3rd Class 2023/2024
Reminder: Photos/videos on this website are not to be copied or used in any way.
Photos taken of other children may not be posted on social media without the written permission of each pupil in the photo. Our AUP will be given to parents in September.
Photos taken of other children may not be posted on social media without the written permission of each pupil in the photo. Our AUP will be given to parents in September.
Shadow Drawing
Senior Infants 2020/21
Happy Summer!! :)
Thank you very much to the parents and boys and girls for a super fun 2 years. You have all been so generous and kind, and amazing throughout these crazy 2 school years, and I am so proud of the children for how far they have come.
The very best of luck in 1st class :) Ms. Dempsey
Last days of Senior Infants :)
Sports Day Medals Presentation
Sponsored Summer Walk
Senior Infants Fun Day :)
Active Schools Week
Doing our work in the sunshine :)
Drama - What do we want to be when we grow up?
Science - Forces of pushing and pulling
Happy Easter everyone :)
I hope you all have a lovely 2 week break. See you on the 12th :)
Take a look at some of our Easter art and our lovely Easter bonnets :)
Take a look at some of our Easter art and our lovely Easter bonnets :)
Working hard on our sounds and blending :)
Happy St. Patrick's Day :) enjoy your day off school
Seachtain na Gaeilge :)
Fun and games in the classroom
Mother's Day Art
World Book Day
Welcome back to school - together again :)
Happy Christmas everyone, from all of us in Senior Infants :)
Our advent calendar winners
Mapping Santa's journey from the North Pole
Candy cane science experiment
Santa Dash!
Virtual Christmas Sing-a-long
Our Christmas Writing work
Our Winter and Christmas artwork
Clonburris Christmas Fair
All about Magnets
Happy Halloween everyone :)
Check out our cool Halloween art and our fancy costumes!
Have a safe and happy Halloween :) See you after midterm :)
Have a safe and happy Halloween :) See you after midterm :)
Practicing our cutting skills and sequencing 'Room on the Broom'
Ready Set Go, Maths!
Autumn Walk
We went outside looking for all the signs of Autumn around our school. We had great fun in our school garden, exploring and drawings pictures of the things we saw. We even walked around the field and around Dunawley on our way back to class :)
We used a secret ingredient 'flour' to give our paint texture when making the moon
Goodbye Mr. Murphy, we will miss you!
The Daily Mile :)
Our Family Trees
Guess Who?
Our Secret Art Project :)
National Sports Day :)
Hello Autumn :)
Fun on Fridays!
Our first week of Senior Infants :)
The boys and girls have settled in so well to Senior Infants. We have had a great time getting used to our new classroom and meeting all our school friends again!
Here are a few pictures of them throughout the week :)
Here are a few pictures of them throughout the week :)
A huge welcome back to all of the boys and girls in Senior Infants. Keep an eye on this page and the homepage of the website for important information on reopening safely :)
Junior Infants ↷
Learning at Home page here
Links for parents ↷
School Closure 2020
My email for anyone who wants any help or has any questions [email protected] Most important activities to continue: >READING: everyday - little and often >WRITING: letters, names, colouring, playdoh, scissor work >PLAYING: board games, throwing/kicking a ball, dancing, card games, jigsaws GoNoodle - we use this everyday in class to get up and get moving. The children love the characters and dances that we do and it could be used as a reward for positive behaviour. You can sign up for free on the website below, or you can search them on youtube
https://www.gonoodle.com/ Youtube - Storybots songs for learning numbers, Jolly Phonics songs for letters |
Please spread the word to other parents from the class who are looking for activities to do - We will be updating our pages weekly :)
Keep scrolling for more ideas from the previous weeks :)
Keep scrolling for more ideas from the previous weeks :)
June 15th - 30th: click here for a message and activity ideas.
Learn at Home Week 13
22nd June - 26th June
Hello to all of the boys and girls at home :)
I am super proud of you all, for all of the hard work that you have been doing at home. I know it hasn't been easy, but you have all done so well - I cannot wait to see you all soon to catch up on all you have been doing at home. We will have lots of news to tell each other when we get back :)
This is the last week that we will be posting on the website - this would have been our last week of Junior Infants :( but don't worry we will make up for all the fun we missed next year :)
A HUGE thank you to all of the parents - you did it, and now it's time to enjoy the Summer and relax. Special thank you to all of the parents who contacted me and sent their child's work for me to see -
it was always the highlight of my day during these crazy times
to see their smiley faces and their amazing work :)
Continue to email me with any questions or concerns you may have :)
I can't wait to see you all back in school again- enjoy your Summer everyone, stay safe and be KIND :)
Ms. Dempsey :)
I am super proud of you all, for all of the hard work that you have been doing at home. I know it hasn't been easy, but you have all done so well - I cannot wait to see you all soon to catch up on all you have been doing at home. We will have lots of news to tell each other when we get back :)
This is the last week that we will be posting on the website - this would have been our last week of Junior Infants :( but don't worry we will make up for all the fun we missed next year :)
A HUGE thank you to all of the parents - you did it, and now it's time to enjoy the Summer and relax. Special thank you to all of the parents who contacted me and sent their child's work for me to see -
it was always the highlight of my day during these crazy times
to see their smiley faces and their amazing work :)
Continue to email me with any questions or concerns you may have :)
I can't wait to see you all back in school again- enjoy your Summer everyone, stay safe and be KIND :)
Ms. Dempsey :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, being our last week we will revise only one sound 'sh'
The children should be able to identify some words on their own - shush, buSH, shed, share and so on.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise all of the previous sounds, that you've covered at home - and now that you have their books - feel free to go to the next pages and complete them. We have covered all of the sounds in school, so this is all great revision for them :)
For any sounds that they are still struggling with - stick them up around your house with a picture of something beginning or ending in that sound - it will be great for them to keep up the practice over the Summer :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are y and w. This week we have a long letter y, that goes under the line, and a small letter w. In the Ready to Write A1 book, these letters are on pages 60 and 61.
Because this is the last week of uploading work for you to do at home - I will go through the last few letters in the book, so that if you want you can allow your child to finish this book. The last 5 letters to learn after this week's work are: x, z, e, f and s
y = down, around, up, down under the line and curl
w = slant down, slant up, slant down, slant up (2 v's stuck together)
x = slant down, lift your pencil, slant down
z = across, slant down and across the bottom
e = straight across, up and around like a c
f = start at the top, around, down, lift your pencil and line across
s = around one way and around the other way
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. Continue sticking up some new words around the house - and have your child try to read them as they pass by.
Clondalkin Library are offering a click and collect service now - call them on 01 459 3315 from 9:15am to 4:45pm Monday to Saturday and they will give you a collection time for your book requests :)
I know many of you were looking forward to the library opening - so this is a great service to avail of.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, being our last week we will revise only one sound 'sh'
The children should be able to identify some words on their own - shush, buSH, shed, share and so on.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise all of the previous sounds, that you've covered at home - and now that you have their books - feel free to go to the next pages and complete them. We have covered all of the sounds in school, so this is all great revision for them :)
For any sounds that they are still struggling with - stick them up around your house with a picture of something beginning or ending in that sound - it will be great for them to keep up the practice over the Summer :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are y and w. This week we have a long letter y, that goes under the line, and a small letter w. In the Ready to Write A1 book, these letters are on pages 60 and 61.
Because this is the last week of uploading work for you to do at home - I will go through the last few letters in the book, so that if you want you can allow your child to finish this book. The last 5 letters to learn after this week's work are: x, z, e, f and s
y = down, around, up, down under the line and curl
w = slant down, slant up, slant down, slant up (2 v's stuck together)
x = slant down, lift your pencil, slant down
z = across, slant down and across the bottom
e = straight across, up and around like a c
f = start at the top, around, down, lift your pencil and line across
s = around one way and around the other way
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. Continue sticking up some new words around the house - and have your child try to read them as they pass by.
Clondalkin Library are offering a click and collect service now - call them on 01 459 3315 from 9:15am to 4:45pm Monday to Saturday and they will give you a collection time for your book requests :)
I know many of you were looking forward to the library opening - so this is a great service to avail of.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. There is plenty of work in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) Challenge your child to complete these books :)
>Revision: Think of something that your child struggled with, perhaps something I mentioned in their report or maybe something you noticed at home. Have another go at some activities that I mentioned below. These topics will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128
5. Time - remember I posted the calendar for June in Week 10 below - you can fill this in and help your child revise days of the week and months of the year.
As always, continue to email me for any worries or concerns you may have :)
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. There is plenty of work in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) Challenge your child to complete these books :)
>Revision: Think of something that your child struggled with, perhaps something I mentioned in their report or maybe something you noticed at home. Have another go at some activities that I mentioned below. These topics will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128
5. Time - remember I posted the calendar for June in Week 10 below - you can fill this in and help your child revise days of the week and months of the year.
As always, continue to email me for any worries or concerns you may have :)
Learn at Home Week 12
15th June - 19th June
Hi everyone :)
I hope you all enjoyed the fun activities during health and wellbeing week.
Well done to everyone who got involved.
We are usually doing lots of activities in school at this time of year, so please try not to worry as much about the work - now that you all have your books at home, just do a couple pages each day.
Please check out the learning at home page - linked above, it has been updated with some great new activities, so have a look there if you're interested.
I have suggested a small amount of work for this week -
but feel free to do what you want/can at this time :)
As always - email me with any questions or concerns you may have - and stay safe everyone :)
[email protected]
I hope you all enjoyed the fun activities during health and wellbeing week.
Well done to everyone who got involved.
We are usually doing lots of activities in school at this time of year, so please try not to worry as much about the work - now that you all have your books at home, just do a couple pages each day.
