní maith liom a bheith _______ - I do not like to _______.
- Is breá liom a bheith ________ - I love to _______.
This week the children will revise place value in maths. This is an important foundation in maths. The class was doing a great job in school pre-closure and it is important to keep this firmly in their mind.
- Tens and units, or Tens and ‘ones’ as you will see it referred to at times, helps the children when doing calculations and to read and understand numbers.
25 - 2 tens and 5 units. (20+5 i.e 10+10+1+1+1+1+1)
- You can quiz your child by writing a number down and asking them to explain how many tens and units make that number. (numbers from 01 - 99)
- If your child is very comfortable with this concept you may continue to the hundreds.
- However this is not a requirement, only an option. If it is too difficult for your child to grasp. Do not pursue it. This is work for next year. Your child is up to speed with the 1st class curriculum.
203 = (2 hundreds. 0 tens and 3 units/ 100+100+[0 tens] +1+1+1)
- You may quiz your child on these as well. “How many hundreds, tens and units in the number 189?”
A powerpoint is linked below to remind your child of tens and units and of hundred tens and units.
Again, please do not pursue the hundred, tens and units if your child is not able yet. That is work for next year.
Clink on the below links for activities to do with tens and units.
After looking and learning about the history of Clondalkin last week, and learning about different sources of water in Clondalkin previously such as the Canal, the River Camac, the lakes in Corkagh park, we are going to concentrate on learning more about our locality this week through looking at different bridges in our area and in the wider world.
Let’s start by having a look at some famous bridges around the world. Can you think of any that we learned about already (hint: Australia). Click here to learn more about this bridge.
Or maybe you’ve seen or even walked across some nice bridges in Dublin City Centre such as the Ha’Penny Bridge. Maybe you could research the Ha’Penny Bridge to learn more about it. There are many different types of bridges and many different reasons for bridges. For example, did you know a train lines runs through our area that we cross often using a bridge?
- types-of-bridges-information-powerpoint
- types-of-bridges-display-photos
- interesting-bridges-activity-sheet
The Three Billy Goats Gruff
To link with our study of bridges, we will revise the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. To listen to this story, please click here. https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/tg-au-18-three-billy-goats-gruff-audio-book or click here for the story in powerpoint form.
I have also included a link to listen to this story as Gaeilge. Click here for Na Trí Gabhair Cliste.
Why not practice your gymnastic skills while reading this story? Click here for gymnastic ideas to go with this story.
Interactive games
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/the-three-billy-goats-gruff-interactive-word-mat-activity-tg-77-newlink
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/the-three-billy-goats-gruff-interactive-word-search-tg-193-newlink
Build your own raft
Week of 12th May
To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Weeks 29 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 30 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: Skip counting in two's - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 etc as far as 100.
Sound of the week - ou (Action - Pretend your finger is a needle and prick your thumb saying ou, ou, ou). Remind the children that /ou/ and /ow/ can make the same sound. Example out - how.
Revise the ou spelling and the ou sound. With the children make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the pictures of houses (see below) like we do in class.
Sound of the week - ow (Action - Pretend your finger is a needle and prick your thumb saying ou, ou, ou). Remind the children that /ow/ and /ou/ can make the same sound, just like they learned last week. Example mouth - brown.
Revise the ow spelling and the ow sound. With the children make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the pictures of owls (see below) like we do in class.
Continue to revise tricky words - who, which, any, many, more, before, other, were, because and want. Tricky Words Week 2 - any, many, more, before, other, were, because, want, saw and put.
See how many times you can find the tricky words during the week and count how many you find.
Revise Verbs - a verb is a doing word (I ran, he sang, she jumped, we play).
Remember that if we can put the word ‘to’ before a word, then it’s probably a verb. E.g. to sing, to Why don’t you practice your verbs by doing some actions with them!
Write the letters of the alphabet A-Z down along the side of your copy. See if you can come up with a verb beginning with each letter. Example - act, bake, carry, drive…. etc.
This week the class will be revising the names of different toys (bréagán). They will do this through the colouring book (leabhar dathúchán). There is no requirement to print out these pages. Your child could write the name on a page along with its picture. maybe pick 3/4 words a day. You can extend your child’s learning by putting the words into sentences. e.g “Is/Ní maith liom teidí.” “Tá/Níl teidí agam.”
Revision of Bréagáin - link with RTÉ teaching hub for this week.
