World Water Day.
Can we get clean water from dirty water?
Posters on the importance of water. Don`t waste it!
Trócaire games for global justice issues.
Irish Aid Our World awards
We are delighted to announce that our entry for this competition is in the online magazine now. Do have a look. We are very proud of ourselves!!!
Click into the link below
Upcycling for the St Patrick`s Day Parade. "A greener solution" to human excess!
Growing carrots, lettuces and parsley.
Pupil of the week and Gaeilgeoir na seachtaine.
Our Climate Action week work is coming together!
Playing Pathways to Peace as a stimulus to inventing our own games.
We are making costumes and accessories from recycleables as part of our Climate Action week. It was a lot of fun!
Irish Aid Our World entry
We have been learning about the wonders of the world and how we can protect our world by doing simple things like growing our own vegetables and trying not to waste food. We wrote poems and expressed our views about the damage we have done to the Earth.
We hope you enjoy looking at all this fantastic work.
Plant Biology: Going green for the planet !
In preparation for growing herbs and vegetables next week, we are learning all about plants.
Great discussions about Science and Maths; great listening skills being developed. "We learn as much from listening to each other as listening to the teacher" We learn to take turns and co-operate and to nominate people to speak
A beautiful card with a lovely illustration! |
Is there symmetry in the trees outside our school yard?
We observed the trees closely to make a judgement about whether these trees are symmetrical or not. We concluded that they are not.What do parents think?
Happy Grandparents Day.
We love you all very much. We are proud of you. You make us feel special and we remember those who have gone before us. May they rest in peace, Amen.
Our question for ESB Science Blast "Is there symmetry in Nature?"
Pupil of the week agus Gaeilgeóir na Seachtaine.
Percentages : we made our own percentage charts to explain this!
Chocolate and the Aztecs: what is the connection?
Separation methods in Science.
We are investigating how to separate
iron filings from non-ferrous filings
oil from water
salt from water
using magnetism, evaporation and condensation and floating and sinking
We are learning the song " Trasna na dtonnta" (Across the waves ) as Gaeilge. Encourage your child to sing it at home.
Here is the youtube link for it if you would like to have a look.
Learning about the origins of chocolate.
Did you know that the Aztecs were the first people to use chocolate? We have looked at cocoa beans, tasted cocoa nibs and 70% dark chocolate.
My mouth is watering.....chocolate looks good!
Using a mortar and pestle to grind the dark chocolate! It`s hard work !
Can you see the cocoa beans among the cocoa nibs?
When can we eat the chocolate?
Cocoa nibs and dark chocolate.
The Amazon Rainforest.
As part of our SESE studies we are learning about the Amazon rainforest. You might like to look at this video to see some of the beautiful animals and birds which live there.
Where does food come from?
We are looking at food packages to see where the food comes from. We discovered that the coffee came from Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala.
Close observation of fruit using magnifying glasses.
Ms. Ruddy's 2nd class
Learning at Home Activities
June 15th - 30th: click here for a message and activity ideas.
Learning at Home page here
Dear Parents, Boys & Girls,
Firstly I just want to thank you all for your efforts and hard work that has been put in during the school closures. Well done to all the boys and girls who have been working hard week in and week out with your school work. And a sincere thank you to all the parents who are doing a wonderful job with all of the distance learning tasks we have sent the children.
You will all be glad to hear we have finished sending home academic work for this school year. I hope you have enjoyed and have taken part in Clonburris Health and Well-being Week. We will continue with these kind of activities for the next few weeks.
From Monday you will find a variety of activities and challenges on the website for each day. Again, there is no pressure to complete every task, choose activities that suit you and your child. Any questions or queries about anything still feel free to send me an email @ [email protected].
Take care and mind yourselves and stay safe.
Ms Ruddy.
Firstly I just want to thank you all for your efforts and hard work that has been put in during the school closures. Well done to all the boys and girls who have been working hard week in and week out with your school work. And a sincere thank you to all the parents who are doing a wonderful job with all of the distance learning tasks we have sent the children.
You will all be glad to hear we have finished sending home academic work for this school year. I hope you have enjoyed and have taken part in Clonburris Health and Well-being Week. We will continue with these kind of activities for the next few weeks.