Please check out the learning at home page - linked above, it has been updated with some great new activities, so have a look there if you're interested.
I have suggested a small amount of work for this week -
but feel free to do what you want/can at this time :)
As always - email me with any questions or concerns you may have - and stay safe everyone :)
[email protected]
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, we will revise the sounds 'x' and 'ch'
The children should be able to identify some words on their own - foX, boX, xray for the 'x' sound. And chain, cheer, chalk, cheese and chat for the 'ch' sound.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise some of the previous sounds, to draw a picture and write out the word beside it. Stick these up around your house, and it will be of great benefit to them :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are u and v. In the Ready to Write A1 book from school, children can complete pages 58 and 59 this week.
u = down, around, up, down and flick
v = slant down, slant up
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. Continue sticking up some new words around the house - and have your child try to read them as they pass by.
Clondalkin Library are offering a click and collect service now - call them on 01 459 3315 from 9:15am to 4:45pm Monday to Saturday and they will give you a collection time for your book requests :)
I know many of you were looking forward to the library opening - so this is a great service to avail of.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, we will revise the sounds 'x' and 'ch'
The children should be able to identify some words on their own - foX, boX, xray for the 'x' sound. And chain, cheer, chalk, cheese and chat for the 'ch' sound.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise some of the previous sounds, to draw a picture and write out the word beside it. Stick these up around your house, and it will be of great benefit to them :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are u and v. In the Ready to Write A1 book from school, children can complete pages 58 and 59 this week.
u = down, around, up, down and flick
v = slant down, slant up
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. Continue sticking up some new words around the house - and have your child try to read them as they pass by.
Clondalkin Library are offering a click and collect service now - call them on 01 459 3315 from 9:15am to 4:45pm Monday to Saturday and they will give you a collection time for your book requests :)
I know many of you were looking forward to the library opening - so this is a great service to avail of.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. Try to incorporate the learning for Maths, outdoors as much as you can - using chalk you can make hopscotch, snakes and ladders, draw numbers, shapes and clocks. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) I urge you to complete as many as you can with your child.
>Revision: Usually, this time in the school year is used for revision. Think of something that your child is struggling with, and maybe have another go at some activities that I mentioned below. These topics will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128
5. Time - remember I posted the calendar for June in Week 10 below - you can fill this in and help your child revise days of the week and months of the year.
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. Try to incorporate the learning for Maths, outdoors as much as you can - using chalk you can make hopscotch, snakes and ladders, draw numbers, shapes and clocks. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) I urge you to complete as many as you can with your child.
>Revision: Usually, this time in the school year is used for revision. Think of something that your child is struggling with, and maybe have another go at some activities that I mentioned below. These topics will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128
5. Time - remember I posted the calendar for June in Week 10 below - you can fill this in and help your child revise days of the week and months of the year.
Learn at Home Week 11
8th June - 12th June
Clonburris Health and Wellbeing Week
We are taking a break from our usual weekly work this week, to participate in
Clonburris' Health and Wellbeing week :)
You have all been doing such excellent work - so now is time to enjoy a week full of
fun activities and challenges.
There are lots of things to keep you busy throughout the week on the link above - and maybe some appearances from surprise guests :)
Enjoy the week and as always, please email me if you would like any help at all :)
We are taking a break from our usual weekly work this week, to participate in
Clonburris' Health and Wellbeing week :)
You have all been doing such excellent work - so now is time to enjoy a week full of
fun activities and challenges.
There are lots of things to keep you busy throughout the week on the link above - and maybe some appearances from surprise guests :)
Enjoy the week and as always, please email me if you would like any help at all :)
Learn at Home Week 10
2nd June - 5th June
** Attention to all parents - your child's books must be collected from school now. You can email myself or Mr. Murphy - [email protected] for an appointment to collect them :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, because of the bank holiday we will just revise the one sound - y
y is a nice sound to revise, the children should be able to identify lots of y words on their own, like yellow, yes, yawn, you, yummy.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise some of the previous sounds, to draw a picture and write out the word beside it. Stick these up around your house, and it will be of great benefit to them :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are b and p. This week we have a tall letter and a long letter to learn. It is a great week to revise the tall, small and long(fall) letters document that I posted in Week 6 - I will re-upload it below. In the Ready to Write A1 book from school, children can complete pages 56 and 57 this week.
I will also attach some extra pages for anyone who wishes to do so.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. If you find your child is struggling, start sticking up some words around the house - complete a word hunt, or simply have your child try to read them as they pass by. For example, if they are reading the Wonderland books on CJ Fallon, write out some words from the book on sticky notes and post them around your house.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we covered the -am word family. This week we will work on the -en family, words like hen, pen and Ben. Listen to the song below together, and then the children should be able to remember and write out some of the -en words. I have also attached the poem "A Smart Hen" to cover this week. And just like last week, the children could create their own -en poem and send it in to me :) there were some brilliant poems and pictures last week :)
** Attention to all parents - your child's books must be collected from school now. You can email myself or Mr. Murphy - [email protected] for an appointment to collect them :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, because of the bank holiday we will just revise the one sound - y
y is a nice sound to revise, the children should be able to identify lots of y words on their own, like yellow, yes, yawn, you, yummy.
Please use the small orange homework book that you've collected from school, to complete exercises on this sound.
Get your child to revise some of the previous sounds, to draw a picture and write out the word beside it. Stick these up around your house, and it will be of great benefit to them :)
>Writing: The next two letters to learn to write are b and p. This week we have a tall letter and a long letter to learn. It is a great week to revise the tall, small and long(fall) letters document that I posted in Week 6 - I will re-upload it below. In the Ready to Write A1 book from school, children can complete pages 56 and 57 this week.
I will also attach some extra pages for anyone who wishes to do so.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon Wonderland series of books, or if you have moved on to the Harper Collins website, keep going with that. If you find your child is struggling, start sticking up some words around the house - complete a word hunt, or simply have your child try to read them as they pass by. For example, if they are reading the Wonderland books on CJ Fallon, write out some words from the book on sticky notes and post them around your house.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6 if you wish.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we covered the -am word family. This week we will work on the -en family, words like hen, pen and Ben. Listen to the song below together, and then the children should be able to remember and write out some of the -en words. I have also attached the poem "A Smart Hen" to cover this week. And just like last week, the children could create their own -en poem and send it in to me :) there were some brilliant poems and pictures last week :)
-en word family activities:
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. Try to incorporate the learning for Maths, outdoors as much as you can - using chalk you can make hopscotch, snakes and ladders, draw numbers, shapes and clocks. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) I urge you to complete as many as you can with your child.
>Time: Continue to practice the clock, the children seem to be enjoying learning about time - and this is the most important thing - when they are having fun they are learning :)
Pages 62 and 63 in the big Maths books require the children to put these stories in the correct order - writing 1, 2 and 3 beside each picture.
I will post the calendar for June below - which covers months of the year and days of the week practice :)
>Revision: If you feel there are some topics that your child is struggling with in Maths, try not to worry. They will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128
>Number: Continue to play the Maths games that I have posted about in previous weeks to revise numbers. Try to incorporate the learning for Maths, outdoors as much as you can - using chalk you can make hopscotch, snakes and ladders, draw numbers, shapes and clocks. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the 2 Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :) I urge you to complete as many as you can with your child.
>Time: Continue to practice the clock, the children seem to be enjoying learning about time - and this is the most important thing - when they are having fun they are learning :)
Pages 62 and 63 in the big Maths books require the children to put these stories in the correct order - writing 1, 2 and 3 beside each picture.
I will post the calendar for June below - which covers months of the year and days of the week practice :)
>Revision: If you feel there are some topics that your child is struggling with in Maths, try not to worry. They will all be revised when we get back to school :)
This week, if you have time, try to pick a topic covered on the website previously, like:
1. Capacity - ordering and filling the different sized containers with water, sand or rice - pages 90 and 91
2. Height - ordering toys by height
3. Matching and sorting - sorting things by colour, size or shape, matching socks together
4. Money - becoming familiar with the 1c, 2c, and 5c coins - pages 122 - 128

june_calendar_days_of_the_week.docx | |
File Size: | 83 kb |
File Type: | docx |
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>Last week, we revised the song "Teidi Beag Alainn", so this week, if everyone went onto the Abair Liom website and practiced the song "Cad atá i do bhosca loin?" - the children loved this one in school and we sang it almost everyday at lunch time. You will find it under 'An Bosca Lóin'
>Last week, I attached two documents that will help you to play Simon Says with your child in Irish, Deir O Ghradaigh :) It is a really fun way for the children to practice their Irish at home.
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>Last week, we revised the song "Teidi Beag Alainn", so this week, if everyone went onto the Abair Liom website and practiced the song "Cad atá i do bhosca loin?" - the children loved this one in school and we sang it almost everyday at lunch time. You will find it under 'An Bosca Lóin'
>Last week, I attached two documents that will help you to play Simon Says with your child in Irish, Deir O Ghradaigh :) It is a really fun way for the children to practice their Irish at home.
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need :)
>For this week, an extra activity you could do at home would be learning some new songs and singing lots of nursery ryhmes.
>We would have been learning a song in school together this month called Zip a dee doo dah. I will link the video below, and the children can give it a go :)
>For this week, an extra activity you could do at home would be learning some new songs and singing lots of nursery ryhmes.
>We would have been learning a song in school together this month called Zip a dee doo dah. I will link the video below, and the children can give it a go :)
Learn at Home Week 9
25th May - 29th May
** Attention to all parents - your child's books can be collected from school now. You must email myself or Mr. Murphy - [email protected] for an appointment to collect them :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, we will cover the sounds v, and oo.