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-75-postaeir-thaispeana-breagain
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-223-toys-breagain-colouring-pages
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-227-breagain-dot-to-dot-activity-sheet-gaeilge
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-gl-137-breagain-differentiated-word-search-gaeilge
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-gl-138-breagain-crossword
This week we will concentrate on spatial awareness and directions. You can link this with RTÉ school hub this week and maybe make a map of your house or estate or Clondalkin and design a treaure hunt for your family to take part in. Oy you could ask your child to draw a picture. Give directions and test their understanding of these terms. e.g. “Draw a table. Draw a pencil under the table. Draw a chair behind the table. Draw a girl beside the table.”
Spatial Awareness language: in front, behind, between, on, beside, under
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-2544816-year-1-position-and-direction-warm-up-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-n-5397-home-sweet-home-spatial-awareness-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-l-53551-whos-at-the-zoo-spatial-awareness-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-n-5305-sand-waves-and-ice-cream-spatial-awareness-activity-sheet
Clondalkin is a village steeped in history. Why not involve yourselves and your children in finding out more about your hometown. Take a walk through the village and see if you can find the Old Cinema, Tully’s Castle, St. Brigids Well, St. John’s Church … Or maybe look up some interesting facts about The Round Tower and Corkagh Park.
Some ideas to work on might be:
- The history of Clondalkin http://www.southdublinhistory.ie/content.aspx?area=Clondalkin&type=history
- The Round Tower http://www.megalithicireland.com/Clondalkin%20Round%20Tower.html
- https://www.echo.ie/clondalkin/article/here-s-10-things-you-probably-didn-t-know-about-the-clondalkin-round-tower
- Corkagh Park http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/history-heritage/architecture/pre-1850-houses-in-south-/clondalkin/corkagh-house/
- Why is The Mill Centre called The Mill? http://www.askaboutireland.ie/reading-room/history-heritage/built-heritage-1700-today/the-mills-of-south-dublin/the-mills-of-clondalkin/
- Can you name 5 estates in Clondalkin named after saints or famous people in Irish history?
Week of 5th May
To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Weeks 28 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 29 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: Skip counting in two's - 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 etc as far as 50.
Sound of the week - ou (Action - Pretend your finger is a needle and prick your thumb saying ou, ou, ou). Remind the children that /ou/ and /ow/ can make the same sound. Example out - how.
Revise the ou spelling and the ou sound. With the children make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the pictures of houses (see below) like we do in class.
Draw 4 pictures with the ‘ou’ words. (See below)
Write 4 sentences with the ‘ou’ words.
Continue to revise tricky words - who, which, any, many, more, before, other, were, because and want. Tricky Words Week 2 - any, many, more, before, other, were, because, want, saw and put.
See how many times you can find the tricky words during the week and count how many you find.
Revise Verbs - a verb is a doing word (I ran, he sang, she jumped, we play).
Remember that if we can put the word ‘to’ before a word, then it’s probably a verb. E.g. to sing, to Why don’t you practice your verbs by doing some actions with them!
Write the letters of the alphabet A-Z down along the side of your copy. See if you can come up with a verb beginning with each letter. Example - act, bake, carry, drive…. etc.
Read each day and keep a list of the books you’ve read. You can find a link to e-books below for those of you who might have all of your books read at home already!!
- Oxford Owl - We read a lot of Biff, Chip and Kipper books in our classroom and these can be found here https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-site/find-a-book/library-page?view=image&query=Biff&type=book&age_group=Age+6-7&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series=#
- Storyline online - https://www.storylineonline.net/
- International Children’s Digital Library - http://en.childrenslibrary.org/
- Amazon free books for Kindle - https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Kindle-Store-Childrens-eBooks/zgbs/digital-text/155009011/ref=zg_bs?_encoding=UTF8&tf=1
Revision of aimsir. Worksheet available to download below.
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-53751-the-weather-powerpoint-audio
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-53613-aimsir-cuardach-focal
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-53700-the-weather-read-and-draw-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-gl-163-cen-sort-aimsire-ata-ann-inniu-powerpoint-gaeilge
Continue on with revision of time, along with 2D shapes and counting in 2's. Worksheets available to download below.
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-926-2d-shape-properties-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-2312-name-the-2d-shape-ks1-powerpoint-quiz
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-l-755-shape-hunt-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/summer-themed-2d-shape-hunt-worksheet-t-n-2546943
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-193-repeating-pattern-worksheets-shapes-and-colours
May is the month of Mary. We celebrate Mary this month as part of our religious studies. File available to download below.
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-re-3-may-is-the-month-of-mary
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-re-236-may-is-the-month-of-mary-prayer
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-re-206-the-may-altar-colouring-page

mary-stained-glass.pdf | |
File Size: | 319 kb |
File Type: |

aimsir.pdf | |
File Size: | 138 kb |
File Type: |
The Flower
Following on from us learning about gardens, spring and water sources, and while the weather is good, we will now look at flowers and plants. Below are a number of ideas to turn this into active lessons in the garden/local green area, along with some family friendly fun things to go together to enhance this learning. Maybe you could try planting flowers, a plant or vegetables in your garden with your family and watch them as threy grow.