From Monday you will find a variety of activities and challenges on the website for each day. Again, there is no pressure to complete every task, choose activities that suit you and your child. Any questions or queries about anything still feel free to send me an email @ [email protected].
Take care and mind yourselves and stay safe.
Ms Ruddy.
**New Activities**
Dublin Zoo
Dublin Zoo have been in contact with our school to provide some resources that might be useful to us all during our time at home.
As we were meant to visit the zoo this year on our school tour, Dublin Zoo have sent us on some really useful links and resources that we can access each week.
As we were meant to visit the zoo this year on our school tour, Dublin Zoo have sent us on some really useful links and resources that we can access each week.
- Daily activity booklets
- Nature activity videos
- A new video is released on this link each Monday of a new animal in their habitat.
- And finally you can tune into our webcams to see how the animals at Dublin Zoo spend their time while the visitors are away. Why not join the elephant feed at 12.30 and snack with the penguins at 2.30 pm?
- Also, last week Dublin Zoo was featured on RTÉ Home School Hub. The RTÉ Home School videos and activity sheets are now available on our website -
Brain Breaks/ Active Breaks - Classroom Favourites :)
Choice boards
Gymnastics with Mark!
Christmas Santa Dash
Jim, Evan and Sam visit 2nd class!
Active Breaks
First Class 2018/19
Christmas Carol Sing-along!We had a great afternoon in the hall singing all of our favourite Christmas carols with the whole school! :)
Autumn Nature Walk :)
Senior Infants 2017/18
Gerald Can't Dance!!!
We had great fun doing Junk Art. See our fantastic pictures!
Look at us as doctors, nurses, patients and receptionists at the Doctor's Surgery! We had great fun doing role-play. Also see the amazing tower constructed, along with great stories written as the Writing Table.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Well done to the children who dressed up to represent their favourite book for World Book Day!
Come and see our snowmen paintings outside our classroom!
We had great fun playing skittles during PE.
We all played musical instruments to the story of 'We're going on a bear hunt'.
We are learning all about Spring. Come and see our Spring artwork displayed outside our classroom.
Thank you to all the Grandparents who came in to visit us. It made it a very special day for the children. We also remembered all the grandparents who couldn't be with us today.
We are getting ready for Grandparents. Come see our amazing art in the hall!!
We chatted about all the different feelings we have. Come and have a look at our paintings outside our classroom using colours which represents our feelings: red (anger), yellow (happiness), green (jealousy or upset) and blue (sadness).
In Aistear, we enjoyed painting, jigsaw making and writing.
We were all very excited today when Jim Gavin visited us with the Sam Maguire Cup!!
We did Junk Art today and some children based their pictures on the visit of the Sam Maguire Cup!!
We are getting ready for Christmas with our lovely Christmas art. See it displayed outside our classroom!
Congratulations and well done to all the children in Room 6 who performed fantastically at their concert. They all looked amazing too! Everyone was so very proud of them!!!
Come and see our lovely snowmen outside our classroom. We had great fun making them!
We are getting very excited about the Christmas concert and are learning our songs at the moment!!! Here we are making art to be displayed in the hall during the concerts.
We loved the story of The Three Little Pigs. In Aistear, we made houses made of blocks and large playing cards.
We made houses using junk art. Come see them outside our classroom!
Thank you again today for all the parents and grandparents who joined us for Paired Reading. It was lovely having you all with us.
Happy Halloween!
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who joined us today for Paired Reading!!! We loved having you with us in Room 6.
We are getting ready for Halloween. Do you like our Pumpkin Plates??
MATHS WEEK!!! Well done to the children who had the right answer for the Maths Wizards.
Here we are working hard at making our Family Trees.
In Aistear we enjoyed playing games with rules. It was great fun!
We did role-play at being families. We could choose who we wanted to be i.e. Mammy, Daddy, sister, brother, child, baby, teenager, auntie, uncle etc.
We did lots of amazing patterns using insects!!
Have a look at our space costumes and art work. Well done everyone!!!!
We had a fabulous 'Space Week' where we learnt all about the planets. We love the Solar System Song on YouTube! In Aistear we made planets using mala and rockets and space vehicles using tangrams. Look at our amazing art work on the theme of Space!!