This week, there is a tricky sound in there. When we learn about the "oo" sound in school, we learn that there is a skinny "oo" and a big "oo". The skinny "oo" sounds like book, look and cook. The big "oo" sounds like moon, boom and room.
The children should come up with some of their own after you give some examples - if they are not, just keep going over the ones you have given them - the more they hear and see the words, the better :)
For those of you, who have gotten your books from the school - you can complete the corresponding page in their orange homework book.
Some parents have said that the fly swatter game went down well last week with their child. It is one we have played in school and they love it. If you are struggling to get them to sit down, I encourage you to try this game out - once you set it up once, your child will be able to work away themselves.
>Writing: Working from last week, the next two letters to cover are m and h. Likewise, we did not get to cover these in school - so it is very important to follow the same formation when teaching these letters. Don't worry - we will cover these when we get back, however it will give your child a great head start to cover them first at home. Continue to use the document that I uploaded in week 6 called small tall and long letters. It is a good guideline for the children to remember :)
If you have collected the books from school already, the Ready to Write A1 book covers these letters on pages 54 and 55.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and books you may have had at home. It is important for the children to continue reading and for you to read to them whenever you can. If your child is struggling with their reading and you need some extra resources or help, please email me and I will be more than happy to help.
I know some parents were stating that their child was struggling with online reading - so hopefully the libraries will be opening up some rental service soon.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. Don't stress too much about the tricky words - we teach them in Senior Infants too, but this could be a head start, and something to work on, if they are easily completing the other work each week. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we covered the -an word family. I hope you are enjoying doing these at home. The songs really help start the children off on their work - and after that they can fly ahead on their own. This week we will work on the -am family, words like jam, ram and ham. Listen to the song below together, and then the children should be able to remember and write out some of the -am words. I have also attached the poem "Sam's Jam" to cover this week. If you would like to get really creative - the children could create their own -am poem and send it in to me :)
As part of Creative Clonburris that starts this week - send in your child's poems/pictures to be featured on the website :)
** Attention to all parents - your child's books can be collected from school now. You must email myself or Mr. Murphy - [email protected] for an appointment to collect them :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, we will cover the sounds v, and oo.
This week, there is a tricky sound in there. When we learn about the "oo" sound in school, we learn that there is a skinny "oo" and a big "oo". The skinny "oo" sounds like book, look and cook. The big "oo" sounds like moon, boom and room.
The children should come up with some of their own after you give some examples - if they are not, just keep going over the ones you have given them - the more they hear and see the words, the better :)
For those of you, who have gotten your books from the school - you can complete the corresponding page in their orange homework book.
Some parents have said that the fly swatter game went down well last week with their child. It is one we have played in school and they love it. If you are struggling to get them to sit down, I encourage you to try this game out - once you set it up once, your child will be able to work away themselves.
>Writing: Working from last week, the next two letters to cover are m and h. Likewise, we did not get to cover these in school - so it is very important to follow the same formation when teaching these letters. Don't worry - we will cover these when we get back, however it will give your child a great head start to cover them first at home. Continue to use the document that I uploaded in week 6 called small tall and long letters. It is a good guideline for the children to remember :)
If you have collected the books from school already, the Ready to Write A1 book covers these letters on pages 54 and 55.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and books you may have had at home. It is important for the children to continue reading and for you to read to them whenever you can. If your child is struggling with their reading and you need some extra resources or help, please email me and I will be more than happy to help.
I know some parents were stating that their child was struggling with online reading - so hopefully the libraries will be opening up some rental service soon.
>Tricky words: Continue to work through the tricky word flowers that I have posted below. The correct order for the colours are, blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange. Don't stress too much about the tricky words - we teach them in Senior Infants too, but this could be a head start, and something to work on, if they are easily completing the other work each week. See the tricky word booklet that I uploaded in Week 6.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we covered the -an word family. I hope you are enjoying doing these at home. The songs really help start the children off on their work - and after that they can fly ahead on their own. This week we will work on the -am family, words like jam, ram and ham. Listen to the song below together, and then the children should be able to remember and write out some of the -am words. I have also attached the poem "Sam's Jam" to cover this week. If you would like to get really creative - the children could create their own -am poem and send it in to me :)
As part of Creative Clonburris that starts this week - send in your child's poems/pictures to be featured on the website :)
-am word family activities![]()
>Number: Continue to try out those games that I mentioned last week - if your child is finding the Maths too easy - these games will help keep their brain working and have some fun at the same time :)
Continue to revise the correct formation of the numbers - in some of the work I am being sent, the numbers are not being formed correctly - so I will re-upload the number formation sheet that I did at the start of the school closure. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the big and small Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :)
>Time: Continue to practice the clock - I have received pictures of some brilliant homemade clocks at home - and the children are changing the time every hour - I can't wait to make some together when we get back to school :)
Continue to work on the calendar that I uploaded in Week 6 - which covers the months of the year and days of the week practice :)
>Height: A topic that we have covered informally in school is height. So due to the weather being so great - I would love the children to get out and about to measure tall and short things in the outdoors. For example, is the pillar taller than the pot of flowers? Am I taller than the car? Use different things to measure that you already have at home - pencils, bottles, even rulers if you wish. In Junior Infants, we teach these non-standard units of measuring - which just means we don't teach them about centimetres and metres.
I have attached some worksheets on height below - if you wish to complete them :)
>Number: Continue to try out those games that I mentioned last week - if your child is finding the Maths too easy - these games will help keep their brain working and have some fun at the same time :)
Continue to revise the correct formation of the numbers - in some of the work I am being sent, the numbers are not being formed correctly - so I will re-upload the number formation sheet that I did at the start of the school closure. For those of you that now have your Maths books at home - there are plenty of pages in the big and small Maths books that will keep your child busy practicing their number formation :)
>Time: Continue to practice the clock - I have received pictures of some brilliant homemade clocks at home - and the children are changing the time every hour - I can't wait to make some together when we get back to school :)
Continue to work on the calendar that I uploaded in Week 6 - which covers the months of the year and days of the week practice :)
>Height: A topic that we have covered informally in school is height. So due to the weather being so great - I would love the children to get out and about to measure tall and short things in the outdoors. For example, is the pillar taller than the pot of flowers? Am I taller than the car? Use different things to measure that you already have at home - pencils, bottles, even rulers if you wish. In Junior Infants, we teach these non-standard units of measuring - which just means we don't teach them about centimetres and metres.
I have attached some worksheets on height below - if you wish to complete them :)
>Well done to everyone who is sending on their Irish work - you are all doing a super job :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>Don't worry too much about covering new topics - even if you are revising the ones we covered in school - that's brilliant :)
>Maybe this week, if everyone went onto the Abair Liom website and practiced the song "Teidi Beag Alainn" - it has a lot of very useful Irish phrases in it and the children loved it when we did it in class.
>A few parents have asked about the Simon Says game called 'Deir O'Gradaigh'. I have attached two documents that will help you if you want to play this game at home this week :) It is a really fun way for the children to practice their Irish phrases and the verbs.
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need :)
>Well done to everyone who is sending on their Irish work - you are all doing a super job :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>Don't worry too much about covering new topics - even if you are revising the ones we covered in school - that's brilliant :)
>Maybe this week, if everyone went onto the Abair Liom website and practiced the song "Teidi Beag Alainn" - it has a lot of very useful Irish phrases in it and the children loved it when we did it in class.
>A few parents have asked about the Simon Says game called 'Deir O'Gradaigh'. I have attached two documents that will help you if you want to play this game at home this week :) It is a really fun way for the children to practice their Irish phrases and the verbs.
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need :)
>As part of Creative Clonburris week - here's something to try at home - we learned the poem Five Little Flowers last week, now let's draw some. There are lots of great videos on youtube - Arthub is brilliant and one that the children really get into. Have fun with this :)
>As part of Creative Clonburris week - here's something to try at home - we learned the poem Five Little Flowers last week, now let's draw some. There are lots of great videos on youtube - Arthub is brilliant and one that the children really get into. Have fun with this :)
Learn at Home Week 8
18th May - 22nd May
>Phonics (Letter sounds): For this week, we will move onto 3 new sounds again - z, w, ng
This week, the children should be well able for z and w. Some children struggle with the -ng sound. This is a sound that we usually hear in the middle or at the end of a word, jungle, spring, bang and so on.
After a few examples, the children should be able to come up with some words themselves.
Continue with the sound hunt - this week maybe you could use dried rice or pasta, or even water beads in a tub, hide the letter sounds written on card in the tub and have the children find them and either match them to another card around the house, or write them down.
If you have fly swatters at home - you can call out the sound and your child has to find it and swat it with the swatter. We have played this game in school before and the children love it :) If you don't have a fly swatter, you can use anything like a spatula or a ruler.
>Writing: This week - we are going to move onto the next two letters. We did not get to cover these letters in school before the closure, so work at your child's own pace with these.
The letters this week are r and n - I will put a picture up of how to talk your child through these new letters. Again, it is only the lowercase letters in Junior Infants. It is very important that they form the lowercase letters correctly. Continue to use the document that I uploaded in week 6 called small tall and long letters. It is a good guideline for the children to remember :)
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. It is important for the children to continue reading and for you to read to them whenever you can. They will become familiar with commonly used words in different books that you read together, and this is great for the fluency. Once again, if your child is struggling with their reading and you need some extra resources or help, please email me and I will be more than happy to help.