Week of 20th-30th April
To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Weeks 26 and 27 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 27/28 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -12.
Maths – Time
You can print and cut out the clock faces to construct your own clock. Parents can use the clock and move the hands. Parents may ask their child questions such as, “Can you show me 7 o’clock?”/”Can you show me half past 8?” The child can move the hands of the clock to display the time they were asked.
If your child is doing very well perhaps show them and explain ‘quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’.
After plenty of practice and explanation a parent may ask questions such as “Can you show me quarter to 3/past 3?”
Parents could also ask their child a question like “Half 4”and the child draws a picture of a clock and displays half 4.
Gaeilge – Éadaí
You can print or draw these worksheets down onto a page. The first few pages are to do with clothes. The children can match the clothes with the correct word. They could do a page each day or second day if they like. There is also a word search to further use the words and a picture of a boy and girl they could label and colour in.
Sound of the week - ea (makes an /ee/ sound). Revise the ea spelling and the ea sound. With the children make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the teapot shape like we do in class.
Draw 4 pictures with the ‘ea’ words. (See below)
Write 4 sentences with the ‘ea’ words.
Revise tricky words - like, have, live, give, little, down, what, when, why and where. See how many times you can find the tricky words during the week and count how many you find.
Revise adjectives - a describing word e.g. The red chair. The bouncy ball. Try to come up with your best sentences. Lots of opportunity for oral language here.
Read each day and keep a list of the books you’ve read. You can find a link to e-books below for those of you who might have all of your books read at home already!!
Time Capsule
The time capsule provided is a nice idea to document the historic time you are living through today. It is a personal piece which you can share with your family and may be nice to look back on in years to come. There are pictures, activity brainstorming page diary entries you can make. Click here for time capsule.
As there are quite a number of different water sources available within the Clondalkin area, we thought we would involve the children is some integrated active learning involving learning about water and different habitats found near water sources eg pond life, through a range of subjects and activities. However, as always, safety is of utmost importance so please ensure your children are supervised by an adult when doing any of this active work.
Water safety:
Different areas in Clondalkin with water sources include:
Pond focus:
Frog focus:
Duck Focus:
Science experiments:
Children can choose one of the above topics - the pond, frog or duck, to do a project similar to the other projects they have completed. Topics to look at include what family they are from, what they look like, where they live, what they do, why they’re important etc.
***And, as before, under the weekly work, there are ideas on keeping active and other activities to help keep us motivated***
Week of 30th March
To keep on track, over this week, the children were due to work on Weeks 25 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 26 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -11.
We were due to work on the topic of Easter this week also. Below find a couple of other things to keep children going at this tough time.
The following are more "FUN" activities related to Easter
Build things using recyclable materials e.g. car, building, bridge, city. Take lots of photos to show everyone in school your awesome creations when we get back to school.
Other activities- drama, authors chair, comic strip, mindfulness colouring, YouTube yoga, how to draw, sketching along with other activities listed below last week's work.
Following on from us learning about gardens, spring and water sources, and while the weather is good, we will now look at flowers and plants. Below are a number of ideas to turn this into active lessons in the garden/local green area, along with some family friendly fun things to go together to enhance this learning. Maybe you could try planting flowers, a plant or vegetables in your garden with your family and watch them as threy grow.
- Parts of a plant https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-10000130-parts-of-a-plant-powerpoint-
- Life cycle of a plant https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/lifecycle-of-a-plant-powerpoint-t-t-2547035
- What plants need to grow https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t2-s-230-what-plants-need-to-grow-powerpoint
- Plants need worksheet https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-sc-2046-plants-need-activity-sheet
- Flower Hunt https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2545798-spring-flower-hunt-checklist
- Flower and plant hunt https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-1103-plants-and-flowers-hunt-sheet
- Nature hunt https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us2-t-168-nature-walk-scavenger-hunt-
- Garden Pack https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-he-539-ks1-summer-fun-in-the-holidays-in-the-garden-activity-pack
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/cfe-t-2544987-what-am-i-outdoor-treasure-hunt-activity
- https://content.twinkl.co.uk/resource/3a/a5/cfe-t-2545011-outdoor-technology-activity-sheet.pdf?__token__=exp=1587499298~acl=%2Fresource%2F3a%2Fa5%2Fcfe-t-2545011-outdoor-technology-activity-sheet.pdf%2A~hmac=748c200a1feda025dfd5b9f914272a64319a740497947d908ce6fbb9c2279365
Week of 20th-30th April
To keep on track, over this time , the children were due to work on Weeks 26 and 27 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 27/28 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -12.