In Aistear we had a writing table where we practiced our letter formations. We are now starting to write capital letters!!
Here we are making pictures using stencils. Also come and see our lovely Autumn art displayed outside our classroom.
In PE we enjoyed doing balancing exercises!
We interviewed Ms. Tormey to find what school was like when she attended here as a child. We found out lots of information, for example that children didn't do Aistear or Golden Time then and that they wore their own clothes instead of a tracksuit!!
In pairs, we sequenced pictures of the story of The Gruffalo.
This week was Friendship Week. We chatted about how to be a very good friend by being kind, gentle and thoughtful. We did lovely art work in pairs. Come and see it displayed on our classroom door!!
In Maths we are learning all about patterns. We did lovely paintings using bright colours.
In Aistear, we had great fun dressing up and also making lots of delicious food in the home corner.
This week we read the story of Noah's Ark. We all worked together to paint our own ark. Isn't it amazing?
We made a classroom chart showing the months of the year which we were born. We got lots of information from the chart e.g. no one in the class was born in February, there are five months where three children were born etc.
In Aistear we worked very hard and had great fun doing lots of different activities! We did free writing which is up on our class story wall. Our drawings are displayed outside our classroom. We also enjoyed constructing our own ark from building blocks and even created animals from the ark with playdoh.
We made shakers using our water bottles and rice. We had great fun imitating the rain to the song 'The animals came in two by two'.
We love doing Junk Art. Here we are all are busy cutting and gluing and being very creative!
Welcome back to school!! We are all settling nicely into Senior Infants and to our new classroom in Room 6. This is us on our first day!!!
Ms. Creed's Junior Infants 2016/17
We went on an insect hunt in the garden. We found lots of insects!! We then had good fun blowing bubbles!!!
Mrs Ryan read us the story 'Norman the slug with the silly shell'. As she is retiring tomorrow, we were delighted to spend some time with her. Happy retirement Mrs Ryan from us all in Room 1!
Teddy Bears' Picnic
We had a great time at our Teddy Bears' Picnic today and the weather was just perfect! Thank you to Ms. Morley and her class for hosting the event and for looking after us all so well. The sandwiches were delicious! They even read and acted out the story 'Going on a Bear Hunt'.
Congratulations to all the children who took part in our recent sports day. Well done on receiving your certificates. Well done especially to those who won medals.
We are loving 'Wake Up Shake Up' every morning!!!! It is such great fun.
We love summer!
We learnt all about the life cycle of a butterfly - an egg, a caterpillar, a cocoon and finally a beautiful butterfly. We then went into the school garden to see the butterflies being released. It was all very exciting!!
School Sports Day - The Sack Race
Well done to all the boys and girls who participated at our school sports day.
We all had great fun!!
Well done to all the boys and girls who participated at our school sports day.
We all had great fun!!
We all had a brilliant time at Newbridge House and farm. We
especially loved when the peacock did an amazing display for us when he opened his tail!!! Thank you to Deborah and Sinead for all their help throughout the day.
In Art, we painted pictures of 'At the beach'.
We loved the story of Little Red Riding Hood so much that we then wrote about it. We are working very hard at our letter formation!!
In Maths, we learnt all about capacity and used the words 'full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty and half full' when filling bottles with water.
Room 1 are continuing to practice their reading along with practicing their letter formation and writing little stories. Keep up the great work!
We chatted all about the sea creatures to be found in the sea and then we drew a picture of our favourite one. They are so colourful!
We enjoyed looking at Monet's famous painting called 'Water Lilies'. We then painted our own. They look amazing!
This week we chatted all about how important water is and its many uses. We then talked about where you would find water and this is the huge list which the children came up with themselves!!
We are working very hard on our letter formation. Here is our amazing whole class effort!!
At one station in Aistear, we drew pictures illustrating the story of 'Going on a bear hunt'. At the other stations, we wrote our own little stories, played with playdoh and had an opportunity of free play when each child could choose any game/resource to play with. It was all great fun!
Here we are with our amazing drawings depicting the story 'Going on a bear hunt'. We loved the story and even sang a song about it and mimed all the actions.