>Tricky words: Hopefully, you have all seen the tricky words booklet that I attached in week 6. If you cannot print at home - this booklet is easy to write out yourself on paper. Hopefully the children are enjoying learning and colouring in new words each week. Similar to the sounds, you can play games with the tricky words - hide them in the rice/pasta tub and play the fly swatter game with the tricky words. Don't get too hung up on them - if your child is struggling, stick with the blue level - these words will be taught when we return to school. This is just to give your child a head start on them :)
>Poetry/Rhyming words: In week 4, I uploaded some poetry for your child to look at. There are rhymes and funny poems that you can learn at home. We have also been learning about word families. We have covered the -at and the -ap word families in school and now at home. This week we will move onto the -an word family. Words like man, can, tan, fan all belong to this word family - have your child come up with as many -an words as they can. I hope you also enjoyed the video of the word family song last week - I will upload the -an song for this week below.
I am also attaching a poem called Five Little Flowers - which we would have been learning in school this week. It links in with our Summer Walk from last week's work, and also with numbers in Maths.
>Phonics (Letter sounds): For this week, we will move onto 3 new sounds again - z, w, ng
This week, the children should be well able for z and w. Some children struggle with the -ng sound. This is a sound that we usually hear in the middle or at the end of a word, jungle, spring, bang and so on.
After a few examples, the children should be able to come up with some words themselves.
Continue with the sound hunt - this week maybe you could use dried rice or pasta, or even water beads in a tub, hide the letter sounds written on card in the tub and have the children find them and either match them to another card around the house, or write them down.
If you have fly swatters at home - you can call out the sound and your child has to find it and swat it with the swatter. We have played this game in school before and the children love it :) If you don't have a fly swatter, you can use anything like a spatula or a ruler.
>Writing: This week - we are going to move onto the next two letters. We did not get to cover these letters in school before the closure, so work at your child's own pace with these.
The letters this week are r and n - I will put a picture up of how to talk your child through these new letters. Again, it is only the lowercase letters in Junior Infants. It is very important that they form the lowercase letters correctly. Continue to use the document that I uploaded in week 6 called small tall and long letters. It is a good guideline for the children to remember :)
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. It is important for the children to continue reading and for you to read to them whenever you can. They will become familiar with commonly used words in different books that you read together, and this is great for the fluency. Once again, if your child is struggling with their reading and you need some extra resources or help, please email me and I will be more than happy to help.
>Tricky words: Hopefully, you have all seen the tricky words booklet that I attached in week 6. If you cannot print at home - this booklet is easy to write out yourself on paper. Hopefully the children are enjoying learning and colouring in new words each week. Similar to the sounds, you can play games with the tricky words - hide them in the rice/pasta tub and play the fly swatter game with the tricky words. Don't get too hung up on them - if your child is struggling, stick with the blue level - these words will be taught when we return to school. This is just to give your child a head start on them :)
>Poetry/Rhyming words: In week 4, I uploaded some poetry for your child to look at. There are rhymes and funny poems that you can learn at home. We have also been learning about word families. We have covered the -at and the -ap word families in school and now at home. This week we will move onto the -an word family. Words like man, can, tan, fan all belong to this word family - have your child come up with as many -an words as they can. I hope you also enjoyed the video of the word family song last week - I will upload the -an song for this week below.
I am also attaching a poem called Five Little Flowers - which we would have been learning in school this week. It links in with our Summer Walk from last week's work, and also with numbers in Maths.
-an word family activities :)
>Number: I know some of the children might be getting anxious about missing school and their new friends - there are so many ways to revise their numbers and maths skills at home - I will link some new games below, that are quick and easy to set up. Just something to try to keep the learning new and fun for them. Continue working on recognising number, and if your child is able - continue to work on addition of number, using dice or anything you have around the house :) I have also attached some colouring sheets - colour by number - it is very important that the children are constantly using their crayons and pencils at this time.
>Time: Continue with the calendar work that I uploaded in week 6. This will allow the children to revise the days of the week, their vocabulary of today, yesterday and tomorrow, as well as tracing numbers. Continue to work on the clock. I received lots of pictures this week, with the children making their own clocks - and it was great to see them enjoying their Maths work at home :) Thank you parents for doing so much with them at this time - it will really stand to them when they return to school.
>Number: I know some of the children might be getting anxious about missing school and their new friends - there are so many ways to revise their numbers and maths skills at home - I will link some new games below, that are quick and easy to set up. Just something to try to keep the learning new and fun for them. Continue working on recognising number, and if your child is able - continue to work on addition of number, using dice or anything you have around the house :) I have also attached some colouring sheets - colour by number - it is very important that the children are constantly using their crayons and pencils at this time.
>Time: Continue with the calendar work that I uploaded in week 6. This will allow the children to revise the days of the week, their vocabulary of today, yesterday and tomorrow, as well as tracing numbers. Continue to work on the clock. I received lots of pictures this week, with the children making their own clocks - and it was great to see them enjoying their Maths work at home :) Thank you parents for doing so much with them at this time - it will really stand to them when they return to school.

dice-addition-game.pdf | |
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summer-colour-by-number.pdf | |
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>Well done to everyone who is sending on their Irish work - the children love Irish in school - and it is great that they can continue to play the games and listen to the songs on the Folens Online website.
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>If you started with 'Ag an Zú' last week, continue to work on this topic. It links in well with our Summer theme.
>We used to play Simon Says nearly everyday in school, in Irish it's called Deir O'Gradaigh. I would say "Deir O'Gradigh, cuir do lámh ar do cheann" = put your hands on your head
If you want to play this game with your child, email me for any tips or help :)
>I have linked a video of the Hokey Pokey in Irish - if you are looking for something fun to do in this subject - the lyrics would be too tricky for Junior Infants - but it is a nice one to listen and dance along to
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need
>Well done to everyone who is sending on their Irish work - the children love Irish in school - and it is great that they can continue to play the games and listen to the songs on the Folens Online website.
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>If you started with 'Ag an Zú' last week, continue to work on this topic. It links in well with our Summer theme.
>We used to play Simon Says nearly everyday in school, in Irish it's called Deir O'Gradaigh. I would say "Deir O'Gradigh, cuir do lámh ar do cheann" = put your hands on your head
If you want to play this game with your child, email me for any tips or help :)
>I have linked a video of the Hokey Pokey in Irish - if you are looking for something fun to do in this subject - the lyrics would be too tricky for Junior Infants - but it is a nice one to listen and dance along to
>If you have any questions or concerns with Irish - please email me - or for any extra resources or games that you may need
Learn at Home Week 7
11th May - 15th May
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, the children should revise the sounds ie, ee, or
Hopefully last week, the children remembered the 2 letter sounds ai and oa. This week, we are moving onto 3 new blend sounds. "ie" sounds like pie or tie, "ee" sounds like week or meet and "or" sounds like for or corn.
Spend some time on these sounds this week - if you are struggling to get everything done in the week, I highly recommend spending most of your 'school time' at home with the sounds. They are the foundation of everything when it comes to your child's reading and writing.
Place them on coloured paper around your home and have the children hunt to find them. I will attach more worksheets on these new sounds. Email me, either if your child is struggling with previous sounds or if you want to move on to the next sounds :)
>Writing: The next two letters for revision this week are t and k. t is a natural progression from l last week. k is a bit trickier, and it is also the last letter that we learnt together in school. Follow my instructions on how to guide your child with this letter - down at week 1. If you are having trouble with this letter, just send me an email, I am happy to send on some more tips and tricks. If you haven't already, check out the document I posted last week, for week 6 called 'Small tall and long letters' - it's great at reminding the children what size their letters should be. I will attach work below for t and k :)
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. I know some parents are struggling to get their children to read at this time and please don't stress if you are. The most important thing is to go over their sounds constantly. I definitely recommend reading everyday if you can - little and often is all you need to be doing. If you have lost their attention - leave it for a while, they won't learn anything if they are not paying attention. If you need any help or suggestions for struggling readers, please email me. Some of the children are responding very well to the emails and to my corrections of their work. It might just give them the boost they need :)
>Tricky words: Hopefully you got to check out the tricky words booklet that I uploaded last week - this will be a great resource to use with the children daily/weekly to go over these new words. If you have no printer, you can easily write out these words into your own little booklet. Continue reading these words following the colour stages - blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange are the correct order. Don't race through them - there is no rush :) Let me know how you are getting on with these.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we looked at the -at word family. I uploaded some poetry in week 4 and last week uploaded some work for the -at family. This week, we will cover the -ap word family. These are great for teaching the children about rhyming words - there is a great channel on youtube called Jack Hartmann - Kids Music Channel - and he has songs for nearly all of the word families. We have learned some in class, so the children should be able to recognise them :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): This week, the children should revise the sounds ie, ee, or
Hopefully last week, the children remembered the 2 letter sounds ai and oa. This week, we are moving onto 3 new blend sounds. "ie" sounds like pie or tie, "ee" sounds like week or meet and "or" sounds like for or corn.
Spend some time on these sounds this week - if you are struggling to get everything done in the week, I highly recommend spending most of your 'school time' at home with the sounds. They are the foundation of everything when it comes to your child's reading and writing.