Maths – Time
You can print and cut out the clock faces to construct your own clock. Parents can use the clock and move the hands. Parents may ask their child questions such as, “Can you show me 7 o’clock?”/”Can you show me half past 8?” The child can move the hands of the clock to display the time they were asked.
If your child is doing very well perhaps show them and explain ‘quarter to’ and ‘quarter past’.
After plenty of practice and explanation a parent may ask questions such as “Can you show me quarter to 3/past 3?”
Parents could also ask their child a question like “Half 4”and the child draws a picture of a clock and displays half 4.
Gaeilge – Éadaí
You can print or draw these worksheets down onto a page. The first few pages are to do with clothes. The children can match the clothes with the correct word. They could do a page each day or second day if they like. There is also a word search to further use the words and a picture of a boy and girl they could label and colour in.
Sound of the week - ea (makes an /ee/ sound). Revise the ea spelling and the ea sound. With the children make a list of words which use it. Then ask them to make some sentences using the word. This can be done orally or written. The words can also be written onto the teapot shape like we do in class.
Draw 4 pictures with the ‘ea’ words. (See below)
Write 4 sentences with the ‘ea’ words.
Revise tricky words - like, have, live, give, little, down, what, when, why and where. See how many times you can find the tricky words during the week and count how many you find.
Revise adjectives - a describing word e.g. The red chair. The bouncy ball. Try to come up with your best sentences. Lots of opportunity for oral language here.
Read each day and keep a list of the books you’ve read. You can find a link to e-books below for those of you who might have all of your books read at home already!!
- Oxford Owl - We read a lot of Biff, Chip and Kipper books in our classroom and these can be found here: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/home/reading-site/find-a-book/library-page?view=image&query=Biff&type=book&age_group=Age+6-7&level=&level_select=&book_type=&series=#
- Storyline online - https://www.storylineonline.net/
- International Children’s Digital Library - http://en.childrenslibrary.org/
- Amazon free books for Kindle -
Time Capsule
The time capsule provided is a nice idea to document the historic time you are living through today. It is a personal piece which you can share with your family and may be nice to look back on in years to come. There are pictures, activity brainstorming page diary entries you can make. Click here for time capsule.
As there are quite a number of different water sources available within the Clondalkin area, we thought we would involve the children is some integrated active learning involving learning about water and different habitats found near water sources eg pond life, through a range of subjects and activities. However, as always, safety is of utmost importance so please ensure your children are supervised by an adult when doing any of this active work.
Water safety:
Different areas in Clondalkin with water sources include:
- The Canal
- River Camac – community centre and Corkagh Park
- Lakes in Corkagh Park
- Garden ponds
- Places to find water https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-g-36-bodies-of-water-powerpoint
- Water wordsearch https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-g-38-bodies-of-water-word-search
Pond focus:
- Pond information https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t2-s-1379-ks2-what-is-a-pond-information-powerpoint
- Pond dipping https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t2-e-41421-ks2-pond-dipping-identification-checklist-activity-sheet
- Pond Vocabulary https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-t-2548445-pond-life-word-cards
- Pond reading https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-t-2548783-ponds-emergent-reader-ebook
- Pond reading activity https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t2-e-41427-ks2-bbc-springwatch-all-about-pond-life-differentiated-reading-comprehension-activity
- Pond graph maths activity sheet https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-t-2548786-pond-count-and-graph-activity-sheet
Frog focus:
- Letter from a frog https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-tp-62-invitation-to-visit-a-frogs-pond-topic-hook-letter
- Lifecycle of a frog resource pack https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2546274-frog-life-cycle
- Lifecycle of a frog https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-5230-frog-life-cycle-powerpoint
- Lifecycle worksheet https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-t-1398-australia---frog-lifecycle-worksheets
- Lifecycle writing sheets https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/life-cycle-of-a-frog-early-writing-activities-t-e-2549745
- Information on frogs videos https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/search-results/?q=lifecycle%20of%20frog
- Art activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_kovglf_eM
- Letter revision https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-t-2548776-pond-upper-and-lowercase-letter-matching-activity
- Phonics revision https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-l-869-phonics-fishing-game
Duck Focus:
- Reading https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-53920-brendas-boring-egg-ebook
- Activities based in above story https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-54085-brendas-boring-egg-story-sack-resource-pack
- Character work based on above story https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-54128-brendas-boring-egg-character-description-differentiated-activity-sheets
- Lifecycle of a duck https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-54166-brendas-boring-egg-life-cycle-of-a-duck-resource-pack
- Art activity https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2548932-2d-shape-duckling-activity-sheets
- Art activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ReQT_be_SoU
Science experiments:
Children can choose one of the above topics - the pond, frog or duck, to do a project similar to the other projects they have completed. Topics to look at include what family they are from, what they look like, where they live, what they do, why they’re important etc.