In Science, we investigated using magnets. We did a search in our classroom for things that were magnetic and things that were not magnetic.
Look at our lovely Easter Bonnets!
Happy Easter!!
Well done to everyone who participated in our WOW. It was a great way to start the day!
In art we mixed paint and found that red and white makes PINK and blue and yellow makes GREEN!
We made chocolate Rice Krispie cakes. They were delicious!
On Wednesday, it was National Spring Clean Day. To mark the occasion, we picked up all the litter in the Senior Infants Yard. We were very proud of our big clean up!!
Lots of amazing pieces of junk art were made by the children. Such creativity!
In Gaeilge, we learnt the words for things in our house e.g. cófra (press), lampa (lamp), leaba (bed), bord (table) and cathaoir (chair). We then played 'house' using all these words.
We loved the story of 'Davy's Scary Journey'. Later we retold the story using a 3D display. We also did lovely pictures illustrating our favourite part of the story.
We made Mother Day cards and wrote lovely little messages to our Mammies!!
More gymnastics! This week we learnt how to do a forward roll and explored, using our whole bodies, how to make the shape of a star, a pin and a ball.
In Science we learnt the names of the parts of a flower - stem, petal, flower, leaf, root, bulb/seed. We then labelled a picture of a flower using the correct names. Have a look at them outside our classroom.
Were working very hard with our letter formation and we love writing little stories for our story wall. We are doing great work also with our number formation.
During Aistear, we painted lovely paintings using yellow, red, orange and pink paint!! They have added a great splash of colour to our classroom!
We were very busy this week during Aistear. We created interesting things with playdoh, made delicious meals in the kitchen, played games, fished for magnetic alphabetic letters, built block towers and lots more. It was all great fun!!
We had good fun this week in PE doing gymnastics. Here we are balancing on the bench. We also explored different ways to move along the bench.
As part of Seachtain na Gaeilge, we had two visiting leprechauns each day asking 'ceist an lae'. The first boy and girl to answer the question as Gaeilge won a lollipop!!
Everyone performed brilliantly at the concert for Seachtain na Gaeilge. Well done to all the children in the school, especially the Junior Infants.
In Art we made buntings to decorate our classroom for St. Patrick's Day. They look amazing!
In Aistear we made playdoh animals from the story 'Farmer Duck'. We played at the farm as the hard-working duck and the farmer who kept saying 'how goes the work?'. We also finished our Spring books which look amazing!
We enjoyed a visit to the school garden to find Spring flowers. We found daffodils, primroses, bluebells, hyacinths and snowdrops!!!
After our visit to the school garden, we did amazing fingerprints using paint of all the Spring flowers we had found. Come and see them outside our classroom. They are beautiful!!!
Today was World Book Day. We had a story-teller visit our classroom. He told us two great stories - (There was an old lady who swallowed a fly and Mrs Wishy Washy).
See us all dressed as a character from our favourite story-book!!!
It was great having so many parents come and read with us!!!!
We had a lovely visit from one of the Gangstra Grandmas from the One Book Project!
In Aistear this week, we began working on our Spring Books and will continue them after the mid-term. We also made amazing 2D and 3D objects using playdoh. Some lovely drawings were drawn and coloured in using lots of different colours. We are practicing to write our letter sounds and already have learnt how to write the letters c,a,o,d and g.
Here we are all together doing the Operation Transformation 10@10. It was great fun!!!
We painted amazing Spring daffodils. Have a look at them outside our classroom!
We enjoyed the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. In Aistear, we drew our favourite part of the story, made bears out of playdoh and used dolls houses and little bears to re-tell the story. We even did drama with each child playing one of the characters. Daddy Bear, Mammy Bear, Baby Bear and Goldilocks all did really well with their lines!!!
Thank you to all the grandparents who came to visit Room 1 today. We loved having them with us! We also remembered all our grandparents who are in Heaven, living abroad or who couldn't come along today.
See us here in PE throwing and catching a ball. It was good fun!
In Aistear, we played in the home corner and some delicious meals were served up! Castles and houses were built in construction whilst sandcastles were made in the wet sand.
Congratulations to the children who have become authors and illustrators by making their own books. They received a 'Write-a-book Project' certificate.