Place them on coloured paper around your home and have the children hunt to find them. I will attach more worksheets on these new sounds. Email me, either if your child is struggling with previous sounds or if you want to move on to the next sounds :)
>Writing: The next two letters for revision this week are t and k. t is a natural progression from l last week. k is a bit trickier, and it is also the last letter that we learnt together in school. Follow my instructions on how to guide your child with this letter - down at week 1. If you are having trouble with this letter, just send me an email, I am happy to send on some more tips and tricks. If you haven't already, check out the document I posted last week, for week 6 called 'Small tall and long letters' - it's great at reminding the children what size their letters should be. I will attach work below for t and k :)
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. I know some parents are struggling to get their children to read at this time and please don't stress if you are. The most important thing is to go over their sounds constantly. I definitely recommend reading everyday if you can - little and often is all you need to be doing. If you have lost their attention - leave it for a while, they won't learn anything if they are not paying attention. If you need any help or suggestions for struggling readers, please email me. Some of the children are responding very well to the emails and to my corrections of their work. It might just give them the boost they need :)
>Tricky words: Hopefully you got to check out the tricky words booklet that I uploaded last week - this will be a great resource to use with the children daily/weekly to go over these new words. If you have no printer, you can easily write out these words into your own little booklet. Continue reading these words following the colour stages - blue, yellow, green, pink, red and orange are the correct order. Don't race through them - there is no rush :) Let me know how you are getting on with these.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Last week we looked at the -at word family. I uploaded some poetry in week 4 and last week uploaded some work for the -at family. This week, we will cover the -ap word family. These are great for teaching the children about rhyming words - there is a great channel on youtube called Jack Hartmann - Kids Music Channel - and he has songs for nearly all of the word families. We have learned some in class, so the children should be able to recognise them :)
We are linking some stories for this week - if you are looking for extra reading to do together :) These are all about the current situation, staying home and staying safe, and not worrying. |
-ap word family activities :)
>Number: Hopefully, the children are enjoying the different games I have suggested for revising number. Keeping it simple, using dice, chalk, hopscotch, card games - all of these can help your child with number recognition :) We would usually be adding numbers together in class, so continue to do this at home, if you think your child is able - we usually play lots of games in class addition, at home you can use 2 dice and add the numbers together, throw two stones on your hopscotch game outside and add them. Use a plate with a line down the middle and sweets and have your child add up the sweets on each side of the line together - the possibilities are endless :)
>Time: I said last week that we would have been moving onto teaching about the clock in school. This can easily be done at home but I will link a few resources below. We introduce the minutes hand (long hand) and the hour hand (short hand). I usually have a big clock on the whiteboard to show them this. In Junior Infants, we only teach them to tell the 'o'clock' time. So when the minutes hand on the clock (the long hand) touches 12. I have linked some games and activities that you can do and make yourselves at home if you have the ability to do so :) Let me know if you would like any help with this topic.
Another game that I like to play when teaching this topic, is "What time is it Mr. Wolf". They usually love this game and it is a great one to get them to use the language of time and linking it with their knowledge of number, while also having fun.
>Number: Hopefully, the children are enjoying the different games I have suggested for revising number. Keeping it simple, using dice, chalk, hopscotch, card games - all of these can help your child with number recognition :) We would usually be adding numbers together in class, so continue to do this at home, if you think your child is able - we usually play lots of games in class addition, at home you can use 2 dice and add the numbers together, throw two stones on your hopscotch game outside and add them. Use a plate with a line down the middle and sweets and have your child add up the sweets on each side of the line together - the possibilities are endless :)
>Time: I said last week that we would have been moving onto teaching about the clock in school. This can easily be done at home but I will link a few resources below. We introduce the minutes hand (long hand) and the hour hand (short hand). I usually have a big clock on the whiteboard to show them this. In Junior Infants, we only teach them to tell the 'o'clock' time. So when the minutes hand on the clock (the long hand) touches 12. I have linked some games and activities that you can do and make yourselves at home if you have the ability to do so :) Let me know if you would like any help with this topic.
Another game that I like to play when teaching this topic, is "What time is it Mr. Wolf". They usually love this game and it is a great one to get them to use the language of time and linking it with their knowledge of number, while also having fun.
>Well done to everyone who is trying their best to keep up their Irish at home :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>If you wish, you can have a look at the poster and song for 'Ag an Zú'. This will link in well some of the activities available on the Dublin Zoo website - I will link this below.
>If you have any questions on this, or would like any extra resources or activities, please send me an email :)
>Well done to everyone who is trying their best to keep up their Irish at home :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/abair-liom-junior-infants/resources/
>If you wish, you can have a look at the poster and song for 'Ag an Zú'. This will link in well some of the activities available on the Dublin Zoo website - I will link this below.
>If you have any questions on this, or would like any extra resources or activities, please send me an email :)
Geography and Science:
We would be due to go on a summer walkabout around the school around now. Similar to the Spring walk I posted here in March, encourage the children to get out and look at the nature around them - send me some pictures, if you do this activity. Talk about the leaves on the tree, the flowers in bloom, the animals all around. You don't even have to print this sheet out, just get them out and talking about Summer, and the different things they see :)
We would be due to go on a summer walkabout around the school around now. Similar to the Spring walk I posted here in March, encourage the children to get out and look at the nature around them - send me some pictures, if you do this activity. Talk about the leaves on the tree, the flowers in bloom, the animals all around. You don't even have to print this sheet out, just get them out and talking about Summer, and the different things they see :)

summer_walk.doc | |
File Size: | 1665 kb |
File Type: | doc |
Learn at Home Week 6
4th May - 8th May
For any parents who don't speak English at home, or if your child is struggling with keeping up their English - check out Ms. Carolan's page on this website for more activities to help you out at home :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): Revision on the sounds for this week ai, j, oa
This week we are revising the first blends of the jolly phonics programme - blends or digraphs are when two letters come together to form a new sound. "ai" sounds like pain or rain, "oa" sounds like goat or road.
Because the children usually find this a bit trickier, we spend longer on these sounds in school - therefore I'm only putting up 3 sounds to revise for this week.
I will attach some worksheets below to help revise these sounds.
If your child is still working on previous sounds, do not rush them onto these 'blends' - it might confuse them.
Have fun with these and use card/coloured paper to write these sounds and put them around the house to get your child familiar with seeing them and saying the sound.
>Writing: The next two letters for revision this week are j and l. As with all the previous letters, it is only the lowercase letters that the children have learned in school - so don't worry too much about the capital letters in any of the worksheets that I link below. j is a long letter so make sure your child is going under the line and l is a tall letter so they have to touch the top and go all the way to the bottom line and flick.
I am attaching a document below that explains what letters are small, tall or long. Please see my previous post, where I go through how to talk your child through writing the letters.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. The 'Teach your Monster to Read' app is also very good for some games for the children to play using their sounds, it is also helpful for those struggling with their CJ Fallon wonderland books. It starts from the very start, revising sounds first. Let me know if you are using any of these new websites and apps and I will be happy to help guide you through them :)
>Tricky words: If you have been covering the tricky words, please continue to do so. Start with the blue flowers, then move onto yellow. After yellow the order is green, pink, red and orange. Try to cover these words each day (little and often). Write them on coloured paper and stick them around the house, have your child read them as they walk by. Get them to try to write them out themselves - I have attached a document below that I would have been giving out to the children in class - A Tricky Word Booklet. It has a front cover and goes through all of their tricky words - once they know them fluently they colour in the box - just like what we did for the wonderland books in school.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Continue to use the poems that I included in Week 4 on this page (just scroll down). We had started to talk about word families in school before we closed. Word families are when words have the same ending - usually 3 letter words. For example the -at word family would be cat, bat, hat, mat and so on. These will be covered in more detail in Senior Infants, however it is great for the children to recognise rhyming words are words that sound the same. It will help them greatly with their reading as well :)
For any parents who don't speak English at home, or if your child is struggling with keeping up their English - check out Ms. Carolan's page on this website for more activities to help you out at home :)
>Phonics (Letter sounds): Revision on the sounds for this week ai, j, oa
This week we are revising the first blends of the jolly phonics programme - blends or digraphs are when two letters come together to form a new sound. "ai" sounds like pain or rain, "oa" sounds like goat or road.
Because the children usually find this a bit trickier, we spend longer on these sounds in school - therefore I'm only putting up 3 sounds to revise for this week.
I will attach some worksheets below to help revise these sounds.
If your child is still working on previous sounds, do not rush them onto these 'blends' - it might confuse them.
Have fun with these and use card/coloured paper to write these sounds and put them around the house to get your child familiar with seeing them and saying the sound.
>Writing: The next two letters for revision this week are j and l. As with all the previous letters, it is only the lowercase letters that the children have learned in school - so don't worry too much about the capital letters in any of the worksheets that I link below. j is a long letter so make sure your child is going under the line and l is a tall letter so they have to touch the top and go all the way to the bottom line and flick.
I am attaching a document below that explains what letters are small, tall or long. Please see my previous post, where I go through how to talk your child through writing the letters.
>Reading: Continue with the CJ Fallon website, the Harper Collins website and/or books you may have had at home. The 'Teach your Monster to Read' app is also very good for some games for the children to play using their sounds, it is also helpful for those struggling with their CJ Fallon wonderland books. It starts from the very start, revising sounds first. Let me know if you are using any of these new websites and apps and I will be happy to help guide you through them :)
>Tricky words: If you have been covering the tricky words, please continue to do so. Start with the blue flowers, then move onto yellow. After yellow the order is green, pink, red and orange. Try to cover these words each day (little and often). Write them on coloured paper and stick them around the house, have your child read them as they walk by. Get them to try to write them out themselves - I have attached a document below that I would have been giving out to the children in class - A Tricky Word Booklet. It has a front cover and goes through all of their tricky words - once they know them fluently they colour in the box - just like what we did for the wonderland books in school.