***And, as before, under the weekly work, there are ideas on keeping active and other activities to help keep us motivated***
Week of 30th March
To keep on track, over this week, the children were due to work on Weeks 25 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 26 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -11.
We were due to work on the topic of Easter this week also. Below find a couple of other things to keep children going at this tough time.
- An Cháisc (Easter) - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-t-147-irish-easter-words-colouring-activity-sheet-gaeilge
- An Cháisc Biongó - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-242-an-chaisc-bingo
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-t-2546150-cuardach-focal-casca-word-search-gaeilge
- Aimsir/Bia. Folens online ABAIR LIOM (revision - we have completed as far as unit 16 in Abair Liom)/twinkl lecture slides and worksheets.
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-17242-easter-themed-maths-activity-book
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/eyfs-easter-themed-maths-home-learning-activity-booklet-t-tp-6542
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/easter-maths-addition-to-20-activity-booklet-t-n-7328
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-2545942-ks1-easter-themed-maths-activity-booklet
- Counting- skip counting in 2's, 5's, 10's. Start counting from a different starting point eg 7, 8, 9 etc. Count in odd numbers up to 20 - 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19.
- Weight- food scales and related work. For example find two things in your kitchen heavier than a 1kg bag of sugar. Find two things that are lighter than a 1kg bag of sugar.
- Length - measuring and related work. For example, measure the kitchen floor using your hands. Estimate (guess) first. Measure. How close was your estimate?
- Word problems - use real life situations as much as possible, with emphasis involving money, weight, length where possible.
- 2D/3D shapes - involve children in a real life shape hunt, finding different shapes around the house/garden. For example, find 3 cylindrical shapes in the bathroom - shampoo bottle, toilet roll, towel rack. Or get extra creative and create your own imaginary structure using 3D shapes you are finished with around the house eg empty toilet rolls, cereal boxes etc. Make sure you check with an adult first that they are finished with these things before using them.
- Write a diary entry for yourself pretending to be your favourite character from book/movie.
- Keep a daily gratitude diary over next couple of weeks. Everyday write one thing you did that you liked and one thing that you loved as well as one thing you learned.
- Listen to story on YouTube/Audible. David Walliams has some great online stories available to listen to at the moment.
- Write a simple book review about any books they read over the school closure.
- Why do we celebrate Easter - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-18162-why-do-we-celebrate-easter-powerpoint
- Saving Easter - story relayed to Easter
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-c-254524-easter-story-word-search
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/the-easter-journal-the-story-of-easter-powerpoint-t-or-1138
- The Easter story - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-5074-the-easter-story-powerpoint
- Veritas have also made Grow In Love available online to parents during this time so children can work on topic of Easter in Grow In Love at home (they should have this from before school closed).Simply login on www.growinlove.ie with the following details: email: [email protected] password:growinlove
The following are more "FUN" activities related to Easter
- https://www.twinkl.ie/search - search Easter
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2546556-easter-dot-to-dot-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2546559-chick-2d-shape-activity-sheets
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-c-254499-easter-themed-basket-craft
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-re-298-happy-easter-colouring-pages
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-c-254454-rabbit-2d-shape-activity-sheets
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-738-spring-colouring-posters
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-t-t-5018-easter-colour-by-number-gaeilge
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-re-199-easter-greetings-colouring-gift-card-template
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-t-640-easter-crossword-english-medium
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-t-640-easter-basket-hanging-decoration-craft-instructions
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-t-t-5014-easter-egg-symmetry-sheets-gaeilge
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-a-69-easter-sock-rabbits-craft-instructions
Build things using recyclable materials e.g. car, building, bridge, city. Take lots of photos to show everyone in school your awesome creations when we get back to school.
Other activities- drama, authors chair, comic strip, mindfulness colouring, YouTube yoga, how to draw, sketching along with other activities listed below last week's work.
Week 18th-27th March
To keep on track, over this week, the children were due to work on Weeks 23 and 24 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 24 and 25 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -9 and -10.
We were due to work on the topic of Spring this fortnight in school, concentrating mainly on the garden. For example, planting bulbs, different types of trees and flowers etc, an ghairdín as Gaeilge:
We were also going to do a project based on the bumblebee, similar to the other projects they have completed. Topics to look at include what family they are from (insects), what they look like, where they live, what they do, why they’re important etc.
*********************************************STAY ACTIVE*******************************************
While it is important to keep up with our school work, it is also just as important to keep active. Get out in the air as much as possible, play games, practise running, go on your bike, make your own obstacle course, remembering always to keep your distance from others as much as possible, #socialdistancing.
