Tips for learning at home here.
Wishing all the boys and girls in my groups a very happy summer! I’ve enjoyed working with you this year. I know it’s been difficult for everyone since March 12th but all the teachers in Clonburris will be ready to help you settle back into school at the end of August.Remember to keep your books if you didn’t return your rentals before June 30th.
Hope you all enjoy the holidays and see you soon! 😀
Ms Morley
Hope you all enjoy the holidays and see you soon! 😀
Ms Morley
June 15th - 30th: click here for a message and activity ideas.
June 2nd - 5th
Maths Groups
3rd and 6th class groups
- Choose two days from this week's Master your Maths! Check back over previous questions if you get stuck - we might have done a similar question already. Ask your parent to use the e-mail address above if you can't solve a problem at home.
- Times tables, addition, subtraction and division can be revised by learning a song from youtube, playing maths games online, or using two dice and getting the child to multiply the two numbers they roll together! Plenty of practice with tables on the Hit the Button game also.
3rd Class |
6th Class |
English Groups
World Book Online have made their collection of over 3000 ebooks and audiobooks available for free for children to access at home. They have books suitable for all ages. Click here to access them!
Pupils with dyslexia who have been working on the SNIP programme can download it by clicking on the links below.
If you're not sure of the meaning of a word you can look it up online using this dictionary.
June 2nd - 5th
- Read everyday. Parents: please try the READING EGGS free trial if you haven't already done so. Click on the link. The lessons are graded and would be a fun way to practise reading. The trial is for 30 days. Send me an e-mail if you have any questions.
- You can access books through BorrowBox online. Lots of free books to read on Oxford Owl also. Twinkl Original books - click here. Keep a record of the books you're reading.
2nd Class
4th/5th Class
Previous work
- Can you think of a way of using maths creatively? You could make a picture with shapes, design a building with lego, create a board game based on sums, create a storyboard to teach a topic to others etc.
- Can you think of a way of using maths creatively? You could make a picture with shapes, design a building with lego, create a board game based on sums, create a storyboard to teach a topic to others etc.
- Watch the lesson on the RTE School Hub on Monday 11th. It's about spatial awareness and direction. What did you learn? (You can see the lesson on RTE player if your miss it).
- Watch the lesson on currencies (RTE School Hub, Wednesday 13th). It's good to revise the importance of decimal points!
3rd Class
- Do this Daily Ten game (missing numbers up to 20). You can try different games and levels if you're getting full marks.
- Play this place value game. It's a very short one!
- Do this Daily Ten game (multiplication - multiples of ten). You can try different games and levels if you're getting full marks.
- Practise using co-ordinates using this Space Graph game. Remember that the first number is the 'x' axis (the horizontal line) and the second number is the 'y' axis (the vertical line). This graph has + and - numbers. If you make a mistake the correct answer will be shown.
- Play the Countdown game with someone at home.
Time Capsule Sheets | |
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- Complete page 7 of the Time Capsule (Handprints) and write an inspiring word in each hand, e.g. love
- Choose any 5 words from the next week in your Spellbound. Write an interesting sentence with these words and include a describing word if you can.
- Do sheet 10 from the Time Capsule below. (Interview your parent). You can write out the sections if you don't have a printer.
- Listen to Múinteoir Ray on Wednesday 13th. Write 6 sentences about the popular story he will be discussing. You could draw a picture to accompany it.
- Choose any 8 words from the next week in your Spellbound. Write an interesting sentence with these words (include adjectives and adverbs where possible)
- Do sheets 9 and 10 from the Time Capsule above. Write a letter to your future self and interview your parents. You can write out the sections if you don't have a printer.
- Listen to the poetry lesson on the RTE School Hub on Wednesday and write about the imagery discussed in the poem. Can you draw these images?
- Listen to the lesson on Myths and Legends on the RTE School hub on WEDNESDAY and write down what you learned. [You can watch the lesson on RTE player if you miss it on Wednesday]
- Look at the Time Capsule Sheets above. Fill in sheets 3, 4 and 5 (All About Me, How I'm Feeling and My Community. If you don't have a printer you can make your own sheet. Write down the headings and off you go.
- Do one week of your spellbound book. Choose 8 words and make sentences with them. You can send these to me in an e-mail or take a photo of the sentences in your copy and e-mail them.
- Play the Countdown letters game with someone in your family - how many words did you find?
- Talk about the 'Would you rather...' question above. What is your answer?
2nd Class
4th/5th Classes
- Try three of the activities on the Active Home Week page. Write these down and tell me which is your favourite and why?