>Poetry/Rhyming words: Continue to use the poems that I included in Week 4 on this page (just scroll down). We had started to talk about word families in school before we closed. Word families are when words have the same ending - usually 3 letter words. For example the -at word family would be cat, bat, hat, mat and so on. These will be covered in more detail in Senior Infants, however it is great for the children to recognise rhyming words are words that sound the same. It will help them greatly with their reading as well :)
>Numbers: Continue to regularly practice counting and different number games. I have linked some websites and activities below to help with these. By now, the children should be able to identify the numbers 0-5, and this is all they need to know for numbers in Junior Infants. Playing games with dice like who can get the highest number - High-Low games, Snap or Go Fish with playing cards to have some fun recognising numbers and patterns. Hopscotch outside now that the weather is nice is always a great one - I've also seen some people create a huge game of snakes and ladders in their gardens with chalk, that would be a lovely idea as you use dice in that game too :)
>Capacity: Another topic that we should be moving onto in school is all about Capacity. How much water/sand/rice can fill a bottle or a big basin? In Junior Infants we don't fully teach the language of measures, millilitres, litres etc, instead we say how many bottles of water will fill up the basin/bathtub? I usually start by saying "Ms. Dempsey is really thirsty, which bottle of water should she drink and why?" And I show them different sized bottles, and encourage them to pick the largest one. The children are given opportunities to guess the answer and then carry out the experiment and find out the actual result. This is a topic that the children usually love to do in school as they are allowed to get messy and try out their own theories for the experiment. I will attach some activities that you can do below, but all you need are different sized containers, a big tub or basin, bottles, cups and then you can use whatever medium of measuring you want - like water, sand or rice. There are some pages to complete on this topic in our Folens maths book if you want to check out the website - I have some pages below. Email me if you have any further questions about this topic.
>Time: Next week, we are due to start on Time using the clock. This week I would love if everyone continued to practice the days of the week song and talking to your child about night and day - what do we do in the day time, and what happens at night time. I have attached a calendar sheet below for the month of May - if you can, print it off, put it in a plastic poly pocket, and using a marker, have your child fill it in each day, circling today, tomorrow and yesterday as well as filling in the weather each day.
>Numbers: Continue to regularly practice counting and different number games. I have linked some websites and activities below to help with these. By now, the children should be able to identify the numbers 0-5, and this is all they need to know for numbers in Junior Infants. Playing games with dice like who can get the highest number - High-Low games, Snap or Go Fish with playing cards to have some fun recognising numbers and patterns. Hopscotch outside now that the weather is nice is always a great one - I've also seen some people create a huge game of snakes and ladders in their gardens with chalk, that would be a lovely idea as you use dice in that game too :)
>Capacity: Another topic that we should be moving onto in school is all about Capacity. How much water/sand/rice can fill a bottle or a big basin? In Junior Infants we don't fully teach the language of measures, millilitres, litres etc, instead we say how many bottles of water will fill up the basin/bathtub? I usually start by saying "Ms. Dempsey is really thirsty, which bottle of water should she drink and why?" And I show them different sized bottles, and encourage them to pick the largest one. The children are given opportunities to guess the answer and then carry out the experiment and find out the actual result. This is a topic that the children usually love to do in school as they are allowed to get messy and try out their own theories for the experiment. I will attach some activities that you can do below, but all you need are different sized containers, a big tub or basin, bottles, cups and then you can use whatever medium of measuring you want - like water, sand or rice. There are some pages to complete on this topic in our Folens maths book if you want to check out the website - I have some pages below. Email me if you have any further questions about this topic.
>Time: Next week, we are due to start on Time using the clock. This week I would love if everyone continued to practice the days of the week song and talking to your child about night and day - what do we do in the day time, and what happens at night time. I have attached a calendar sheet below for the month of May - if you can, print it off, put it in a plastic poly pocket, and using a marker, have your child fill it in each day, circling today, tomorrow and yesterday as well as filling in the weather each day.
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on folensonline.ie
>If you wish, you can have a look at the poster and song for 'Sa siopa milseán'. This will link in well with learning about Money in Maths the past two weeks.
>If you have any questions on this, or would like any extra resources or activities, please send me an email :)
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on folensonline.ie
>If you wish, you can have a look at the poster and song for 'Sa siopa milseán'. This will link in well with learning about Money in Maths the past two weeks.
>If you have any questions on this, or would like any extra resources or activities, please send me an email :)
Learn at Home Week 5
27th April - 1st May
As you can see above, this is Active Week. I will not give as much "written" work on here, please go and check out the link above for some fun family activities to do to stay active and healthy during this time. I would love to see any of the children participating in these activities, and filling out the templates provided.
>Phonics (Letter sounds): Revision on the next group for this week, g, o, u, l, f, b
Work at the pace of your child, if they are struggling with the last sounds, go back over the previous ones for a few more days. If your child is flying ahead, continue onto the next few sounds - we have covered them all in school so it is no problem to go ahead and so more each week, if you feel your child is able. I will attach a picture below showing all of the different groups of sounds so that you know which one comes next.
Once again, have some fun with the sounds, do an ACTIVE sound hunt around your house or garden, with different sounds hiding in different areas on small pieces of paper - when they find the sounds, they have to run back to you, tell you the sound and draw a picture of something beginning with that sound.
>Writing: Continue to work on writing the children's names at home, your name, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. Have them try to write to write a message for someone they haven't seen in a while. *This can form part of their ACTIVE work, where they can walk/run/bike/scoot to the post office or house to deliver their letter (assuming it's all within 2km)
I will only ask you to revise one letter this week, due to the extra active work we would like the children to participate in. This will we'll revise the letter 'i' and I will attach some activities on this below.
>Reading: Continue with the books you are currently reading, whether it be CJ Fallon readers or if you have moved on to another website. If your child is struggling with the reading, guessing the words/learning it off by heart, please email me and I will send on some pre-reading activities for you to try to help them.
Some parents have also emailed to ask which level their child should start on for the Harper Collins website, so if you are unsure, please just send me an email.
>Tricky words: Continue with the blue flowers in the tricky words (picture of all the tricky words is below on week 1 of learn at home) If your child is struggling do not push them - little and often, and again have some fun with these. If your child knows the blue words fluently on their own, you should move to the next level, which is the yellow flowers :)
Things to use/print:
Letter i revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-50-letter-i-activity-pack
I have also attached some sounds games below - feel free to use what you want/can.
Please email for extra work or if you have any questions for me.
As you can see above, this is Active Week. I will not give as much "written" work on here, please go and check out the link above for some fun family activities to do to stay active and healthy during this time. I would love to see any of the children participating in these activities, and filling out the templates provided.
>Phonics (Letter sounds): Revision on the next group for this week, g, o, u, l, f, b
Work at the pace of your child, if they are struggling with the last sounds, go back over the previous ones for a few more days. If your child is flying ahead, continue onto the next few sounds - we have covered them all in school so it is no problem to go ahead and so more each week, if you feel your child is able. I will attach a picture below showing all of the different groups of sounds so that you know which one comes next.
Once again, have some fun with the sounds, do an ACTIVE sound hunt around your house or garden, with different sounds hiding in different areas on small pieces of paper - when they find the sounds, they have to run back to you, tell you the sound and draw a picture of something beginning with that sound.
>Writing: Continue to work on writing the children's names at home, your name, brothers and sisters, cousins, aunts and uncles. Have them try to write to write a message for someone they haven't seen in a while. *This can form part of their ACTIVE work, where they can walk/run/bike/scoot to the post office or house to deliver their letter (assuming it's all within 2km)
I will only ask you to revise one letter this week, due to the extra active work we would like the children to participate in. This will we'll revise the letter 'i' and I will attach some activities on this below.
>Reading: Continue with the books you are currently reading, whether it be CJ Fallon readers or if you have moved on to another website. If your child is struggling with the reading, guessing the words/learning it off by heart, please email me and I will send on some pre-reading activities for you to try to help them.
Some parents have also emailed to ask which level their child should start on for the Harper Collins website, so if you are unsure, please just send me an email.
>Tricky words: Continue with the blue flowers in the tricky words (picture of all the tricky words is below on week 1 of learn at home) If your child is struggling do not push them - little and often, and again have some fun with these. If your child knows the blue words fluently on their own, you should move to the next level, which is the yellow flowers :)
Things to use/print:
Letter i revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-50-letter-i-activity-pack
I have also attached some sounds games below - feel free to use what you want/can.
Please email for extra work or if you have any questions for me.
As part of Active Week, I would love to see the children getting outdoors and using their Maths minds in finding Maths in the world around us, numbers, shapes, patterns and so on.
>Money: Continue with the work we did last week on Money, the children can do with as much work on this topic as possible. I have attached some sheets last week on Money, but if you would like more games/activities or ideas, just send me an email.
>Maths hunt: Go around with a copy/paper and write and draw all of the Maths things you can see on your walk. Numbers, shapes, colours, how many trees do you see. I will link a Maths trail on Twinkl to give you an idea.
Things to use/print:
Maths trail - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-n-5456-maths-in-our-school-environment-for-junior-amp-senior-infants-booklet
As part of Active Week, I would love to see the children getting outdoors and using their Maths minds in finding Maths in the world around us, numbers, shapes, patterns and so on.
>Money: Continue with the work we did last week on Money, the children can do with as much work on this topic as possible. I have attached some sheets last week on Money, but if you would like more games/activities or ideas, just send me an email.
>Maths hunt: Go around with a copy/paper and write and draw all of the Maths things you can see on your walk. Numbers, shapes, colours, how many trees do you see. I will link a Maths trail on Twinkl to give you an idea.
Things to use/print:
Maths trail - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/roi-n-5456-maths-in-our-school-environment-for-junior-amp-senior-infants-booklet
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on folensonline.ie
>Please email me for the topics that you can do at home and for extra games and worksheets if you wish.
>Continue to revise our Abair Liom songs and poems on folensonline.ie
>Please email me for the topics that you can do at home and for extra games and worksheets if you wish.