When indoors there are lots of websites available to make use of to stay active such as cosmic kids yoga, go noodle, lean in 15 etc. A good old dance is always a great way to get active too.
And don't forget, helping out at home is another great way to stay active and be kind. Make your bed, clean your room, empty the dishwasher, fold the clothes, clean up after yourself, clean up after dinner, hoover, dust, help make dinner, bake with your parents, tidy the garden...
Or get creative by making a den, designing a bridge using recyclable materials... Play some board games/jenga/card games or do a jigsaw with your family...but try not to kill each other!!
Some good websites to avail of during this time include:
Make sure to take care of yourselves and your families, stay safe and remember our number one rule...be kind to yourselves and others!! Always!!
Ms O'Brien x
Week 18th-27th March
To keep on track, over this week, the children were due to work on Weeks 23 and 24 of Spellbound and MYM (Wk 24 and 25 of MYM for Mr Kelliher/Ms Noonan’s maths groups). Tables: -9 and -10.
We were due to work on the topic of Spring this fortnight in school, concentrating mainly on the garden. For example, planting bulbs, different types of trees and flowers etc, an ghairdín as Gaeilge:
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-roi-t-t-2548144-pacaiste-cartai-postaeir-agus-ceisteanna-eadai-sa-ghairdin-an-feidir-leata-fheiceail-activity-pack-gaeilge
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-gl-036-bileog-oibre-gairdin-na-scoile-teanga-o-bheal-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-gl-101-ar-an-bhfeirm-mothers-and-their-young-matching-cards
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi2-l-9-an-aimsir-gaeilge-bingo
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2545802-signs-of-spring-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-sc-222-ks1-all-about-spring-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-l-53870-hello-to-spring-poem-and-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-9104-spring-wordsearch
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/spring-aistear-display-photos-roi-t-20162649
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-sc-409-what-does-a-healthy-plant-need-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/lifecycle-of-a-plant-powerpoint-t-t-2547035
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-c-2549261-what-do-you-need-to-grow-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-10000130-parts-of-a-plant-powerpoint-
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/cfe-t-102-spring-home-learning-activities-overview
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/twinkl-move-pe-y1-dance-plants-lesson-4-our-own-dance-lesson-pack-t-mov-2549114 - dance activity
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-n-1347-place-value-tens-and-units-cut-and-stick-worksheet
We were also going to do a project based on the bumblebee, similar to the other projects they have completed. Topics to look at include what family they are from (insects), what they look like, where they live, what they do, why they’re important etc.
- https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/animals/invertebrates/insects/honeybee/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ho4aUHY6fss
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-tp-5138-all-about-the-life-cycle-of-a-bee-powerpoint
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2547293-all-about-bees-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-tp-5971-bee-fact-cards-fact-cards
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-t-2547756-bee-scramble-activity-sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/bee-life-cycle-activity-sheets-t-tp-7160
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/ks1-bee-factfile-differentiated-activity-sheets-t-sc-2549286
- https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&safe=strict&biw=1366&bih=657&tbm=vid&sxsrf=ALeKk02iWuX61puzpyQFktcj2I_6ScSsOg%3A1584563049296&ei=aYNyXtDTEYirgAbEtojwBA&q=importance+of+bees+for+our+planet+kids&oq=importance+of+bees+for+our+planet+kids&gs_l=psy-ab.3...339731.352916.0.353719.
*********************************************STAY ACTIVE*******************************************
While it is important to keep up with our school work, it is also just as important to keep active. Get out in the air as much as possible, play games, practise running, go on your bike, make your own obstacle course, remembering always to keep your distance from others as much as possible, #socialdistancing.
When indoors there are lots of websites available to make use of to stay active such as cosmic kids yoga, go noodle, lean in 15 etc. A good old dance is always a great way to get active too.
And don't forget, helping out at home is another great way to stay active and be kind. Make your bed, clean your room, empty the dishwasher, fold the clothes, clean up after yourself, clean up after dinner, hoover, dust, help make dinner, bake with your parents, tidy the garden...
Or get creative by making a den, designing a bridge using recyclable materials... Play some board games/jenga/card games or do a jigsaw with your family...but try not to kill each other!!