Here we are again busy in Aistear. We enjoyed playing in the Toy Shop taking turns as customers and shopkeepers. We did lots of cutting and pasting and made amazing things from our play-doh.
We did Junk Art for the first time. It was great fun. Come see what we made. It is displayed outside our classroom!
We did a 'Show and Tell' and chatted all about their favourite toys.
Well done to all the children who received an attendance award for excellent attendance during the last term!
We enjoyed listening to the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Afterwards, we made scary trolls with our playdough and then drew pictures to tell our favourite part of the story!
Each Tuesday and Thursday we enjoy Aistear. Here we are busy at work!!!!
Look at our great paintings of our favourite toy!
Christmas Jumper Day
We drew and coloured in snowmen using white and coloured chalk. They are displayed outside our classroom so come and see them!
Christmas Concert
Well done to all the children on their amazing performance as woodlands animals in our Christmas concert. They all looked and sounded fabulous!!
Well done to all the children on their amazing performance as woodlands animals in our Christmas concert. They all looked and sounded fabulous!!
We had great fun this week with our new pots of playdoh!
We enjoyed hearing the story of Little Red Riding Hood. In groups or pairs, we then coloured in pictures of the story and put them into the correct sequence. See our great team work on our classroom door.
In Gaeilge, we are learning how to say 'dia dhuit' (hello). Some of us were on the teilifis greeting the rest of the class!!!
We had scientists visiting our classroom this week. They asked us questions based on the topic of materials in the environment.
We did a materials hunt in Room 1 and found lots of things made of plastic, glass, metal, paper, wood and lots more. We then put everything together and sorted them according to the type of material.
We also played 'pass the parcel' and when the music stopped, the child holding the bag named the material and described the object e.g. it is metal and is shiny, smooth etc.
We did a materials hunt in Room 1 and found lots of things made of plastic, glass, metal, paper, wood and lots more. We then put everything together and sorted them according to the type of material.
We also played 'pass the parcel' and when the music stopped, the child holding the bag named the material and described the object e.g. it is metal and is shiny, smooth etc.
We learnt a song in Gaeilge called 'Cuir ort do chóta'. Listen and watch us perform it!!!
We took our pencils for a walk and look at our amazing pictures!
We are getting ready for Halloween! Have a look at our scary spider art outside our classroom. Do you like our ghost mobiles???
We enjoyed looking at self-portraits painted by the artist Vincent Van Gogh. We then did our own self portraits!!
Look at the great work we did in groups of four. We coloured, cut out and pasted pictures of the nursery rhyme '1,2,3,4,5 once I caught a fish alive....' and then put them in the correct order. See it displayed on our classroom door!!!
Well done to everyone who joined in with our first WOW (Walk on Wednesday) day. So many of you came despite the rain!!!
Each day two Maths Wizards came to visit our class to ask a Maths question. The first child to answer a question got a prize!!!
Each day two Maths Wizards came to visit our class to ask a Maths question. The first child to answer a question got a prize!!!
We love the colours used by the artist Kandinsky. Look at our amazing paintings. We are so lucky to have Kandinsky art on our school walls. We checked it out today. Don't you think ours are even better!!!
We are all settled into Junior Infants in Room 1. Here are some photos of our first day in school!
We have been getting to know all our new friends in our class. We have good fun together and are learning lots of new things.
We had a great day yesterday and loved watching ourselves on TV! See our amazing art work to cheer on the Dublin team which is displayed up in the hall.
We learnt all about the changes during Autumn. We love all the autumn colours of red, gold, yellow, brown and purple. We have been bringing in lots of leaves, chestnuts and acorns for our autumn table. It looks amazing!! If you take a careful look, you will even see a toy hedgehog and squirrel!! Look at our great autumn art using fallen leaves. See them displayed outside our classroom.
We chatted about all about the things we now can do that we are growing up and changing. We enjoyed looking at each other cute baby photos!!!
We love Maths and have been sorting things into sets, matching pictures and doing lots of number work like counting forwards and backwards along with lots of Maths games (the shape hunt, animal hunt and happy faces). They are great fun to play!
Last week was 'Friendship Week' so we did some lovely art work showing things we like to do with our friends.