Stay active at this time, especially this week, we are hoping to get everyone involved :) Just click on the link above that will bring you to all of the checklists and activity ideas that you need. You can continue with youtube workouts, Gonoodle dances and songs as well (all listed here) Send on any activities you do at home and be sure to send the completed worksheet at the end of it. Good luck everyone and stay safe :)
Learn at Home Week 4
20th April - 24th April
>Phonics (Letters): Revision on the next group of sounds, c, k, e, h, r, m, d
Each child is different, so work at your own pace with the sounds - if this is too much for one week, only do what your child is able for
Find things beginning with these sounds around the house, eg. put things beginning with k in the kitchen, draw pictures of items beginning with m and h and put them around your home - then have a sound hunt, where they find the pictures and put them into the correct basket.
Your child can draw pictures and you can help them to write the words beside the picture (you can write the word first and they can copy your writing)
>Writing: Work on revising the next 3 letters - d, g, q - using the worksheets below. Make sure the children are using the proper language when revising these letters (I have a sheet named Letter Formation below, so you know how to talk them through this). Playdoh is a great medium to use when learning to write their letters - the children can make the letters using playdoh
>Reading: Continue with the class readers on the CJ Fallon website. If your child has finished these and knows all of the words fluently, there are plenty of websites where you can access free story books https://www.freechildrenstories.com/
There's another reading website called Harper Collins (you can access on your phone), where you can sign in as a teacher and get access to different books for your child's level. Please email me and I will be happy to steer you in the right direction as to what level your child could start with. Use the login username: [email protected] and the password is Parents20!
There are many more if you google it, and youtube have a wide selection available too.
>Story time: A story you can read this week could be "The Snail and the Whale". We have read this in class before so you could ask your child questions about the story, get them to draw their favourite part, get them to put the story in the correct order and re-read it with them - you can find it on youtube if you don't have the book at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hheolVGZVvs
>Tricky words: I have posted the picture of all of the tricky word flowers below (keep scrolling), the children should start learning the blue words now - write all of the blue words out on paper/card and stick them around your house - you can do a word hunt or simply get the children to repeat the words each time they pass them.
>I am aware that some of you do not have access to printers, so my email is at the top of this page for anyone who would like to send on their own work to me, or who would like some advice on how to continue their work at home.
Things to use/print:
Letter d revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-52-letter-d-activity-pack
Letter g revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-49-letter-g-activity-pack
Letter q revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-69-letter-q-activity-pack
Letter playdoh mats - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-082-alphabet-playdough-mats
Below I have attached some extra work - simple pencil worksheets for those struggling with their letter writing, a reading sheet to practice sounds and reading new words, and a bingo game including words from our Wonderland readers at school :)
I have also attached some rhymes and funny poems for your children to read and learn if you wish to do so. And there is an extra sheet involving reading, writing and problem solving, if you feel your child is able for more :)
>Phonics (Letters): Revision on the next group of sounds, c, k, e, h, r, m, d
Each child is different, so work at your own pace with the sounds - if this is too much for one week, only do what your child is able for
Find things beginning with these sounds around the house, eg. put things beginning with k in the kitchen, draw pictures of items beginning with m and h and put them around your home - then have a sound hunt, where they find the pictures and put them into the correct basket.
Your child can draw pictures and you can help them to write the words beside the picture (you can write the word first and they can copy your writing)
>Writing: Work on revising the next 3 letters - d, g, q - using the worksheets below. Make sure the children are using the proper language when revising these letters (I have a sheet named Letter Formation below, so you know how to talk them through this). Playdoh is a great medium to use when learning to write their letters - the children can make the letters using playdoh
>Reading: Continue with the class readers on the CJ Fallon website. If your child has finished these and knows all of the words fluently, there are plenty of websites where you can access free story books https://www.freechildrenstories.com/
There's another reading website called Harper Collins (you can access on your phone), where you can sign in as a teacher and get access to different books for your child's level. Please email me and I will be happy to steer you in the right direction as to what level your child could start with. Use the login username: [email protected] and the password is Parents20!
There are many more if you google it, and youtube have a wide selection available too.
>Story time: A story you can read this week could be "The Snail and the Whale". We have read this in class before so you could ask your child questions about the story, get them to draw their favourite part, get them to put the story in the correct order and re-read it with them - you can find it on youtube if you don't have the book at home https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hheolVGZVvs
>Tricky words: I have posted the picture of all of the tricky word flowers below (keep scrolling), the children should start learning the blue words now - write all of the blue words out on paper/card and stick them around your house - you can do a word hunt or simply get the children to repeat the words each time they pass them.
>I am aware that some of you do not have access to printers, so my email is at the top of this page for anyone who would like to send on their own work to me, or who would like some advice on how to continue their work at home.
Things to use/print:
Letter d revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-52-letter-d-activity-pack
Letter g revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-49-letter-g-activity-pack
Letter q revision - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/us-l-69-letter-q-activity-pack
Letter playdoh mats - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/t-l-082-alphabet-playdough-mats
Below I have attached some extra work - simple pencil worksheets for those struggling with their letter writing, a reading sheet to practice sounds and reading new words, and a bingo game including words from our Wonderland readers at school :)
I have also attached some rhymes and funny poems for your children to read and learn if you wish to do so. And there is an extra sheet involving reading, writing and problem solving, if you feel your child is able for more :)
> Days of the Week and Months of the Year: continue to revise these daily, we would revise these each morning in class. We sing the days of the week to the tune of the "Addams Family" and we clap along.
>Number: Continue with number work and practice writing the numbers. We have rhymes for how we write the numbers, and I have posted this below (keep scrolling). Folens also have the children's maths books online so you can have a look at these here
Maths book: https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/planet-mathsji/ebook/
Number practice: https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/pmjinumberpractice/ebook/
>Games: Snakes and ladders, Jigsaws, Hopscotch - outdoors with chalk or indoors.
>Money: We should be moving onto the topic of money in school now. The children should be familiar with the 1 cent, 2 cent and 5 cent coins in Junior Infants. If you have coins around the house, let the children see them, pretend play with them, draw them and use them to "buy" things they would like in the house. While this is a new topic for the children, it is one that I will be covering when we return to school, so don't worry too much about teaching them. It would just be a nice activity to do together at home and the Folens website have great games you can play on the topic of money https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/planet-mathsji/resources/
Things to use/print:
Number playdoh mats - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-n-365-number-playdough-mats-1-10
Below I have attached some other activities that you can try. There is a number practice document which will allow the children to practice their number writing, there's a number matching game, a money bingo game and a number/picture matching game.
> Days of the Week and Months of the Year: continue to revise these daily, we would revise these each morning in class. We sing the days of the week to the tune of the "Addams Family" and we clap along.
>Number: Continue with number work and practice writing the numbers. We have rhymes for how we write the numbers, and I have posted this below (keep scrolling). Folens also have the children's maths books online so you can have a look at these here
Maths book: https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/planet-mathsji/ebook/
Number practice: https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/pmjinumberpractice/ebook/
>Games: Snakes and ladders, Jigsaws, Hopscotch - outdoors with chalk or indoors.
>Money: We should be moving onto the topic of money in school now. The children should be familiar with the 1 cent, 2 cent and 5 cent coins in Junior Infants. If you have coins around the house, let the children see them, pretend play with them, draw them and use them to "buy" things they would like in the house. While this is a new topic for the children, it is one that I will be covering when we return to school, so don't worry too much about teaching them. It would just be a nice activity to do together at home and the Folens website have great games you can play on the topic of money https://www.folensonline.ie/home/library/programmes/planet-mathsji/resources/
Things to use/print:
Number playdoh mats - https://www.twinkl.ie/resource/au-n-365-number-playdough-mats-1-10
Below I have attached some other activities that you can try. There is a number practice document which will allow the children to practice their number writing, there's a number matching game, a money bingo game and a number/picture matching game.
>If you are continuing to practice the children's Irish at home, there are lots of great games, poems and songs on the Folens website.
>Please email me for the topics that you can do at home and for extra games and worksheets if you wish.
>If you are continuing to practice the children's Irish at home, there are lots of great games, poems and songs on the Folens website.
>Please email me for the topics that you can do at home and for extra games and worksheets if you wish.
Please scroll down for some ideas on staying active at this time :)
As always, do what you can/want with your own child. If they are enjoying doing their work each week then great, if not don't worry. The most important thing is to stay safe during this time.
Happy Easter to all the boys and girls and their parents :)
I hope you all have a great time celebrating together as a family and taking a break from all the hard work you have been doing.
We have been blessed with gorgeous weather recently, so I hope everyone can get out and enjoy that sunshine for as long as it stays. Get your bikes, scooters or rollerskates out :)
There are plenty of opportunities to continue their learning outdoors, here are some ideas.
Nature walks
Collect up flowers, leaves, dandelions and much more and create your own nature table in your garden.
Sand and Water play
These are amazing for the children, and allow them to explore and play, and use their imagination - practice their names and letters in the sand, build a water tower with blocks, use different sized bottles or containers and the fun is endless.
Chalk and outdoor washable paint
These are great if you can get your hands on them. Children can draw anything they want in their garden, you can make a giant hopscotch or a giant snakes and ladders game to play together with the chalk. They can practice drawing their shapes also.
Baking and cooking - the next Clonburris Chef :)
These are fun ways to teach your children a new skill while also making a mess :) Children love baking and making new things - you could then have a picnic in the garden with your creations.
There are still lots of easter activities available on Twinkl, but as always if you have no access to printers, have the children do some drawing of their own :)
I hope you all have a great time celebrating together as a family and taking a break from all the hard work you have been doing.
We have been blessed with gorgeous weather recently, so I hope everyone can get out and enjoy that sunshine for as long as it stays. Get your bikes, scooters or rollerskates out :)
There are plenty of opportunities to continue their learning outdoors, here are some ideas.
Nature walks
Collect up flowers, leaves, dandelions and much more and create your own nature table in your garden.