Some good websites to avail of during this time include:
- https://www.twinkl.ie/ - search topic you are looking for eg spring
- https://www.gonoodle.com/
- https://www.cosmickids.com/category/watch/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3LPrhI0v-w - the body coach tv on youtube
- https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/
- https://ie.ixl.com/math/class-1 - make your own maths sheet
- https://www.twinkl.ie/search?term=tens+and+ones - maths - tens and units
- https://www.primarygames.co.uk/pg2/splat/splatsq100.html - maths - 100 square games
- https://numberock.com/ - maths videos
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qr_RzV5Qrgc - art for kids hub on youtube
- https://www.twinkl.ie/resources/roi-resources/school-closure-republic-of-ireland/absent-teacher-packs-classroom-management-1st-2nd-class-english-medium-schools-republic-of-ireland
- https://www.tg4.ie/en/player/categories/childrens-tv-shows/ - TV shows as Gaeilge
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wTJBfNF0xHU - TG Lurgan - Irish songs on youtube
- https://mommypoppins.com/kids/50-easy-science-experiments-for-kids-fun-educational-activities-using-household-stuff - at home science experiments
Make sure to take care of yourselves and your families, stay safe and remember our number one rule...be kind to yourselves and others!! Always!!
Ms O'Brien x
Welcome to our page. We hope to put lots of pictures and information up to let you know everything new we are doing in school and all of the fun we are having learning new things in class. Please check regularly for updates and new photos. Thank you.
We work so hard in school every week. Teacher likes to give awards to people who try their
best for different reasons including STAR STUDENT, GAEILGEOIR NA SEACHTAINE, ARTIST of the week, MATHEMATICIAN of the week, MOVER of the week and WRITER of the week to name a few. Keep an eye here to see who wins what when...
Important Dates to note
- Fairtrade Fortnight - Feb 24th-Mar 8th.
- Engineers week - Feb 29th-Mar 6th.
- Thursday 12th March - school closed for confirmation.
- Monday 16th/Tuesday 17th March - school closed.
Information for Parents
- Please check and sign homework journals every night.
- Please ensure all of children's belongings are labelled with children's names.
- PE day: Wednesday.
- If children are bringing money to school please ensure they use clear pencil cases with names on to stop any confusion.
- Notes going home will be put into polypocket in homework folders or stapled into journals.
Thank You.
WOW Word:
import - buying things from other countries that Ireland does not have
WOW words to date:
- deciduous tree - loses its leaves in autumn
- nocturnal - animals who sleep in the day and wake up at night
- pro-active - helping fix something before it is broken
- taoiseach - leader
- inclusion - making sure no one is left out
- archaeologist - digs deep to find interesting things
- strategy - a way of working something out
- conductor - directs the performance of an orchestra
- research - to find out information about something
- characteristic - a special or unique quality someone or something has
- astronaut - a person who travels into space
- tradition - learning how our families have celebrated certain things in the past that we celebrate now
- defense - to defend something is to protect it as best you can
- population - the amount of people that live somewhere
- architect - a person who designs new buildings
- associated (with) - connecting something with something else
e.g. Pumpkins are associated with Halloween - resilience - to bounce back after a bad day
- Native Americans were once known as Indians
- Native Australians were known as Aborigines
- Native New Zealanders are Maori
- incubate - Daddy Emperor Penguin minds the egg by tucking the egg into his pouch on top of his feet
- insulate - something you use to keep warm
- Uluru - Aboriginal word for Ayres Rock
- import - buying things from other countries that Ireland does not have
We love when other people come in to our class to read with us...especially Mammies and Daddies...
We love to make our very own structures with no help from adults! Its awesome fun!
We have a very important visitor in our class at the moment! His name is Elliott and he is an elf. But not just any elf...oh no!! He is one of Santa's helpers!! He is such a messer. He loves to trick us and is always hiding in funny places on us!
We had a "bell" today learning how to play Jingle Bells with real bells. Watch us in our video below...
Goldilocks & the Wha??
We had a great time on our Christmas show his year. It was so much fun. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!
We love to learn about music with Catherine. It is great fun!
Sam Maguire
Can you guess who we are eagerly awaiting?? We'll give you a hint...He helped Dublin achieve 5 All Ireland titles in a row and went to our school!!!

We are learning about the tradition of Thanksgiving in school at the moment. We made a mind map of all of the new things we learned about to help us keep track of our ideas. It was cool.
We are always practicing kindness in our class...to both others and ourselves. We can make the world a much nicer, more colourful place when we show everyone kindness...even just a smile...
To see some nice videos of kindness in action, click on the following links...
Colour your world with Kindness
Acts of Kindness
To see some nice videos of kindness in action, click on the following links...
Colour your world with Kindness
Acts of Kindness
When the Dublin Football manager Jim Gavin came to Clonburris with Sam Maguire, he made time to have a little boogie with us...it was great fun!!
Hallowe'en Fun
Have a great Hallowe'en boys and girls...but remember your important fire safety rules
We had a great day in school celebrating Halloween. We had a Hallowe'en parade and played lots of Hallowe'en games like Bobbin' for Apples and Don't Drop the Raisin!! We even mad our own chocolate apples...they were delicious!!