- Look at the photo of last year’s Wake Up Shake Up. Write 5 sentences about it (e.g. teachers and pupils on stage, music, songs, favourite moves)
- Look at Wordsearch 1. There are 12 words hidden in it. Print the wordsearch and colour them in.
- Go to the Active Home Week page and try some more of the activities suggested. Fill these in on the record sheet. Good luck!
4th/5th Classes
- Try three of the activities on the Active Home Week page. Write these down and tell me which is your favourite and why? Give two reasons.
- Look at the photo of last year’s Wake Up Shake Up. Write a short paragraph about it (e.g. teachers, pupils on stage, music, songs, favourite moves)
- Look at Wordsearch 2. There are 20 words hidden in it. Print the wordsearch and colour them in.
- Go to the Active Home Week page and try some more of the activities suggested. Fill these in on the record sheet. Good luck!
20th - 24th April
Write a list of words that rhyme with those in red
Choose 8 words and write an interesting sentence with each one.
You could create a word-search with your spellings by clicking here.
Write a list of words that rhyme with those in red
Choose 8 words and write an interesting sentence with each one.
You could create a word-search with your spellings by clicking here.
- 2nd/4th/5th - Write a letter or e-mail to someone in your class. You can type it and send it to me or take a photo if you're writing on a page and attach it to an e-mail.
- 4th/5th - play the Countdown letters game with someone in your family - how many words did you find?
- 2nd/4th/5th - read two poems on Poetry Zone - write down the titles of the poems, tell me which is your favourite and why.
- 4th/5th - have a look at the RTE school hub on Tuesday and see if you can write your own Haiku poem.
- Read the question on the right and talk about it - send your answer in the e-mail.
2nd Class camp damp limp dump
bang sang ring swing
long strong rung stung
bang sang ring swing
long strong rung stung
4th Class/5th Class danger imagine engineer legend
stranger tragedy page change
hinge large charge bulge
These words all have a soft 'g' sound (sounds like 'j') in the middle or at the end. Remember this is usually when g is followed by i,e or y.
2nd class spin spot slip stop
snip trap twig trim
trap twin crab clip
4th/5th class made cane tape scrap
strip pipe pine slide
spine slime shake date
snip trap twig trim
trap twin crab clip
4th/5th class made cane tape scrap
strip pipe pine slide
spine slime shake date
3rd class started using Khan Academy - they did some exercises at home and Joshua showed his group how to choose a new avatar! 4th will begin Khan Academy after mid-term. Click on the image to see the website.
Number trios
Using Numicon shapes to find different ways of making a number. Subtraction sentences using Numicon shapes and rods.
4th class used the cuisenaire rods in pairs, one person looked away and the other hid a number (or two). The first person had to say which number or numbers were missing.
We did a Maths trail on Thursday 18th as part of Maths Week. Classes posted questions which have the answer '8' into a box outside Mr. Murphy's room.
Using the Numicon shapes to build a number between 48 and 56. Pupils recorded this in their workbooks and then showed the same number a different way. Workbook homework will be given sometimes, but only for pages which don't require the numicon shapes at home. |
We've been using the numicon number shapes to make the story of ten, as well as using the shapes in solving addition and subtraction sums.
The cuisenaire rods fit onto the number track.
We've used the numicon number shapes when skip counting also. This helps when remembering multiplication tables.
The cuisenaire rods fit onto the number track.
We've used the numicon number shapes when skip counting also. This helps when remembering multiplication tables.
Remember: 'find the sum of' means add (+) 'find the difference' means subtract (-)
We use the RUDE strategy when working out problems.
Read Underline Draw Estimate
Read the problem. Underline the key words. Draw a picture or diagram if that helps you. Estimate/guess what they answer might be before doing the calculation.
We use the RUDE strategy when working out problems.
Read Underline Draw Estimate
Read the problem. Underline the key words. Draw a picture or diagram if that helps you. Estimate/guess what they answer might be before doing the calculation.
Classes have learned to spell words with 'nk', 'ar', 'mp' in them as well as sight words needed for writing.
Groups are writing a few sentences about the books they are reading. Try not to use 'and' too much.
We're looking at consonant blends, such as 'sm', 'sl', 'sp' etc. Can you think of more words beginning with these sounds??
When reading a new story or text try to:
Classes are using Word Wise. Read the story carefully before looking at the comprehension questions.
We've been reading and spelling words which have the 'a', 'e', 'i', 'u' or 'o' sound in the middle. Pupils have also put these words into sentences.
The boys and girls have read some short books and one group has talked about the books in front of the others.
The boys and girls have read some short books and one group has talked about the books in front of the others.
When writing remember to date and title your work. Capital letters are needed at the start of a sentence and a full stop at the end.