Sand and Water play
These are amazing for the children, and allow them to explore and play, and use their imagination - practice their names and letters in the sand, build a water tower with blocks, use different sized bottles or containers and the fun is endless.
Chalk and outdoor washable paint
These are great if you can get your hands on them. Children can draw anything they want in their garden, you can make a giant hopscotch or a giant snakes and ladders game to play together with the chalk. They can practice drawing their shapes also.
Baking and cooking - the next Clonburris Chef :)
These are fun ways to teach your children a new skill while also making a mess :) Children love baking and making new things - you could then have a picnic in the garden with your creations.
There are still lots of easter activities available on Twinkl, but as always if you have no access to printers, have the children do some drawing of their own :)
As the current measures have been extended,
I will continue to post weekly work after the Easter holidays.
Tell all the boys and girls I say hello,
and that I can't wait until we're all back in school together.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter,
and I hope to see you all very soon :)
I will continue to post weekly work after the Easter holidays.
Tell all the boys and girls I say hello,
and that I can't wait until we're all back in school together.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter,
and I hope to see you all very soon :)
Learn at Home Week 3
30th March - 3rd April
- Easter story – look up “How to Catch the Easter Bunny” on youtube for a storytime video – the children can then design their own trap to catch the Easter bunny :)
- Continue practising Nursery Rhymes with your child – look up ‘Super Simple Songs – Kids Songs’ on youtube – they have a great selection of videos with all of the various nursery rhymes
- Continue reading – for anyone who would like, there is a great app on your phones or laptops called “Teach Monster – Teach your monster to read”. It has lots of great games and tips to help the children with their sounds and words, and helps them to progress in their reading skills. NB, it does cost just over 1 euro :)
- Continue with the writing practice – if you need any more resources or letter writing worksheets to print off, just send me an email :)
- Children can write their own letter to the Easter bunny – linked below, drawing pictures, attempting short words, and signing their name
- I would love to see some pictures if anyone would like to do any of these activities.
- With Easter coming up – it might be a great time to make an egg hunt, get the children to design and make their own eggs, using old egg shells or egg cartons
- You could set the hunt up, or the children can make it themselves and give clues to their siblings or you to find them all – there are lots of Easter egg hunt resources on Twinkl, but let me know if you want more and I can email you some.
- This will enable them to use the language of spatial awareness – like beside, under, near, behind and so on.
- Children can order their toys/books/teddies by size, length and width.
Learn at Home Week 2
23rd March - 27th March
>Phonics: Work on the first group of sounds, s, a, t, i, p, n
Find things beginning with these sounds around the house, eg. make an s room, put all the things beginning with p in the basket and so on. Then get your child to draw those things and help them to write the words beside the picture (you can write the word first and they can copy your writing)
>Writing: Work on revising the first 3 letters - c, o and a - using the worksheets below.
>Continue with the activities listed below for written work, phonics and reading.
>I am aware that some do not have access to printers, so I am attaching worksheets that can be easily made at home for your child. Let me know if you would like any more sheets like this by email.
>Phonics: Work on the first group of sounds, s, a, t, i, p, n
Find things beginning with these sounds around the house, eg. make an s room, put all the things beginning with p in the basket and so on. Then get your child to draw those things and help them to write the words beside the picture (you can write the word first and they can copy your writing)
>Writing: Work on revising the first 3 letters - c, o and a - using the worksheets below.
>Continue with the activities listed below for written work, phonics and reading.
>I am aware that some do not have access to printers, so I am attaching worksheets that can be easily made at home for your child. Let me know if you would like any more sheets like this by email.
> Days of the Week and Months of the Year - we would revise these everyday in class so it is important to keep this up. We sing the days of the week to the tune of the "Addams Family" and we clap along. There are lots of songs on youtube for learning the Months of the Year, here's one for you to try - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omkuE6Wa5kQ
>Continue with number work and writing the numbers. I have made up some sheets that we use in class - all of these are simple to make at home if you don't have access to a printer :)
>Games - the cup game below is great for number recognition, addition, co-ordination and a bit of fun - they can also paint and decorate these cups for an easy Art lesson :)
> Days of the Week and Months of the Year - we would revise these everyday in class so it is important to keep this up. We sing the days of the week to the tune of the "Addams Family" and we clap along. There are lots of songs on youtube for learning the Months of the Year, here's one for you to try - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omkuE6Wa5kQ
>Continue with number work and writing the numbers. I have made up some sheets that we use in class - all of these are simple to make at home if you don't have access to a printer :)
>Games - the cup game below is great for number recognition, addition, co-ordination and a bit of fun - they can also paint and decorate these cups for an easy Art lesson :)
>Some parents are very interested in keeping up with their child's Irish. If you would like me to send you the songs and lyrics that we have learned, just send me an email and I will forward them on.
>Also, check out Folens Online for access to our Irish book "Abair Liom Junior Infants" - you will find our songs and poems here.
>Some parents are very interested in keeping up with their child's Irish. If you would like me to send you the songs and lyrics that we have learned, just send me an email and I will forward them on.
>Also, check out Folens Online for access to our Irish book "Abair Liom Junior Infants" - you will find our songs and poems here.
>I understand that it is very important to keep moving during times like this.
>The Body Coach TV on Youtube has started to do LIVE P.E lessons every morning for children at 9am called "P.E. with Joe". If you don't catch the live one you can look at the videos here at any time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvQafyve889qVcPxYEjdSTl
>I understand that it is very important to keep moving during times like this.
>The Body Coach TV on Youtube has started to do LIVE P.E lessons every morning for children at 9am called "P.E. with Joe". If you don't catch the live one you can look at the videos here at any time: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyCLoPd4VxBvQafyve889qVcPxYEjdSTl
Science and Geography:
>Here is a sample worksheet to take on a Spring Walk with your child. We have learned about Spring in class, so it would be a good idea to test their knowledge by going on a Spring Walk and asking them to tell you and draw the 'Spring' things that they see eg. flowers growing, animals, buds on trees.
>Again, this worksheet can be roughly drawn out for your child at home if you have no printer.
>Here is a sample worksheet to take on a Spring Walk with your child. We have learned about Spring in class, so it would be a good idea to test their knowledge by going on a Spring Walk and asking them to tell you and draw the 'Spring' things that they see eg. flowers growing, animals, buds on trees.
>Again, this worksheet can be roughly drawn out for your child at home if you have no printer.
Learn at Home Week 1
16th March - 20th March
Written work: >The last letter we learned was k. I will put a sheet here that goes through the letters we have learned to write in class and how to talk your child through them. >Continue to work on their fine motor skills (working the muscles in their hands) through playdoh, colouring, scissor work and writing their letters. Phonics (Letter sounds): >The children have learned all 42 letter sounds in the Jolly Phonics programme - you can look up these videos on https://www.youtube.com/ to continue the practice at home. >The CJ Fallon website (link is above - free to parents now) has a phonics workbook called "Sounds Like Phonics A" (I will link a picture of the cover here) It is not the one we use in class but it is similar and it will allow the children to revise their sounds as well as practice their pencil work. I would ask that you do 2-3 letters from this book per week. Reading: >1st reader = The Picnic, 2nd reader = GG is too Big, 3rd reader = Where can GG sit? >Most children in the class are ready to start the 3rd reader - Where can GG sit? Thankfully there are not many new words in this book. This can be found on the CJ Fallon website free of charge for you to read with your child. >If you are unsure what reader your child is on, please don't hesitate to drop me an email to find out. >We had started to learn tricky words in class, I will link a picture of them all here, feel free to work on these at your own pace. Some of the children will know these already. |
Sounds Worksheets
Tricky word wall
Written and Scissor worksheets
Number: >We have learned how to write all of the numbers on the Junior Infants Curriculum - that is 0-5 (see how we form these letters linked here) Continue to practice writing these numbers, playing games with dice and dominos and watching the Storybots videos on Youtube for each of these numbers: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAJnyTWJPpKXuwgWQDdNWrQ Sorting and matching: >It's important for children to continue practicing these skills, and they can easily do so by sorting out the shopping into the press, matching socks, matching cards in a game of SNAP and making puzzles. >I have also linked some Maths games below that you can do >Register on FolensOnline and receive access to our maths book "Planet Maths Junior Infants, plus tonnes of games. |
PE on Thursday
Please wear your tracksuits every Thursday
Golden Time
This is on every Friday, where the children can bring in one toy of theirs to school. No electronic toys or playing cards are allowed.
Please wear your tracksuits every Thursday
Golden Time
This is on every Friday, where the children can bring in one toy of theirs to school. No electronic toys or playing cards are allowed.
St. Patrick's Day art
We planted Cress Seeds...
We were learning about plants and how they grow, so we decided to plant our own seeds. We used cress seeds in little pots and gave them lots of water and light to help them grow. We investigated what would happen if the seeds didn't get any water in teacher's pot, and sadly teacher's seeds didn't grow without water. Check out our pots though, hope you all had a little taste when you took them home.
World Book Week 2020
Happy Pancake Tuesday!!
Happy Valentines Day!
Drama - The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Working hard in our teams to make our own version of the story. We had so much fun and we did a great job! Future actors and actresses in our midst!
Building number towers in Maths using dice
Happy Grandparents Day!!
Junior and Senior Infants - Assembly
Experimenting with weight in Maths!
Santa Dash!!
Winter and Christmas Art
Christmas concert
Dance break in class!
Christmas Shoebox Appeal
Up the Dubs!!
Our Super Library Visit
We had a great day out visiting Clondalkin library. The children were so excited to see all of the different books that they could take home with them. We even got to bring a book back to school with us.
Thank you to the library staff and all of the parents that made the visit so special :)
Thank you to the library staff and all of the parents that made the visit so special :)