- Always stay with a responsible adult when trick or treating, using fireworks or going to a bonfire.
- Never stand too close to the bonfire. If you can feel its heat you are too close.
- Never touch fireworks.
- Always blow out a candle in pumpkins or lanterns when leaving the room.
We had a great day in school celebrating Halloween. We had a Hallowe'en parade and played lots of Hallowe'en games like Bobbin' for Apples and Don't Drop the Raisin!! We even mad our own chocolate apples...they were delicious!!
+ - MATHS WEEK - +
We celebrated MATHS WEEK in school last week. We were involved in lots of different fun maths activities to remind us how fun maths can be. Have a look at the exciting time we had on our outdoor maths trail...Thank you to Ms Murray for coming along with us...
We had a great time on our Awesome Autumnal Walk today in school. We walked to Cappaghmore and found lots and lots of signs of Autumn around. We found conkers, acorns and berries. We collected lots of different leaves. We even saw a squirrel busy gathering nuts and berries in preparation for hibernation. There was a bug hotel too.
We're busy learning about the different bones in the body in school at the moment. We made these skeletons for Hallowe'en and to help us with this. The Bones song also helps us remember the different bones. Click here to see what we mean.
We used empty toilet roll card to create these scary spider prints in school for Hallowe'en. We had great fun with this activity.
We created our own pumpkin patch in the class by making pumpkins out of clay and then painting them.
It was very messy but great fun!!
It was very messy but great fun!!

We are busy learning all about space, the moon and the solar system this week in school. It is very interesting. There are lots of very cool songs and stories that you can watch to learn about these by clicking on our links
The Solar System Song
The Solar System
The Solar System by Storybots
Dwarf Planets
Neil Armstrong's first steps on the moon
A HUGE well done to all of the boys and girls who put such hard work into their solar system projects to celebrate space week. They were amazing!! We all learned such a huge amount about space from each others projects which we presented and then displayed for everyone to see. We also took part in a table quiz based on the Solar System with Mr Kelliher's class. It was awesome!
On windy autumn days we have fun outside turning leaves into helicopters...
We are learning about how important climate change is in school at the moment. We are being proactive by thinking up lots of ways to help make the world a better place. Some of the ideas we have come up with are
- not wasting water
- not wasting electricity
- recycling
- using metal straws instead of plastic...We are trying our best to save the planet in school...how are you doing??

Read more about how Irish students are making an effort to change how we understand climate change here.
Did you hear about ..?
A little owl,
Sat in a tree,
Painting leaves,
To throw at me!!!
Leaves of yellow,
leaves of red,
Came tumbling down,
Upon my head!!!
Sat in a tree,
Painting leaves,
To throw at me!!!
Leaves of yellow,
leaves of red,
Came tumbling down,
Upon my head!!!
We found lots of hungry caterpillars eating the cabbages growing in our school garden. We are going to keep watching them to see when they start getting ready for their big sleep inside silky cocoons.
We are becoming archaeologists at the moment by digging deeper when making sentences. If you see us forgetting to start our sentences with a capital letter or ending our sentences with a full stop please give us a gentle reminder.
We have also learned that proper nouns also get a capital letter, nouns such as a persons name, a place, days of the week, months of the year and I. For example:
I started at Clonburris National School in Clondalkin in September. Clondalkin is in Dublin. I made a new friend there. Her name is Sarah. We have fun together. We love P.E. days.
P.E. is on Tuesday.
We have also learned that proper nouns also get a capital letter, nouns such as a persons name, a place, days of the week, months of the year and I. For example:
I started at Clonburris National School in Clondalkin in September. Clondalkin is in Dublin. I made a new friend there. Her name is Sarah. We have fun together. We love P.E. days.
P.E. is on Tuesday.
****************SENIOR INFANTS 2018/19*****************
We went to Imaginosity on our school tour. It was lots of fun! We had a picnic and played in Corkagh Park.
We are practicing ways to make our reading better. We read out loud for the class using expression. Some people won a reading certificate for super reading!
We had an Easter bonnet parade today. We put lots of effort into making them. Youssef won the prize for the best Easter bonnet. Well done Youssef!
It is important to keep our school clean and tidy. We helped to pick up rubbish in the yard.
We are still learning the skills of Athletics. You can see us practicing sprinting, jumping and throwing. We are getting much better!
We are learning about magnets. We did lots of fun experiments testing materials to see if they were magnetic. We saw how magnets can attract and repel.
We enjoyed golden time in the sun today!
We had lots of fun doing a maths trail around the school.
More photos here.